Crysis coming to the PS3?

Not quite sure, but I've ways felt crysis coming to the 360/PS3 was eventually going to happen sooner or later (even if slightly downgraded from the dx10 PC version).

About as reliable as a guy working in McDonalds telling you he's really a secret agent undercover :p

In other words: nothing in that article says confirmation about the game coming out on PS3, or X360 for that matter.

Everyone figured a console version would eventually make its way after the PC version ships(were talking about EA here as the publisher after all :rolleyes: ), though at this time, any rumors should be expelled because the Crytek guys are really getting tired of answering that one :LOL:
Let's just say that GamesRadar should not be on your gaming news radar...

Here's the official word on the issue:

Cevat Yerli said:
We hope we aren't disappointing anyone, but contrary to any rumours that may be in circulation, neither Crytek nor any third parties are currently engaged in developing Crysis for console platforms. Our company's sole focus at this time is to complete Crysis for PC as well and as quickly as possible, so we can release it in a timely fashion to all who have shown such a strong interest in playing our game, while insuring we meet the high quality of game play they have come to expect.

While we are gratified by the level of interest shown in Crysis by console owners and fans, and are of course interested in next generation consoles for potential future developments, it is the company's policy not to discuss future plans before the fact.

We hope that clarifies the issue and thanks to all for your interest.

Thank you,

Cevat Yerli

CEO, Crytek GmbH
My predictions.

The PC game will sell like hot cakes.

Developer looks at the sales and thinks to himself, "I can make more money on consoles".

Game will shift to PS3/360.

This happens almost ALL the time. ;)
word in the street is that EA is hunting down MS and Sony to see how much money they can get from those 2 companies to strike a deal
My predictions.

The PC game will sell like hot cakes.

Developer looks at the sales and thinks to himself, "I can make more money on consoles".

Game will shift to PS3/360.

This happens almost ALL the time. ;)

Lol but what would the console gamers say when the future xbox360/PS3 version or next game in their line looks worse than than the years old Crysis for PC? Nay less money but leaders in the graphics department if they keep it for the PC!:LOL:;)

(Sarcasm, no need for ******s to neg rep me!)
My predictions.

The PC game will sell like hot cakes.

Developer looks at the sales and thinks to himself, "I can make more money on consoles".

Game will shift to PS3/360.

This happens almost ALL the time. ;)

Yeah, which is what happened with the Original Far Cry right? :p

The Original Far Cry never came to consoles, Ubisoft just made some odd ports of the game minus the sandbox world, which made the original so good in the first place :???:
Yeah, which is what happened with the Original Far Cry right? :p

The Original Far Cry never came to consoles, Ubisoft just made some odd ports of the game minus the sandbox world, which made the original so good in the first place :???:

But there is a difference this time, (unlike FC) Crysis is being developed when the current console gen has just begun.
I may be wrong, but wasnt a Crysis offshoot for the 360 and PS3 already announced?

Not at all. The Cry 2 engine from my knowledge has been built with support for the 360 and PS3, but never has a Crysis game been announced for either of those platforms. There's been tons of rumors about it, but they've all been continually shot down.
Let's just say that GamesRadar should not be on your gaming news radar...

Here's the official word on the issue:

All this guy said is they are working 100% on finishing the pc version and they don't cmment on future news.

Neither of which is suprising. Neither of which discounts the possibility/probability of the game coming to ps3/xb360. In fact, the knowledge that their engine was developed with consoles in mind suggests to me that they do intend to bring the game (in some form) to consoles.
word in the street is that EA is hunting down MS and Sony to see how much money they can get from those 2 companies to strike a deal

That has been my speculation. By keeping it "PC only" in all the news and "talking up" how it could not be done on the consoles, when the game does well on the PC they open the gates wide open for the, "As platformA matured we realized we could bring our vision of Crysis to the consoles, but platformB just wouldn't cut it". From their perspective getting cash for an exclusive and getting to have a more focused port makes a lot of sense. And seeing as they are focused on the PC version right now there is no point announcing a console version until they begin serious work. They have been looking for 360 and PS3 devs for a while, so my hunch is they are working a little on the middleware aspect but development is all PC right now with an eye for a BIG console payday, but it exclusive or multiplatform.

All I can say is I don't want to see another Instincts style game...
If this game came to consoles, how would it fare performance-wise versus console-exclusive games?

Isn't the hype for the PC version of the game owing to its use of bleeding-edge tech?

How would that tech translate in a cross-platform game?
If this game came to consoles, how would it fare performance-wise versus console-exclusive games?

Isn't the hype for the PC version of the game owing to its use of bleeding-edge tech?

How would that tech translate in a cross-platform game?

The hype is from two parts: The bleeding edge technology, and then that its from Crytek developers of Far Cry (the PC game, not the console "ports"). Far Cry is considered a great game in its own right, so there's a lot of hope that Crysis is going to deliver in both technology and a great gameplay experience.

It would highly depend on if its a straight port from the PC version, or a tweaked version. Far Cry on the consoles was not even the same game, the console version was highly changed to the point it was not even the same game besides setting. If it would be possible to deliver a open experience on console without significant reduction in graphics, physics, etc then it would do very well, otherwise the hats off.
We will have to wait and see how Crysis performs on modern GPUs at 1080p and 720p resolutions, but according to Crytek themselves the Crytek 2.0 engine and Crysis itself will scale to run on 3 year old hardware:

He said: "We developed almost all effects to be very scalable for different hardware specs. Fortunately this is much easier now that we can rely on the existence of hardware shaders. We believe clearly that Crysis will be enjoyed by a large audience that dates back to gamers with two to three-year-old gaming rigs."

3 years would be Q1 2004 which is pre-NV40 (GeForce 6 series) and pre-R420 (Xx00 series) GPUs. This indicates they expect Crysis to "run" on FX5x00 and Radeon 9x00 class hardware. What Yerli is saying makes absolute sense as limiting their market to the last year would be fiscal suicide.

RSX (G70 @ 500MHz) and Xenos are competitive against the flagship GPUs available in Q4 2005 and early in Q1 2006 (X1800 and 7800GTX 512MB). Crysis is likely to run on GPUs with 128MB of memory, much slower GPUs, a single CPU core, and with a bloated OS hogging memory. There will need to be compromises in any port, but compromises compared to G80/R600, which less than 1% of gamers have.

I think Crytek has created a nice little situation to really cash out on an exclusive with Crysis, be it the PS3 or 360. In many ways I think Sony could snag a major win with a Crysis exclusive as the PS3 is weaker in the FPS category and they could definately use the hype Crytek has built in regards to Crysis as an example to validate the PS3 technical superiority.
What technologies and requirements are going to pose the most demands on the hardware? Thinking of things that set Crysis apart, it's the detail in the ground that impresses me, and that's voxels, right? Don't they map well to vector crunches like SPE's or Xenon's VMX? I kinda feel the only real limiting factor is the memory.