I see a lot of comments that read like... "I wish this was like a Yakuza game." Or some other smaller scale game.
It's not, it's much larger with much more freedom but as a result it also has less minute detail. You aren't going to sit in a stall and watch your guy eat. You aren't going to manage a club. But, OTOH, you can approach most things anyway you want. There isn't just one way and one way only to do every single mission in the game.
I totally get that this isn't for everyone. That you need the game to provide you with ever last minutiae of detail.
I'm perfectly fine with using my imagination to fill in any details I need. It's still, to me, one of the top 5 games released in the past 20 years.
And a big part of that is I don't generally have big daddy game developer hanging over my shoulder constantly telling me I need to do this or I need to do that.
And I don't have a noisy ass protagonist that keeps talking to themselves like, "Hmmmm, I should do this." or "If I do this then it'll have consequences." blah blah blah blah blah. Even more annoying in other games when the protagonist talks to themselves while supposedly sneaking!!! Talk about dumb shit in games. Whoever came up with the idea of the game's protagonist constantly talking to themselves as if they were the narrator should be ashamed of themselves.

I can give it a pass if it's just mental dialog like in Control, but the dumb shit in other games where the protagonist is actually TALKING to themselves? Barf.
Anyway, as suspected, this game is definitely not for everyone. And it's a shame that the game got so much hype that so many people thought it would be a game for them. What it does, it does absolutely brilliantly, IMO. I liked the Witcher series for the gameplay they offered and the world that they had, but those games still paled in comparison to the freedom that Deus Ex (the original, not the kind of sort of freedom in the new ones) and now Cyberpunk gives the player.
It remains to be seen (by me) whether the story will end up being one to remember or not, but so far I'm just liking the game more and more as I get deeper into the game. The only detractions so far are the various bugs. Thankfully, all of them have been minor for me so far.