Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

Bwahahaha! got raid boots on hard raid templar :D :D :D
level 30 here i come!

bzzzt PSN update PS4 2.03 ...... what the...
We finally made it! :)
Just leveled up my chest piece and hit 30 a few minutes ago.

On the topic of Hawkmoon, I agree that the auto-aim is lower than other hand cannons. Also, the reserve ammo is really low. It does a lot of damage though, and it can be upgraded to have high range. Because of the lack of AA and the low reserve ammo, I don't see myself using it that often. VoC is still my go to primary.
Ran a normal raid last night with my Warlock. I literally got NOTHING. And there was one really annoying dude on the team who kept barking orders and complaining nonstop. I was tempted to bail, but I wanted weapons, yet I got squat. I can only imagine how pissed you guys are who ran the raid so many times without getting what you need.
Congrats Skribbles and Pelupa...

So far on two hard raid runs this week pretty unenventful. Think I got a Int/Disc helmet that was of value (better than my current top 3 helmet stat rolls). Still working to get Int/Disc equipment all over. Going decently well now, have a good amount of intellect and working strength out of the rotation. Think I got a 2nd Praedyth's revenge, nothing else of any value really.

Getting real close to sharding that 3rd char, the more I think about it the more I like the idea. I think it will help me chill out about the game a lot. Right now I often kinda feel frazzled, like I have so much to do. With 2, I will have a whole lot more chill time so to speak. Hell I'll probably even start running the daily's again if I do that, now that they pay out resources too.

The only downside is the DLC is upon us, and I'm sure running the new raid 3X/week instead of 2 could be very helpful hitting 32 fast, but oh well.

And there was one really annoying dude on the team who kept barking orders and complaining nonstop.

Yeah, I got in a team once with a real toxic guy like that. I left pretty quick for no reason which isn't like me, I usually stick it out. I think leaving's the best thing to do in that situation. 90% of groups I've been in have been pretty cool. I wasn't going to put up with a guy like that even though he was not bothering me.

Tonight I raided with some guy who said something like he was one of the first 10 to beat the last raid etc. Probably lying. But I guess the interesting thing was he was mentioning some scout rifle he says is better than VoC and the best in the game, Gallileo's Island or something like that? First I'd heard of it. Where VoC crit hits Vex for 890 in the raid he says it does 1090. It's some faction drop, he said he reforged it a shitton in Iron Banner too to get the perks he wanted, has a 27 mag with field scout.

So yeah, that was a very interesting nugget of new info. If the DLC wasn't upon I might be trying to make a long term plan to snag that.

Edit: looked him up, it's called
Gheleon's Demise
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I'm thinking about starting a Hunter, since I already have a bunch of exotic and legendary armor for it anyway thanks to Bungie's screwy loot system. I guess being able to run the raid 3x per week instead of 2x would give me better chances to get weapons. However, at the same time, I'm questioning how much longer I want to play this game. RNGeezus (or Xur) really needs to throw me a bone (and quickly too).
I don't know if you guys have seen the new information on The Dark Below. One thing to do immediately is stop upgrading exotic weapons and armor. Read the notes and you'll understand why. I think that change may actually cause me to finally quit Destiny. There are many other games out there right now that would be fun to play, and I wouldn't end up repeating so much work.
Yeah I'm really put off by it. I'm gonna try cancelling my season pass pre-order and I MIGHT consider the first DLC.

Honestly I don't like how they've bumped the character level to 32, and raised the attack rating of 'new' exotics/legendaries either. If they allowed me to upgrade my current raid gear to 32, and made a simpler way to upgrade my exotic gear, then I would be ok with it. But I almost feel like that grind to reach level 30 was all for nothing. Especially since I just reached level 30 and the DLC is just days away.
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Honestly I don't like how they've bumped the character level to 32, and raised the attack rating of 'new' exotics/legendaries either. If they allowed me to upgrade my current raid gear to 32, and made a simpler way to upgrade my exotic gear, then I would be ok with it.

This is the typical MMO model. They'll lose a few people but will keep those they otherwise would have lost because they've conquered everything and for which there is No challenge left. WoW started out with a level cap of 50, it's now 100. If there's nothing to keep people playing, they'll go play something else.

User retention is tricky.
This is the typical MMO model. They'll lose a few people but will keep those they otherwise would have lost because they've conquered everything and for which there is No challenge left. WoW started out with a level cap of 50, it's now 100. If there's nothing to keep people playing, they'll go play something else.

User retention is tricky.

Yeah, I was going to say, I'm pretty sure Destiny takes all it's cues from WoW anyway. Whatever WoW does is probably the way Destiny is going to handle it. The guys like Luke Smith at the top of the design chain are all likely WoW players. (Side note, anybody else a real OG and know Luke Smith from the old 1up podcasts? Garnett Lee, John Davison, Luke Smith, Shane Bettenhausen, legendary lineup!)

I kinda figured this was the way it was going because I read a simple user comment on reddit a couple days ago something like "it's not uncommon for a MMO's to take the top tier weapons and toys and render them no longer the best with a new expansion" or something like that.

Like you say, it's a user retention thing. I can feel myself getting a bit bored with the game, why? Because there's literally nothing to get. When I run the raid now I dont get that breathless feeling at drops because I have all 30's, all raid gear etc. Of course I want Fatebringer and Corrective Measure still, but it's not the same. So, they will want to create new challenges.

Anyway we'll see how it goes before I rush to judgement.

It does feel weird this week with the DLC so close, kind of hard to desire progress.

Still, the game is really fun anyway for me, imo. I still love raiding even though the loot thrill is decreased a lot as I mentioned. Why? Because the raid in itself is fun!

Edit: Here's a video about whats known about DLC progression so far. Doesn't sound bad to me, EXCEPT maybe I'm not sure I like that weapon upgrade progress will supposedly be reset. OTOH, just giving each exotic a new upgrade would have been awfully easy...

Probably the bad part for me is this only applies to exotics. so, will current legendaries be useless?? In general imo legendaries are better than exotics as is due to their loadout flexibility. Vision Of Confluence is imo right up there with Ice Breaker and Gjallahorn. Heck there's only two indispensable exotics imo, which are those two.

One other weapon I realized I really need/want, a VOID light beware! That'd be awesome. Although VoG will be old news soon anyway though.

I hope and assume they plan to keep VoG relevant going forward, at the very least for players progressing below 30, if not everybody.
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thanks guys, will reach level 30 after some bounties :D

about TDB changes..
what the ..... seriously? bungie...

leveling up is the worse gameplay experience i hate the most in MMO.

but doesnt bungie said current exotics can be upgraed?
watched that video.

WHAT THE bungie. why they punish long time player like that and why the heck Xur transformed from back-alley peddler into top-of-the-line official shopping mall?

now im pretty sure with the theory that he have a collusion with The Speaker to bring down humanity last stand or something.
It's a bit rude they put an ad for the dark below in the destination screen, but disguised it like a content notification.
It wasn't obvious to me that it is just a trailer (yes I guess it says 'cinematic') because the text reads "Eris has arrived at the tower ..." which leads to the obvious conclusion "ohh the new content is available!" - and if you do go to the tower, Eris actually appears on the map - but of course she isn't there.
Really annoyed me. :/

Having said that, the trailer has more personality than the rest of the single player combined, so I guess that is positive...
Ran the hard raid without running it on normal first on my level 30 warlock and I got a helmet and chest piece... just what I needed to level up my other Warlock to 30. So now I have 2 level 30 Warlocks when it took me forever to get one, lol (well, once I level up the armor anyway). I'm also happy because I can use my sunbreaker gauntlets on one of my Warlocks now that I got the helmet. I also got a third Icebreaker in a chest, so probably my best rewards so far. I've heard that if you run the hard raid without running the normal raid first, there's a higher chance of getting better rewards, and that seems to be true, for me any way.

I did the hard raid with all level 30s and we breezed through it. They had an interesting strategy for the templar: 3 people jumped down and 3 people stayed up top. I dunno if that's the best strategy or not, but no one died and we beat him with ease.

The biggest difference I noticed doing the hard raid on level 30 and 29 is the damage I do to enemies. Don't get me wrong, I can take more damage as well, but the damage I do to enemies was more noticeable. Hard raid at level 30 is really no harder than the normal raid if you have a decent group.

I've also pretty much decided to set my Titan to the side. I agree with Rangers that managing 3 characters is kind of a hassle. Now that I have 2 level 30 warlocks, I'm just gonna focus on them from now on.
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Solo-ed the nightfall for the first time since they buffed it.

This is kind of an "easy" one of course, with solar burn. I have 300 VoC, 300 The Swarm, 300 Ice Breaker, 291 Gjallahorn, etc.

Nothing too difficult before the boss just remember what deals solar damage, so Captains and vex. The vex snipers just come within about a percent of one hitting my level 30 guy, so I'm sure they'd one shot a 29.

The boss is kind of tough, I "discovered" a strategy. You stay in the back until the boss stops aggroing/blasting the cave entrance nonstop, sprint forward when the salvos stop, shoot the boss with IB once, maybe twice (a lot of times he will be turned around, all you can do is shoot him in the back for maybe 1k damage unless you want the Minotaur to spawn), and sprint to the back of the cave, a lot of times you can stop the minotaur from spawning because he wont spawn if you're near the back. Just keep repeating this. run, get your shot/s in fast, run back. He still spawns at times if your timing is off and I almost died a couple times by him. I took him out with Swarm when he did spawn. Gjallahorn may have been very effective at this part, especially if it one shots the Minotaur, then you could go shoot the boss a few times, pop the Minotaur, repeat, synth some, etc, but I played it safe only with Ice Breaker. It takes a long time as you'd expect. Also, you dont have to kill all the adds to get the boss to spawn like I thought, I just killed a couple and after a while he spawns on his own.

Or, you can do the nightfall with a buddy in two minutes, one can camp the Minotaur while the other smashes the boss. Your call :p

Oh and I got 12 ascendant energy :rolleyes: Are those even valuable anymore next week? Never mind that I always have around 80-100.
leveling up is the worse gameplay experience i hate the most in MMO.
The is something Blizzard have nailed in the second five years of WoW. In the first few years, there was almost never enough quest lines to level you up through an expansion without some (sometimes considerable) grinding - unless you were an avid gather and trade skill leveller too. But the last 2 or 3 expansions have had so many damn quests, telling smaller humours accounts while part of a more interesting overarching storyline, it was easy to have fun levelling up to max so you could begin the long end-game - instances and full raids.

Destiny does seem to be "beatable" at a much faster pace than WoW though. The best WoW guilds take months and months to down raid bosses first with the rest of community trailing in 9-12 months after an expansion release.

It' be interesting to see Destiny is in 3 or 4 years.
The best WoW guilds take months and months to down raid bosses first

Thats crazy. Dont ever want to see that in Destiny. It doesn't seem like that type of game.

Edit: Woohoo! Got both Fatebringer AND Corrective Measure on my last hard raid of the week!

I literally have every gun I want now, except a void Fusion rifle and maybe Thunderlord or something. And maybe that Ghaleons Demise thing if you really want to stretch it.

It kinda sucks though, dunno if we'll even be running the raid anymore now that I got Corrective Measure, which should be a praetorian MONSTER. So basically I got it just when I might not be able to use it...

Definitely feeling like I kinda have the game "beat" ahead of the DLC, which is nice. Feel like I've accomplished almost all I wanted to now with those weapons.

Edit2: Fatebringer looks very similar in stats to Devil you Know, though I didn't check the upgrade tree. 12 mag, arc damage, yeah. So, good, but nothing unusual. Even the arc damage is not as key for me since I got Praedyths Timepiece a while ago.

Edit3: Annnd sharded my 3rd char. Hope I dont regret this...

Since I sharded 3rd guy, and I'm not sure whether to bother upgrading legendaries, and all my armor is maxed, and I'm done raiding, nightfalling, etc. there's literally NOTHING to do for the first time ever in this game. Feels weird...

I guess I can upgrade my new legendaries even though I'm not sure there's a point. And glimmer farm till I hit the cap, just to be "ready". Maybe the same with Vanguard Marks, all dubious pursuits really...

I guess the Vanguard Marks farming is a good idea because the need for resources is not going away for sure.
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was messing around on Earth patrol and got the Sword of Crota 3 times ! As fun as it was it also cheapens the event as it is a common occurence now.
Still, god to see changes happening. I expected Destiny to have regular new events like Warframe does. Hoping it is going that way now.

And I was just thinking, just 2 expansions seems very less for a game that just seems to be getting started. Does Bungie have more planned? cos season pass includes only two expansions.
Interesting stuff from the Game Informer article

Perhaps most importantly, the loot raid drops for Crota’s End have been refined from what we experienced in the Vault of Glass. Specifically, the game will pay closer attention to the drops you’ve already had, as well as how long it’s been since you get a “fun” drop (as opposed to just materials). While there’s still a significant component of randomness, Bungie strongly implied to me that players should have a more consistent reward experience with the raid than what has been experienced in Vault of Glass when the Crota’s End raid launches on day one of the expansion.

Hmm, not sure I love that but whatev.

Because now it could kinda feel like cheating when that thing you want drops. "Yeah but they're just giving me that because they know I need it".
was messing around on Earth patrol and got the Sword of Crota 3 times ! As fun as it was it also cheapens the event as it is a common occurence now.
Still, god to see changes happening. I expected Destiny to have regular new events like Warframe does. Hoping it is going that way now.

And I was just thinking, just 2 expansions seems very less for a game that just seems to be getting started. Does Bungie have more planned? cos season pass includes only two expansions.

The events are mostly useless because they dont lead into anything larger. No progression ties into them whatsoever.

They're fine, just rather irrelevant.
but i dont believe the programming will work as bungie intended.
Heck, the matchmaking never works as intended for me then suddenly it works fine since this december. Do they fixed it but did not publish it on changelog? do mu luck simply changed? dunno.

same with the loots. as i have lashed out nomerous times in this topic..., i never get lucky in raids. Suddenly this december i got all raid gears (double of them), lots of exotics weapons (even vex mithoclast).

did bungie changed their loot logic or something? O_O

My friend also has used a trick for weeks for getting ascendant energies. Basically he moved his ascedant stuff to another character. Dunno its just random occurence or not.. but he swears by it makes he always got what kind of ascendant materials he needs.

isnt on the public legal doc from activision, bungie need to release Destiny 2 next year?
but considering Destiny 1 got delayed several times, maybe destiny 2 got pushed another year.
Yeah there's bugs. Apparently Bungie has said the PE postmaster packages no longer working is a bug, not intended.

Also I noticed the reward screen after missions (when your ship is in orbit) flashes by really fast after the update, blink and you'll miss it. Considering Bungie really wants to accentuate the rewards (they mentioned the first raid winners didn't realize the loot they got), surely another bug.
same with the loots. as i have lashed out nomerous times in this topic..., i never get lucky in raids. Suddenly this december i got all raid gears (double of them), lots of exotics weapons (even vex mithoclast).

did bungie changed their loot logic or something? O_O

I wouldn't be surprised if they did. You lose
players by telling them to grind over and over again without any reward and seeing pure randomness rewards being handed out. How does it make sense that you've been raiding 100 times and that one time you grab a LFG person from the tower and they get what you've been looking for. It creates heavy animosity and you can't lash out at another player for it so you lash out at the game. I left purely on the reward system, frankly there isn't enough loot being handed out there isn't enough loot in general. This game could have used another year in the oven in just item creation let alone content creation.
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