I took the plunge and made a 3rd hunter...honestly I'm so indecisive I may delete him at any time though. But for now got him to level 8, almost 9, in about 3.5 hrs.
I'm also kind of using this to see if I can figure out tips to streamline the process to 20. There doesn't seem to be a lot of levelling tricks, but if I can do it in 9 hrs instead of 12 for example, it would be nice.
The things I've come up with so far, is you can just run past the first level or 2, you will be autoleveled anyway. This will save you 15-20 minutes or something, it all helps.
Another thing I got from a youtube vid is try to do the missions on "hard" as you progress the story. The problem is it's kinda hard to keep your level high enough. This does give you more XP, but not a ton more. Still feeling out if this strategy is any good, it seems clear it wont be a huge help (for example the difference in XP hard vs normal so far has been about only 400 XP per story mission). But it could help.
And the bounties, I tried to do that repeat bounty trick, as I understand it, but I dont think it worked, at least not this time.
The reason I decided to go for the alt it basically works out where I can save a whole week if I do this. Instead of two weeks to 32, I can probably be 32 this Tuesday. It will give me two extra raid runs in a span of a couple days (one late this week and then one Tuesday). The way the shards work out it can save me a full week.
And besides that I literally had nothing else to do anyway the rest of this week but bounties for weapon leveling.
After that I'll probably delete the mule again.
One interesting thing is I always noticed the play time stats were different on Bungie.net vs Destinystatus.com, with the latter being much higher in general. I always assumed Bungie's site was correct. But after tonight looking at my new guy, Bungie has him at just under 2 hrs, while Destinystatus has him just over 3. The latter is correct, I know from my playtime. I played from about 2:30 to 6, and took a break in there for the bounty reset trick that probably was about 20-30 minutes.
If Destinystatus is correct, then I probably have close to 500 hours in this game rather than 300...it has me at 450+ across my two chars, and I deleted another char (which had 26hrs according to Bungie and some amount more on the other site at the time of deletion IIRC)
Perhaps Bungie is ONLY counting time in story, patrol, etc. Ignoring all time in orbit+tower? Dont know.