The vast majority of Covid infections will come from aerosols - just somebody with Covid (who is perhaps unaware they are infected - either asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic) breathing normally and talking in a closed space appears to be enough to generate aerosols which can hang around in the air for a long time. Inhale enough of those and you've got a good chance of being infected. Delta is greatly more infectious so it will take less exposure to these aerosols to become infected. In the UK, the pithy government messaging was, "Hands, Face, Space". In other words, wash your hands, wear a mask, socially distance yourself from others. It should have been the other way around, "Space, Face, Hands". It is unlikely that many infections will come from failing to wash your hands, though it certainly doesn't hurt to make sure that you do.
As for eastmen's idea that Covid is done, well, he's wrong about this one as well, unsurprisingly. Deaths rising in Africa now that Delta is taking over on the continent:
A relatively low level for now and the average younger age of Africans will reduce risk factors to some degree, but if deaths have increased 43% this week, you can be pretty sure that they will increase a similar amount next week, and the week after and so on. The Africans don't have the protection of vaccines in the numbers that western countries do so I fear the worst.
Here in the UK, the numbers aren't much better, except of course we have over 50% of the population fully-vaccinated so deaths are a lot lower:
eastmen should bear in mind that lots of US States where Delta is now beginning to spread have much, much lower vaccination rates in comparison to the UK.