CrossFire Slipping?

oh.. wait..
now.. how do the developers of xfire like you to pronounce xfire..?

right.. crossfire..
just like people write xmas..

it's only a bit short of a jiffy TLA like SLI, ALU or SM3
CJ said:
I just wish people would stop calling CrossFire "Xfire". :?
Me too, I keep thinking they're meaning "ChristFire" and they're some kind of religious freakazoids. :?

EDITED BITS: Why not "CF" to abbreviate "CrossFire"? Not only does it make more sense it's shorter too.
I didn't notice a driver rev mentioned. The scary thing to me, is if that is pretty close to what ATI internal has. . .well, I don't think we will be seeing CF (THERE, YA HAPPY?!) for sale before R520 launch. Totally seat-of-the-pants (I have some software development background, but not in this kind of thing) reaction was "ish, two months".
neliz said:
oh.. wait..
now.. how do the developers of xfire like you to pronounce xfire..?

right.. crossfire..
just like people write xmas..

it's only a bit short of a jiffy TLA like SLI, ALU or SM3

Wrong. The messenger is pronounced "Eks fire" (see this topic or this topic) or to quote a dev: "We say Eks-fire here in the office".

And it's used by nearly 2 million of gamers already. Since CrossFire is aimed at the same gaming community as Xfire, it would imo only cause more confusion if people use Xfire when they mean ATi's CrossFire. When I see Xfire, I think Instant Messenging, I think "Eks fire" and I'm prolly not the only gamer. ;)
CJ said:
I just wish people would stop calling CrossFire "Xfire". :?

neliz said:
oh.. wait..
now.. how do the developers of xfire like you to pronounce xfire..?

right.. crossfire..
just like people write xmas..
btw, I'd like people to pronounce my nickname with an "x"... ;)
CJ said:
And it's used by nearly 2 million of gamers already.

Think of the bandwidth savings from not typing out those three extra letters!

3x2x10^6 =6 million characters!
Alstrong said:
Think of the bandwidth savings from not typing out those three extra letters!

3x2x10^6 =6 million characters!
And while we're at it, think of the bandwidth savings from replacing "the" with "t", "of" with "o" and "fanb0y" with "f". Or so... :LOL:
Xmas said:
btw, I'd like people to pronounce my nickname with an "x"... ;)

I'm fairly sure I've actually talked about you with someone, calling you Christmas :LOL:
I'm just wondering what other symbol people had in mind for a "cross"?
x comes close like pedxing

ped. eksing or ped. crossing?

I'm using Xfire myself.. and seeing that it's written with a capital X .. I'm more than happy to use xfire for crossfire (or cf, but that's compact flash allready..)
geo said:

More evidence we are getting closer. . .

OTOH, Saphire-branded master cards? (check the labels on the card). What happened to ATI branded-only master cards? Is this their concession to the non-NA market?

Even better, on the master card, look at the lines that should represent the placement of the cooling system and the obvious lack of ATI logo on the card...

At least they went to some length to NOT make it look like a regular x850 :)
geo said:

Crossfire delayed until September, when one presumes R520 will be available. Of course Boy Wonder had hinted in this direction previously as well.

So, Inq claims it as "official" --anyone else confirm/deny?
I've asked for hardware already and they won't supply it until their drivers are fixed. Board partners are not 'allowed' to give CrossFire cards out either, they all seem to be keeping things close to their chests at the moment.
bigz said:
I've asked for hardware already and they won't supply it until their drivers are fixed. Board partners are not 'allowed' to give CrossFire cards out either, they all seem to be keeping things close to their chests at the moment.

Unless you're Anand, apparently. :)
geo said:
So, Inq claims it as "official" --anyone else confirm/deny?
I listened to a webcast of ATi's Rick Bergman at a conference last week and he spoke briefly about time-frames for upcoming products.....

- Press samples in 'latter' part of August.
- 'Production' in September.

- Production ramp 'shortly'.
- September/October launch.