not wanting to hijack the thread, but i have to disgree on a couple of points here, fox5
Fox5 said:
Blade- I don't see how people say soul calibur maxed out dreamcast, the polygon counts are low, the backgrounds are often 2d, special effects are basic, it doesn't really play to any of the dreamcast's strengths..
SC hardly maxed out the DC; you should recall it was originally expected about the time of the console's launch, but did not appear before the next year.
certainly it was a very flashy game, and one of the sharpest games on the dreamcast, but with a major decrease in clarity shenmue 1 and 2 added many more things, and with a minor decrease doa2 and plenty of other games looked far better.
re DOA2, are you sure you didn't mean 'far more plastic' -- somebody should tell the guys at tecmo to tune down the specularity in their engines - that plastic phong look has been out of fashion for really long time now.
Heck, even when soul calibur came out, I didn't think it was that good looking, as it looked like a psx game put through some decent hardware acceleration, and didn't really look better than killer instinct gold, though that was a prerendered 2d game with 3d effects.
how could you compare IQ-wise the perfectly sound, realistic appearance of both stages and characters
and crisp visualls of SC, bringing nothing but sheer delight to the senses, to the look and feel of a MK3-class game? heck, i'm a big fan of MK (moreso of SF) myself (having spent
quite some time & money at the arcades playing those) but the visual sensation from a top-class 3D fighter is something no 2D figther can achieve, for the depth-ridden apperance of the characters in 2D gives your senses the 'cartoony' feel, no matter how well prerendered those chars may be. that said, some of the early 3d fighters may be seen as visually inferior to a brillinat-artwork 2D fighter, but SC is
not one of those early 3D fighters.
Well, I remember doa2 and killer instinct looking better in motion....
SC has the second best motion capturing in a RT environment (heck, even including prerendered environments) i've ever seen, standing right after DOA3 in this respect. the character demonstrations of SC are nothing short of
stunning. SC2 does not even get close to SC in this respect (damn, i'm still trying to swallow the disappointment..)
hell, i rememer when watching square's FF:TSW for ther first time i felt sorry that square had not hired namco's SC team to do the motion capturing for that movie!
in this repsect, how you can compare the spatial fluidity of a superbly motion-captured, 60fps 3D fighter to a game like killer instinct is beyond me
however I'd still say soul calibur looks very much like a pc port of a psx game except for the higher quality textures and background, and possibly better than doa2's models, though doa2's models had better physics(not just on the...bouncy parts) and animation that made the characters look better. However, soul calibur 2 is clearly better than soul calibur 1 in like every way.
would you care to name (and provide some backup material, too)
just one PC figther that looks and feels anything near SC? and no, xbox fighters do not count. thank you in advance.