Natoma said:
Great way to skip over everything I wrote regarding our use of the intelligence we had Joe
Why, because it's already been addressed previously? What is the intelligence of the entire world at the the time, and did the world believe we had reliably ascertained the WMD situation in iraq at the time?
Nice of you to not directly answer my question about identifying which of those two are not "facts". But keep trying to avoid my point, by pointing out some intelligence, or conclusions based on intelligence, was wrong. It's irrelevant.
As for the rest, yes, you are denying the realities of life. You make it sound almost surgical that coming out is some sort of black and white financial/personal struggle that can be quantified like evidence of WMD can.
How on earth did you reach EITHER one of those conclusions? How did I imply that coming out was some sort of black and white struggle, and how do you reach the conlcusion that intelligence gathering and evidence in trying to ascertain WMD status from a regime which is not being cooperative IS black and white? I don't agree with either of these things you assert.
Thanks for confirming my suspicions that you completely have no idea what I'm trying to say. And thanks also, for refusing to allow me to present my point of view in a way
I think will get you to understand it.
I honestly have no idea what you seem to be "afraid" of. You talk
constantly about "how you can't have a discussion" with me, and yet at the same time, you refuse to have one. Nice.
You made that point very clear from the very beginning. Obviously you can't understand it from your perspective and you have to quantify it in that manner because you are a heterosexual male.
Eh? The ONLY "quantifiable" aspect of your specific coming out that's relevant at all, is as
you stated it ultimately having some large, quantifiable, impact on your (you and your partner's) finances. According to you, you were forced to leave home because of it, and this had some unforseen financial impact.
You did decide to leave home out of
"necessity" because of your coming out, correct? Or were you just lying?
I have no idea what your personal coming out process was like, nor do I belive any two are alike. Not that any of this is relevant, but I don't understand why you believe I think in some "black and white" way about coming out. All I know, and am asserting, is the following, assuming you haven't lied:
1) You claimed to have gone into significant credit card debt.
2) Some if not all of this debt was due to your leaving home.
3) You moved out of your home "out of necessity due to bad conditions at home" after coming out.
This is all in support of your insistence that your credit card debt came "out of necessity" (so you are fiscally responsible.) Where you get this "black and white coming out" nonsense is beyond me. But then,
you're not a heterosexual, so I guess you're not qualified to understand my point of view.