CrossFire Slipping?

Karma Police said:
Well, ATi could be stockpiling them and releasing them a-la 7800GTX style.

That would make sense if they hadn't already paper launched the damn thing with previews all over the web. Let's see some official numbers already!!
Yeah those are some nice numbers. SLI seems to catch up more in those situations where the PE is destroying the Ultra - HL2 16x12 4xAA. The SLI results for SCIII and the Crossfire results for UT2004 seem strange though.
The answer to "where is CrossFire?" seems clear now --"stuck in the driver department!".
geo said:
The answer to "where is CrossFire?" seems clear now --"stuck in the driver department!".

don't tickle me... :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

I think that was one of the reasons for the time gap between NVIDIA's SLI announcement and the release of hardware - I think it was something like 3 months, maybe more.
I do very much like the fact that the CrossFire mobo they use supports SLI --that should crank up the competitive pressure a bit on NV to allow compatibility on their mobos, or face a marketing disadvantage.

At least until whatever "SLI2" is shows up.
According to Digitimes 955X is already supported for Dual ATI graphics - if that works I don't see why ATI won't code for nForce4.
yes, that's pretty interesting... Even more interesting is the fact that the board could support 2 3D1's... in multi-multi GPU mode?
DaveBaumann said:
According to Digitimes 955X is already supported for Dual ATI graphics - if that works I don't see why ATI won't code for nForce4.

I thought the problem with nforce was the 16/4 pcie operation mode?
I've studied the 955 chipset last may and intel offers 8/8 and 16/16(?) on 955.
xfire is currently 8/8 and would be, incompatible with nv's offering..
Jawed said:
Too many bugs - pointless article as anything other than a "it works, sorta" statement.


Guess I should've actually read it instead of just looking at the graphs. :oops: But there's only so much I can do on the way out of the house :)
neliz said:
DaveBaumann said:
According to Digitimes 955X is already supported for Dual ATI graphics - if that works I don't see why ATI won't code for nForce4.

I thought the problem with nforce was the 16/4 pcie operation mode?
I've studied the 955 chipset last may and intel offers 8/8 and 16/16(?) on 955.
xfire is currently 8/8 and would be, incompatible with nv's offering..

Where on earth did you get that idea?(Or hear it?) The only time I have ever heard of an uneven number of lanes with an SLI setup is those early hacked Nforce chipsets which would enable SLI on Non SLI motherboards.
That is strange. And it was a honest mistake, Oh and an honest question. I was curious. ;)
ChrisRay said:
That is strange. And it was a honest mistake, Oh and an honest question. I was curious. ;)

Too much on my mind :(

Anyway.. these are the specs that are out since may.
I originally thought that these intel boards would demonstrate xfire as well at the computex since it's basically incompatible with the "old" sli (not talking about series 80.)

There was also a french site which release benchmarks soon after intel sent out it's beta 955 boards