I loved the atmosphere. That includes art, writing, voice acting, music, etc.
Less enamored with the interface being simplified all the way to a single button. I missed a dedicated "look" command in addition to the generic interaction option they gave us. On occasion, it actually made me vary of clicking stuff for fear that the game would shuttle me along - interrupting my joyful exploration of its world. Also not a huge fan of the inventory being drag and drop.
Both of these felt like a concession to tablets, and the loss of some ability to explore might also have caused the puzzle design to be less inspired/ambitious than I would have liked.
Overall, it was engaging (if not yet fully realized) storylines, an enjoyable experience and a wonderfully executed world; just a little lacking on the actual gaming part of being an adventure game.
Exactly how much the latter detracts from the former, your mileage may vary.