Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

Oh, I hadn't noticed that. Hopefully they fix that.

Anyway, I'd rather have the extra damage against Hive majors because White Nail is hard to take advantage of anyway.
Which skill tree should I max first for my Hunter? I'm thinking Gunslinger, because the Golden Gun is pretty handy. And which skills do you guys recommend? Ultimately, I'll just be raiding and doing Nightfalls.
it makes the auto-refill ammo perk dont work in Hive enemies. So you cant shoot endless-ly.

about skill,
Gunslinger for maneuverability (triple jump) and quick kills using Unlimited Knife Works. (Knife Juggler).
Bladedancer for killing lots of enemies in one swoop. (Arc Blade)
As a hunter Gunslinger is way better imo. I'd do Bladedancer second, Gunslinger is the main course.

Bladedancer super is pretty worthless against bosses, which makes it pretty worthless in general. Also no throwing knives, the grenades kinda suck, no triple jump.

Bladedancer has more ways to play around and exploit things with the invisibility though, but it's just that, playing.

i think i still have spare strange coins to spend... TO TOWER!

EDIT: bought it aaaaand... yikes my legendary engram turned into 331 lucky raspberry!

must.. resist.. the itch to play.
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btw anybody explored locked contents after TDB?

i only explored The Grottos and Raspotin Vault. both got new areas that still blocked.

The Grottos have new area with Raspotin's door, this new area can be entered but the next part wont load.

Ranpotin Vault have 2 or 3 blocks of new areas. All of them are blocked by invisible "bounchy" barrier. Should be penetrable with Sparrow but its impossible to bring sparrow here. 2 blocks are beyond the big-ass vault door that you can see if you go forward instead turn left to face Omingul. 1 block is right under raspotin where you fight waves and waves of Omingul's spawns.

A few things i see in normal play:
- Black Garden in Undying Mind is different map with the normal black garden we played BEFORE The Dark below. Looks like its much-much more to the future (more stuff is crumbled).
- The Crota's End raid is also on different map although they made it looks like normal hellmouth patrol.
- the darkness area with lamp is NOT under hellmouth. From entrance, its on far left.

I just got Gjallarhorn from a legendary engram!!!! Holy shit I'm so stoked right now! Goddamn RNGeezus. Low level Hunter with lvl 1 Cryptarch decodes a random purple into one of the premier weapons in the game.

I'm gonna go blow the world up now.
Thanx Lupa !
Now. Breath of fire or the Star Spangled Armour ???
I will level down terribly if I go for the armour but it looks lovely :'(

Edit: couldn't resist bought the armour...and now it doesn't even look that good and I am down to level 28 again. Well, that's how me gamer is :-/ ! Off to crucible to get new gauntlets now as I had to take off the Sunbreakers to equip this.
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Alt now to level 18.5...will easily have time to finish him and raid with him Sunday.

Took me right around 11 hours so far, sort of hand timed. This is not counting small breaks. But yeah I still have probably 1-2 hours to go. Well maybe less since I will be able to pick up more easy 5k bounties tmrw. I have 12k XP left to 19 (which takes 21k altogether) and I'm guessing 20 is slightly more, maybe 22k. So like 34k XP to go maybe. Should be a doddle.

Which claims the character is at about 7.5 hrs I think and Destiny Status has around 14 Destiny status is about as high as Bungie is low. The real number is in the middle of those two.

Status must at least count time when you are just sitting in orbit (I usually do this when I take breaks). I dont know how it deals with when your controller loses connection, whether it continues to count the time.

I suspect this is faster at least a little than past attempts. I know I think had me at 12 hours when my last alt hit 20, so the real time must have been 16+.

There's no super trick, I just try to think at all times what is gaining me the densest experience. For example, 2500 patrol bounties are useless, they will take at least 15-20 minutes, you can get denser XP from a mission (probably like 8k in 30 minutes from a mission, 4k XP+maybe 4k more just for killing stuff in mission). Also, definitely do the repeat bounties trick, and race through the first two levels. Never seperate out a bounty you can pick up while doing missions, even 3 or 4 missions down the road (AKA dont go do the 10 fallen majors bounty, instead just wait for them to come throughout play, even if it takes several missions, because you have to do those missions anyway unless you are nearly to 20). A lot of bounties can be picked up this way. Some of the rest aren't worth bothering with.

I've heard guys say they can level alt to 20 in 6 hours, generally speaking, I call BS. It might be possible IF you're really good at crucible and can clean up those bounties too (but I still doubt it). It's annoying how people exaggerate. You can also "cheat" if somebody higher level is willing to walk you through later missions I guess...except I'm not even sure how that would work since only the daily gives XP I guess.

So I should be 32 Tuesday. Only need to average 6 shards per raid to make it (including dismantling redundant raid gear if necessary), shouldn't be difficult.

I upgraded Patience and Time from Xur, not even sure why, I consider it to kinda suck really, I only use it on arc burn, which granted is fairly often. Ho hum. Considered upgrading Knucklehead Radar, but with only 13k glimmer left didn't. It's another "ho hum" exotic. Oh and bought the Dont Touch Me gauntlets, just based on that CE solo video lol. What the hey I had 120 coins and they're a whopping 13.
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I got my Hunter to lvl 28 with the gear I had stashed. Now I need shards and wire (where are all those useless green armor drops now? LOL).

Which exotic armor piece do you Hunter people build around? I have Knucklehead Radar and a pre-expansion Mask of the Third Man (should I upgrade this, or shard it?), or should I build around gauntlets or a chest? I kind of want high Intellect and Discipline, so I can use GG and grenades more often. Throwing knives are amusing, but not really that useful.

Also, should I.even bother with VoG? I'd only do it for shards because I don't think I'm high enough for Scrota yet.
vog for shards and weapons. level 28 already can do Crota's End Raid.

Heck, you already can solo it up to 2nd chest using Bladedancer invisibility :D
1st chest and checkpoint should be easy. 2nd checkpoint a bit hard. 2nd chest will be annoying.

But if you play it with full raid team, it will be easy and quick.
I've found that the success (and frustration) of a raid is largely dependent on the level (and skill and personality) of your teammates. I don't feel like I could pull my weight in CE at lvl 28, and I'm kind of worried about the jumping section in VoG with a Hunter. Quite frankly, the Hunter's jumping ability sucks balls (even the triple jump). The Warlock and Titan jumping ability is so much better in my opinion.
The jumping section is pretty easy. It helps if you use headphones. You can hear the direction of the platforms. Or follow someone who knows what they're doing.

I tried running the raid today for the first time with a group from destinylfg. It was fun, but most of the guys didn't know what they were doing even though they'd done it before. We made it to atheon but couldn't finish it.
I've found that the success (and frustration) of a raid is largely dependent on the level (and skill and personality) of your teammates. I don't feel like I could pull my weight in CE at lvl 28, and I'm kind of worried about the jumping section in VoG with a Hunter. Quite frankly, the Hunter's jumping ability sucks balls (even the triple jump). The Warlock and Titan jumping ability is so much better in my opinion.

at level 28, you will be a deadweight in CE (some enemies will be immune from your shot) but frankly, CE only need 4-5 people to complete. Heck, the 50-75% of progress is do-able solo or duet. Man.. if Destiny support CrossPlatformPlay like Portal, i will gladly raid with you.

about VoG, the jumping puzzle only need Gunslinger Max agi and triple jump. Ignore those dissapearing platforms. Just jump through to the other side :D

but if doing raid full-legit and doing it "The Way Bungie Meant To Be Played". it will be hard (and tedious).
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