Regardless of whether you wish to see it or not, detail is destroyed in the left hand side of that image. I don't even have to zoom in to see it. The lower part of the P for example. The concrete of the meridian also loses an absolute ton of detail as does that pillar that is in the center of the screen. The asphalt of the side of the road that the car is on is also far lower detail with the potholes being extremely blurry. I could see more wetness potentially making the asphalt slightly less detailed, but there is no forgiveness or excuse for how incredibly blurry those potholes and the cracks spidering out from them look with RT enabled.
I'm guessing this is due to having to enable DLSS, because if it's not then RT would be absolute trash in this game.
OTOH the circular light fixtures at the top look much better with RT on. Big thumbs up there.
So yeah, while there are some improvements with RT on, the loss of detail in so many things just makes it 100% not worth it for me. The lighting is certainly better, but OMG it's such a blur fest, especially in the distance (crosswalks become a blurry mess). Hell, the building on the left side while better lit, loses all detail as it also becomes a blurry mess with all detail smoothed away into some flat blurry looking texture. I'd have a headache trying to play the game at those settings.
Hell, you can't even see the texture (diamond plating) of the metal that PORSCHE is on. It's completely blurred away with RT on. If you zoom in really far you can kind of see it beneath all the blur, but you shouldn't have to zoom in to see detail ... which happens to be even more blurry if you zoom in.
That shot would likely look significantly better with DLSS off, however, I'm guessing it'd also be unplayable with DLSS off. I'm curious if that's DLSS quality mode or some lower quality DLSS setting? Because if that's DLSS quality, then it's not doing a good job in this game.
I'm really looking forward to the day when RT is able to be enabled at playable speeds without destroying detail, but currently only a very few games are able to do that. I love RT, but current generation hardware just isn't good enough for me, yet. AMD's RT hardware is a joke, and NV's RT isn't quite fast enough yet.
But, that said, it's fine because it's good enough for enough people that RT isn't in danger of dying. That's the important thing. RT had to kick off somewhere and I'm glad it exists in games. It's just not yet at a place where I'd universally enable in games. However, I'm certainly glad that some people find it good enough that they are willing to enable it all the games they play if they can.