thought it would be interesting, to some of you, that I post my Kickstarter experience here with my thoughts about it all. If it is too much of a soapbox (and I realise it is, I wrote this sentence after I wrote this long posting), please remove it.
I have written Kickstarter a few months ago that they really should implement some kind of voting/review system, because the constant ignoring of release dates and shipping without any possible hindrance on new projects is flabbergasting. E.g. implement several categories and each backer can give his ratings with a short comment.
I got a generic "we will do our best to better our service" answer.
First, before anyone comes to me with "projects cannot be planned/delays happen", please do not. As someone who organised projects and lead them in a very chaotic office environment, I can claim that if you always plan for the bad (not worst, because then you wouldn't give a release date at all) and add some more time to it, it should seldomly be overdue. If you are going to be late, you will notice it very fast, because if in February you have still not done the work you should have done in January, you should not plan to do the work for 2-3 months in March, but communicate the delay right away. Delays are not the main problem, the problem I see is that most of them knew the release date is a joke but wrote it any way so that potential, impatient, backers will back the project (which is idiotic but I refuse to believe that all of them are so inept with their planning).
Money to a Kickstarter project should be looked as lost money any way, but this does not mean that the persons who receive it have not any obligation to fulfil the promises they made.
Wasteland 2 (
my first backed project and via the DoubleFine and this game I found Kickstarter, promised release date was Oct 2013, it was delayed and now they should start the test phase in October (My guess end of Q1/2014 release date, it is good as their guess any way

Shadowrun Returns (
promised release date: Jan 2013
released on: 25.7.2013
The one I was looking most forward to, ignoring the idiotic design decisions (the savegame implementation would be bad for a console game in a PC game it should be forbidden) and the delay there was a dishonesty about the campaign with the DRM etc. Of course, "evil" license/"evil" MS, is to blame, not the fact that they did not told the truth (if you know something and claim otherwise, saying "oh, I tried to change the reality and did not succeed" does not make it OK). The game was good, but some of the user content is already fantastic, so their editor should really pay of (like planned). Have not received my signed anthology book etc. yet.
I play many games on Steam and have no problem with it, but if you marked a game as DRM-free then you should not say "yeah, but until the first campaign setting".
Power Pot (
I have only donated a small amount (IIRC, 5 USD) so that I contribute to someones gifted Power Pot. Of all the projects I backed, I probably most liked their official Kickstarter communication and approach, very straight forward and honest. Especially liked that they even made a special update where you could review your experience with them/their product.
The Banner Saga (
promised release date: November 2012
new promised release date: "later in 2013"
Like with any other of those "we got a much bigger budget than planned" I get some kind of a delay. They released a free to play game + micro transactions to help with the finances and use the learned things for the final game. Really looking forward to a mixture of "King of Dragon Pass" with TRPG, hope it will release in 2013.
ReincarNATE Graphic Novel (
promised release date: Aug 2012
released: March 2013
shipped to me: *evil laugh*
I and other backers gave not yet received the promised rewards, which reminded me to post a harsher comment in the comment section.
The People Project (
promised release date: August 2012
got the package: spring of 2013 or so, the postcard arrived as promised/in time
Would I back a project of his again: Absolutely
Even though there was a delay, he took the time to personally write e-mails, reply very fast and apologise more than once. His communication is on to par with the Power Pot team, the personal e-mails are replied/sent faster than I have ever seen with any project etc.
Yogventures (
promised release date: Dec 2012
new release date: in this century
If they would release their internal planning, outsourcing behaviour etc., I would guess this would be one of these "see, this is NOT how you do it" examples. But, I think it will be released, eventually, so it is still much better then the scam projects (some of the new Ouya games etc.) and yes, this is the only positive thing I can think of this.
Remee (
promised release date: July 2012
got my mine at about: November 2012
Again, one of those refreshing projects were you can see that there was some planning involved and the delay was communicated very fast. Would back a new project of them.
Legends of Eisenwald (
promised release date: Oct 2012
new promised release date: Who knows?
Sigh, they posted about the delay, ridiculously late, switched up new promises already. It is not vaporware and in backer beta.
Grim Dawn (
promised release date: August 2013
new promised release date: ?
Even though I really like the way they are communicating with the community, I think they should have made this update
http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/crateentertainment/grim-dawn/posts/571863 a long time ago because if such a big delay happens you know it much earlier. As with most of my backed projects, in the future I would wait for the release or even a humbebundle/Steam sale.
Dead State (
promised release date: December 2013
new promised release date: Early 2014
I really hoped this would be one of those projects who release on time, because their first release date was realistic, but it seems not realistic enough

. Great forums and fantastic community, but I really dislike mentioning something like a delay by the way in a "Post-PAX update". Delays should be in separate updates, think they are important enough. Even though I said all this, if the game will release in Q1 2014 and be very good, I would still back a new project of them.
Yellowstone Wolf: Project Citizen Science (
I am sorry, I need to stop typing for a minute... This one, gasp, released on time, the package arrived from the USA to Croatia so fast that I thought it was of one of those projects I backed in 2012 and Emily is so kind in her messages etc. that I would back her new projects if it was uninteresting for me, just to support her.
Doubt that anyone read until the end, but if you did, thank you and with that patience you should thinking about backing a Kickstarter project...
All the best...