B3D isn't a PC forumIn fact doesn't it have much higher footfall in the console sections than the PC ones?
I dont think that has much to do with there being 'more console users' or the other way around. Its the forum's structure which some have pointed out and requested to be altered awhile ago. Perhaps there are more pc oriented users due to the platform (its always evolving, more capable, you can tweak, new tech is there first etc etc) but at the same time also game on console and the other way around. The forums layout, like DF topics being in the console sections along other main topics, discussions happen there. Also, the graphics forums are mostly pc-centric.
And yeah, most here including myself have both consoles and pc's, ive generally always had PC+PS as it was the killer combo for decades untill now where things start to become more and more spread across all platforms, which is a good thing really.
As for NXG YT channel, i think it has been covered now regarding its content. We dont have to keep batting him i think. It spawned two new quality posters which really inject some good old fashion technical discussions without all the platform warring/bias to it. Makes for more healthy discussions and less irritations to other posters (including myself). Its these 'PS5 is better because of cache scrubbers and NVME' etc without really undermining that thats really the case, which started about two years ago that made these discussions unhealthy in my eyes.
These videos have every damn time stirred up the discussions, every damn time. This time i think it was worth it due to said new posters and a quite nice tech discussion that followed, which others can learn from. And again, im glad we DF and one its members active here.