Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

I tried the Weekly/30 the first time with my Hunter/31 and a A.1F19X-RYL/267 which is probably what the Badger is based on. The Scout was only useful for mobs(Firefly) on the distance. It was already late so I wasn't on the top of my game by far but for some reason I couldn't move away fast enough from splash damage with a freaking Hunter compared to my Warlock/Titan. Probably needs to be played differently with invisibility/patienceandtime than I did it.

Anyway, I'm seriously questioning the effectiveness of grenades in high level activity. If it's only good for 1-2 mobs, maybe 3 with a Warlock. Only the Titan grenades are actually useful. Golden Gun is pointless...using it kills you faster.

Some new weapon impressions
AR "Payback SOS", nothing much enabled than Counterbalance but it feels like a Dr.Nope with less range and not really effective. But then I haven't played with a Dr.Nope for a while.
AR "Up For Anything" actually shows real potential. First try out, bad optics, nothing really enabled than Persistence and it was really useful against Minotaurs/Hydra(even yellows)+mobs on a Venus Conflux Event(A rare gold). It has the right feeling of a high rate of fire and effective damage. I'm really looking forward how this performs fully enabled.
Also got a "M181A Harm's Way" but had no chance to try it out yet.
Anyway, I'm seriously questioning the effectiveness of grenades in high level activity. If it's only good for 1-2 mobs, maybe 3 with a Warlock. Only the Titan grenades are actually useful. Golden Gun is pointless...using it kills you faster.

I ted to use grenades almost more as a defensive "keep your distance!" tactic. Or if I see a bunch of enemies grouped. You're right they aren't super effective, but seem like a nice bonus thing I guess. I dont experiment with the other hunter grenades besides the regular ones, but I see some people using those. Definitely seems like hunters have the worst grenades of all classes.

Golden that you mention it is kind of scary to use...but I tend to either use it as a last ditch measure when cornered against a strong, nearby enemy who is charging (it is strong enough to stop or kill almost anything short a boss), or to DPS a boss. It can also be good against tough mid boss types like Wizards. I dont know if it's exactly the best super but calling it a negative seems awfully strong. It's just another tool in the arsenal for spot use. I do tend to go long stretches without using it...sometimes I have to remind myself to try to use it more. It doesn't help that bladdancer super is kind of useless in most PVP, so if I use bladedancer for a bit (usually for variety or to level it rather than actual effectiveness) I tend to kind of forget hunters even have a super, even after I switch back to gunslinger.. But Golden Gun is definitely far more useful than Arc blade (bladedancer super).
The Up For Anything AR seems like it's based on Shadow Price, which was a pretty good AR imo.

Anyway, Badger does indeed feel like A.1F19X.
Yeah I bought it a few hours ago too based partly on your points. It is pretty good, and like you it's my new workhorse for now. My first "real" 331 primary.

It hits harder at 272 than VoC does at 300.

That type of splash damage tends to be a killer in nightfalls with a burn...that is what I mean about those locations

Difficulty supposedly adjust but it is nothing close to equal between solo and group. Solo is about 10X harder.

Recently they patched to make group easier too, because they said they wanted strikes to be social and too many people did not want to group because the nightfall were too hard in a group. I dunno, back then I still thought solo was way harder, but whatever, now it's even more so.
Yep, splash is tough but with enough patience and time it can be done. Sadly an ib is an requirement :)
RNG is being mean to me so far this week. Haven't raided proper yet, but i did pick up the solo first CE chest on both chars...2 energy both times :/

I now have 26 energy and 3 shards...even counting the 7 shards I applied to an upgrade, it's 26 energy 10 shards received so I know how Pelupa feels. I seriously think 32 is going to be tough to reach before hard raid at this point, I'm so far behind the shard curve.

And i just did Nightfall 1X, got Heart of Praxis Fire, wrong class...

Feels good to have a ready to go void load out for void burn this week, Atheons Epilogue, Corrective Measure, and Praedyth's Revenge all 300. With 2 or 3 people Nexus nightfall is easy.

I think my X1 mic broke...plugged it in the other day and the mute button was stuck on. Seemed like it was literally "stuck" physically under there, but it would not unstick. Anyways I ended up doing the controller FW update, it got it unstuck, but I'm still not sure it's working. Looks like they run 25 bucks if I have to get another.
Speaking of Patience and Time, I'm really liking this sniper. Using it feels like driving a fine luxury sports car. Everything about it feels well thought out and well engineered.
but arc blade super is awesome in PVP or PVE.
in PVE it basically become one-man-hero that murders enemies with veeeeeery long duration of super (it stay longer with more enemies killed).
in PVP it quickly kills enemies i group, nice in control.

About golden gun.. it is sux for anything other than mid-boss and thralls.

badluck for me too. I get PRUDENCE II again and again and again bah. While my teammate keeps getting Dragon breast again and again.
but arc blade super is awesome in PVP or PVE.
in PVE it basically become one-man-hero that murders enemies with veeeeeery long duration of super (it stay longer with more enemies killed).
in PVP it quickly kills enemies i group, nice in control.

I hear it's pretty good in PVP, but in PVE, well you cant even really use it risk free against heavy's (like a stronger shielded yellow bar captain) in a group of chaff. At least, it's dangerous to do so because you are not immune to their melee.

It kind of seems like you should be immune during it, but you are not. It's risky.

And the one thing it seems tailor made for, groups of thralls, it's still not very good for, because the exploding thralls still will kill you! And many groups of thralls have those mixed in.

Just imo.

Dragon Breath I watched the Planet Destiny review and well, Gjallahorn's crown is safe. They said no tracking kind of kills it.

Funny it looks like Ice Breaker and Gjallahorn are still the kings in the expansion.
An example of the new solo scaling

So, week 16 is going to be different compared to week 8 because of the new scaling. For example: in week 8, Axis Minotaurs were killed in 3 shots from a 300 Praedyth's Revenge. In week 16, Axis Minotaurs required 7 shots from a 300 Praedyth's Revenge to be killed.

Yeah I just got Dragon's Breath lastnight from the Nightfall but haven't used it yet. I think it could do mad damage to stationary bosses. But without tracking, Gjallarhorn is still better in most situations.

Quickly ran through the first 2 parts of Crota with my 2 Warlocks and all I got was shards and energy. :(
If I don't get the helmet this week, I'm making a third Warlock.
I knew this was gonna happen... get 2 pieces of raid gear quick, but I'll be stuck here for a while.
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Except for Scrota himself, all I've ever gotten from the CE raid is shards and energy. At least you get something after beating the end boss, unlike VoG. So I'd say so far the drop rate is better, but not that much better.
I got a better version of Up For Anything from leveling up my vanguard. It has a field scout perk (56 magazine) and kills regenerate grenade energy.

Also, I got the helmet for my Warlock! After a disappointing start, that made up for it. Still need a chest piece and I can complete the raid set, or at least an exotic chest to hit level 32. Not really a fan of the raid chest piece for the Warlock, so I hope Xur sells the Heart of the Praxic Fire again.
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I hear it's pretty good in PVP, but in PVE, well you cant even really use it risk free against heavy's (like a stronger shielded yellow bar captain) in a group of chaff. At least, it's dangerous to do so because you are not immune to their melee.

the trick is, attack before the enemy reached you. Use arc blade R2 to kill enemies meters away from you. For head-on battle, use basic battle tactic (R1 then crouch, R1 then R1 away, etc). Personally i prefer using R1 then crouch when fighting blue captains.

And the one thing it seems tailor made for, groups of thralls, it's still not very good for, because the exploding thralls still will kill you! And many groups of thralls have those mixed in.

Attack them before they reach you. R2 arc blade can swoop in 8 thralls or something. With exploding thralls mixed, you can kill much much more.
This weeks raid report...two complete raids all the gauntlets again, no new armor (no helmet or chest) got Light of the Abyss and Song of Ir Yut, both for the 2nd time, bleh. Dont really have any need for them.

Is there really this few raid guns I'm going to be getting the same ones over and over?

On the bright side I finally started getting at last some shards, count stands at 33 energy and 15 shards now.

Shoot if I had been running 3X character, and had the ability to trade energy for shards, I would have likely had level already 32 by now.

I still lack the chest armor out of raid gear (using exotic helm) but I'm not worried at all since I'm not close to enough shards for 32 anyway.

A little tempted to spend the 12 hours rushing a guy to 20, so I can raid again this week, but probably wont. Need to keep reminding myself the point is to enjoy the game, it's not a race to 32.

I think they were talking in raid chat about some no-lifer who will rush a alt to 20, raid with him, delete him, rush another one to 20 the same week, raid with him, and etc LOL. Crazy.

Maybe I will make a 3rd alt under these strict conditions on myself: He will be raid only, no nightfall or other allowed, I will NOT seek to in any way independently gear him, but only trade him gear, etc lol.

I might actually consider that if I take it slow with him, maybe get him halfway to 20 one week and halfway the next.

Anyways for shards I now have 15, plus one shard armor upgrade applied (7), plus I have two redundant pieces of raid armor that I could dismantle if I choose, best case scenario, total of 26 of the 63 shards I need if you add them all together...

Less than halfway. I'm hoping the pace starts picking up with more redundant gear dropping. But schiz, a whole week of no raiding ahead.

Lets say 3 loot points, average of 2 mats per. 2 chests (if both are nabbed, 2nd can be tough), 2 mats per. 10 mats. Lets say 4 more from redundant gear (maybe too aggressive a forecast, assumes two redundant gear drop per raid). OTOH sometimes loot drops 3. Lets say average 14 per week (2X raids but average half=energy). Should take me about 3 more weeks to hit 32 at current pace.
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Naturally after searching for a 331 primary scout and just spending 150 marks on Badger CCL, what does the nightfall drop me but another NITC. Oh well.

It feels so much better than badger, it feels super smooth like VoC. The stats may not look that much different but Badger feels kind of rough due to slower rate of fire, lower stability, etc. Of course granted it hits harder.

I guess I will max NITC instead then.

It didn't come with field scout unfortunately, but it does have firefly which redditers seem big on, and send it which seems nice, and rodeo which decreases recoil and should make it even smoother. Just wish it had field scout too but oh well.
Nightfall didn't really drop anything useful (yet again). My Titan got a Glass House exotic helm (not very useful since I use exotic chest) and my Warlock got Harm's Way arc MG from a legendary engram. It has a 30 round magazine. Totally. Fucking. Useless.

This game bums me out more and more lately. I don't even want to do the CE that much because it's so damn difficult and hasn't really dropped anything good for me. It might be different if I had a regular group, but random teammates are so hit and miss. It just doesn't seem worth the time investment.
Nightfall didn't really drop anything useful (yet again). My Titan got a Glass House exotic helm (not very useful since I use exotic chest) and my Warlock got Harm's Way arc MG from a legendary engram. It has a 30 round magazine. Totally. Fucking. Useless.

Both my Harm's Ways have a 54 mag. One RNG(Solar) and one bought(Void). One has Field Scout perk but that's not enabled yet.
I'm a complete dumbass. It's not Harm's Way. It's Deviant Gravity-A, apparently a Dead Orbit weapon. No wonder they're dead.

Anyway, still a completely worthless drop.
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Nightfall didn't really drop anything useful (yet again). My Titan got a Glass House exotic helm (not very useful since I use exotic chest) and my Warlock got Harm's Way arc MG from a legendary engram. It has a 30 round magazine. Totally. Fucking. Useless.

This game bums me out more and more lately. I don't even want to do the CE that much because it's so damn difficult and hasn't really dropped anything good for me. It might be different if I had a regular group, but random teammates are so hit and miss. It just doesn't seem worth the time investment.

CE is actually getting crazy easy now with the Crota cheese and bridge cheese, if you are in a decent group with 4(+) 31's anyway. In general I feel like it's run much much faster than Vault of Glass. Like 30 minutes to an hour. But I guess to be fair the cheeses cut loads of time off. By the time Bungie fixes them most people will probably be 31-32 and it'll be easy anyway.

I feel like it's not as epic as VoG.

Also did you try out that Harms Way? Song of Ir Yut claims a 35 mag on the stats but it's actually 87. Yet another bug.

Triple edit: Oh so it's another LMG. Still, if it truly has a 35 mag it must make up for it in some way like insane impact, might be worth a try at least.

I kinda feel again like I'm running out of stuff to do. After you run the nightfall, weekly, and raid, all you can really do is scrounge up bounties and level gear.

I wish it took 6 hrs to get an alt to 20 instead of 12, I'd probably do it.

The nightfall sure was good to me on glimmer, at least I guess it was the nightfall, I popped a blue polyphage and the fallen glimmer thing both before running (I did not realize until recently that you can stack these for different enemies), and actually my groups died like 3 times on stupid stuff and not being careful which helped, but anyways I went from like 6k glimmer to 12k+ without even really noticing, nice. Because I fully again expect Xur to have Gjallahorn refurb this week.

Xur was selling blue fusions for the PI bounty and I finally saw them yday. But I only bought 3, 1600 a pop and glimmer is tight.

Because I realize once I get pocket infinity it will just go on the "massive pile of exotics I dont use" most likely. Especially being yet another fusion rifle, I must have 400 of those. At least it'll be 331 I guess.
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