Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

Black Hammer well, it's not all it's cracked up to be imo. Low ammo.

It's good for certain bosses, mostly the devil walker ones...even then it can be kind of easy to screwup and break the 3 hit chain somewhere...but when it works it's ridiculous.

Yeah I suppose it'll be better at 331, but that's not going to drastically change it.

To suggest this is better than Ice Breaker, as some posts on reddit did, is laughable.

Dragon's Breath not super great either.
Black Hammer is good, but it is definitely not an Ice Breaker replacement. IB is the one weapon I really want. I hope it goes on sale again, otherwise I fear I'll never get it.

I heard the raid rocket launcher is much better than Dragon's Breath, almost as good as Gjallarhorn. True?
Yes, it's a mini Gjallahorn. Main differences are

1. smaller blast radius
2. cluster bombs don't track.
3. instead of 7 ammo it only carries 6 for some reason.

However, unlike Hezen Vengeance where the cluster bombs "spread out", the raid RL leaves the cluster bombs around the target and frequently damages the main target, allowing it to do Gjallahorn-type damage, albeit without the tracking. The secondary cluster bombs even damages shriekers if you understand what I'm talking about
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Yeah, I heard about that raid launcher yesterday, I want it. Sounds like pretty much the best legendary launcher.

Right now I use Hezen Vengeance when I need a non exotic launcher, so that would be a huge upgrade.

I believe I already have all the other CE raid weapons.

Here's my list of weapons I've fully upgraded to 331 so far:

Ice Breaker
Another NITC
Badger CCL
Purifier VII (arc fusion rifle)

That's it so far actually.
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i think i played too much with Gjalarhorn. Just got a dream tonight where i was solo-ing some kind of Vex boss-battle (looks like giand Praetorian) and i happily spam Gjallarhorn lol.
Lol @orangpelupa.

From what I've heard, Gjallarhorn does quite a bit more damage to a single target than Hunger of Crota. I don't have Gjallarhorn so I can't compare, but I have watched a Titan solo the raid and he needed just 2 Gjallarhorn rockets as a level 32 to take Crota's shield down. I'm a level 32 Warlock and I believe I would need at least 3 rockets from HoC to accomplish that.

Either way, I'm very happy with my Icebreaker/Hunger of Crota combo... they pretty much never leave my side. Being a legendary is a big plus... I know a few people that have Gjallarhorn but want HoC so that they can use their Icebreakers more often.
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destiny content information leaked since october. so confirmed true?


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So if that leak is right they're going to leave us new contentless after March 10 all the way to September, a 6 month gap rather than the normal 3.

And I'm not thrilled the alleged "comet" expansion is going to be Hive focused, allegedly.

The leak seems reasonable and plausible if not likely, though.
I took the plunge and made a 3rd hunter...honestly I'm so indecisive I may delete him at any time though. But for now got him to level 8, almost 9, in about 3.5 hrs.

I'm also kind of using this to see if I can figure out tips to streamline the process to 20. There doesn't seem to be a lot of levelling tricks, but if I can do it in 9 hrs instead of 12 for example, it would be nice.

The things I've come up with so far, is you can just run past the first level or 2, you will be autoleveled anyway. This will save you 15-20 minutes or something, it all helps.

Another thing I got from a youtube vid is try to do the missions on "hard" as you progress the story. The problem is it's kinda hard to keep your level high enough. This does give you more XP, but not a ton more. Still feeling out if this strategy is any good, it seems clear it wont be a huge help (for example the difference in XP hard vs normal so far has been about only 400 XP per story mission). But it could help.

And the bounties, I tried to do that repeat bounty trick, as I understand it, but I dont think it worked, at least not this time.

The reason I decided to go for the alt it basically works out where I can save a whole week if I do this. Instead of two weeks to 32, I can probably be 32 this Tuesday. It will give me two extra raid runs in a span of a couple days (one late this week and then one Tuesday). The way the shards work out it can save me a full week.

And besides that I literally had nothing else to do anyway the rest of this week but bounties for weapon leveling.

After that I'll probably delete the mule again.

One interesting thing is I always noticed the play time stats were different on vs, with the latter being much higher in general. I always assumed Bungie's site was correct. But after tonight looking at my new guy, Bungie has him at just under 2 hrs, while Destinystatus has him just over 3. The latter is correct, I know from my playtime. I played from about 2:30 to 6, and took a break in there for the bounty reset trick that probably was about 20-30 minutes.

If Destinystatus is correct, then I probably have close to 500 hours in this game rather than has me at 450+ across my two chars, and I deleted another char (which had 26hrs according to Bungie and some amount more on the other site at the time of deletion IIRC)

Perhaps Bungie is ONLY counting time in story, patrol, etc. Ignoring all time in orbit+tower? Dont know.
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Completely forgot Xur! He's selling Dragon's Breath. It always bugs me a little when he sells something I recently got from a drop :)

Nothing much else interesting as usual imo.

Maybe I'll upgrade Patience and Time to 331 this time, yawn.
i just buy Dragon breath from xur.I never got it from RNG. Patience and time... im still patient with 300dmg version.
Dragons Breath is sort of fun. I like that it has a bigger blast radius than Gjallahorn. Good for making sure you wipe out all enemies when they are still up in the skiff...

I wonder how it's impact compares to Gally, RL's dont have an impact stat. It seems pretty powerful anyway.

I guess Xur selling Dragon's Breath is what Bungie said would be their Christmas present? I think people wanted Gally...
With Xur selling an exotic chest for Warlocks, I now have the armor to get to lvl 32 when I can gather enough shards.

Also, my Hunter is at lvl 18 in just 1.5 days or so. As soon as she hits 20, I've got a ton of exotic and legendary gear to get her ready for another Nightfall (and hopefully an Ice Breaker drop).

Regarding Dragon's Breath, meh . . . whatever. I'll get it, but just knowing Gjallarhorn exists makes me less enthusiastic about it. At least Truth has mad tracking and void damage to differentiate it.