CryTek & EA

EA - Challenge everything --

Especially creativity, innovation and diversity!

and except for:

Market research, focus groups, excessive franchise creation and exploitation, rabid procurement and disbanding of talented dev teams simply for intellectual property aquisition.

Oh, and rely on the millions who consider Madden an actual game to continue the market share march. :oops:
Gods did Madden depress me when I tried it recently for the PC, I used to love that game on the genesis and they just butchered it! :?

In fairness though, EA makes a lot of games I've liked too. I was just playing "Harry Potter's Quiditch World Cup" last night with my kids and my sister's kids and it's a freaking excellent little game for what it is supposed to be.
EA will do for Crytek what Sony did for Verant, IMO

Kill what integrity they have in the smaller corp and turn them into utter wh$res through assimilation. Not to mention any talented individual with vision and the mentioned integrity will likely bail.
malficar said:
EA will do for Crytek what Sony did for Verant, IMO

Kill what integrity they have in the smaller corp and turn them into utter wh$res through assimilation. Not to mention any talented individual with vision and the mentioned integrity will likely bail.

We are The Borg. :LOL:
To be perfectly honest Far Cry is such a good game that more of the same in Far Cry 2 would not be that bad. Bigger, and er, more bigger ( as my 2 year old daughter would say ).

C&C has been pulling the same trick for years and it is still playable.

Maybe that is the ideal scenario, new innovation being taken over by the mass producers and the innovators leave to start something new again.

Mind you, having watched Matrix 2 and 3 and thinking they were complete bollox, I might be talking same myself.