Convince me that I'm not funny


Retarded moron
A requirement for one of my assignments is that I write a statement that says that I'm the one who'd done the work.
Look at what I came up with:

#I certify that this work is done by myself(Krunoslav Saho) or may God strike me dead and my ass raped by 100 moogles.

Can anyone convince me that I'm not funny?
I'm still laughing quite hard over this comment.
Well, if you really put that on your assignment, then yes it is very funny. And it would be funnier to see the result!

If not, it's not funny.
A requirement for one of my assignments is that I write a statement that says that I'm the one who'd done the work.
Look at what I came up with:
Can anyone convince me that I'm not funny?
I'm still laughing quite hard over this comment.
To quote Blackadder:
I dare not laugh for fear that my head might fall off.:rolleyes:
Well, if you really put that on your assignment, then yes it is very funny. And it would be funnier to see the result!
Now that is truly a funny thought.:devilish:
Why do you guys think I wont do it?
I've sent teachers worse comments.

I swore multiple times on my programming assignment and the teacher didn't say anything.
She hasn't corrected it yet but I doubt she would fail me.
She did mention that I have to becareful because some lecturers would outright fail a student over such a thing but I have really cool lecturers.
Actually I'd say that the context of "rape" (even if done by moogles and expressed in a "funny" way) is very unlikely to go well in an academic environment. Thus I wouldn't be surprised if your teacher told you off about it (he/she might laugh when reading this, but choose to reprimand you as "the right thing to do").
Why do you guys think I wont do it?
I've sent teachers worse comments.

I swore multiple times on my programming assignment and the teacher didn't say anything.
She hasn't corrected it yet but I doubt she would fail me.
She did mention that I have to becareful because some lecturers would outright fail a student over such a thing but I have really cool lecturers.

I think more important is why you think you should do it? What is the point? All you are doing is giving your teacher the impression that you don't take your course seriously.

That statement that you have done the work yourself is clearly there for a legal purpose. What do you think would happen if someone else stole your work, who are they going to beleive? The person who appears to have taken the work seriously, or the one who spent the evening in the company of randy moogles?

You guys sound dead serious about this sort of stuff.
It's not like I don't know my lecturer. I wouldn't even think about doing this if it was a tightwad lecturer or someone who would kill me.
All I'm trying to do is make funny comments that will make the lecturer laugh.
Marking assignments is quite boring, so why not make it funny?
Actually I'd say that the context of "rape" (even if done by moogles and expressed in a "funny" way) is very unlikely to go well in an academic environment. Thus I wouldn't be surprised if your teacher told you off about it (he/she might laugh when reading this, but choose to reprimand you as "the right thing to do").

If the act was perpetrated upon a male (as per Kruno's example) it would more likely be condoned as poetic justice within the femo-nazie wankfest which is*cough* academia *cough*, only when an act puts females in jepardy does it become inapropriate.
Why do you have to ask here if you're funny?

Seems to me that if you're so damned sure you're funny, there's really no point in asking fo a second opinion from this board (unless you're just after attention of course). Conversely if there's some doubt in your mind as to the truly Universe-shattering scale of your sense of humour, then chances are that's telling you that you're not actually funny at all (sub-concious doubts are often rooted in truth).

So are there secret doubts in your mind? Or are you just engaging in attention-seeking behaviour (again!)? Which is it? The board wants to know...
Try writing "This comment is for my hot teacher and if she doesn't like it, those 100 moogles will be arse raping her" to make it perfect :p
I just want attention. :cry:
Why is it bad to want attention?
What does it mean psychologically anyway?

Why do you have to ask here if you're funny?

Seems to me that if you're so damned sure you're funny, there's really no point in asking fo a second opinion from this board (unless you're just after attention of course). Conversely if there's some doubt in your mind as to the truly Universe-shattering scale of your sense of humour, then chances are that's telling you that you're not actually funny at all (sub-concious doubts are often rooted in truth).

So are there secret doubts in your mind? Or are you just engaging in attention-seeking behaviour (again!)? Which is it? The board wants to know...
Can anyone convince me that I'm not funny?
I'm still laughing quite hard over this comment.

I shall tell you a secret that it might otherwise take years to find out. Or for you , even longer.

Who you think you are is irrelevent to other people. They think of you as who you are to them.

So for instance, your friends (if you have any) might thing you are are funny, generous, all-round good guy. Other people might just think you are a juvenile asshole drama queen who needs to do a lot of growing up. An individual will have a perception and opinion of you based on who you are to them. That is who you are for them, and whatever you think of yourself doesn't really matter.

Unless you are one of the small number of people who actually have a truthful and honest self-image of themselves, you will find that who people think you are is often different from who you think you are.

Doing or saying something that you think is funny doesn't make you funny in anyone else's eyes. It's what they think of you that defines how you fit into their world view.

As an aside, have you considered seeing a councillor or therapist of some sort about this needy, attention seeking behaviour? Or maybe you should go into show business...?
I've seen a psychiatrist and he said I was perfectly fine.

Talk about stating the obvious. :LOL:
Who you think you are is irrelevent to other people. They think of you as who you are to them.

You think I don't have any friends? Then who are you? :p
Is that your opinion of me? Somehow I must have pissed you off somewhere.
Who am I to you?

So for instance, your friends (if you have any) might thing you are are funny, generous, all-round good guy. Other people might just think you are a juvenile asshole drama queen who needs to do a lot of growing up. An individual will have a perception and opinion of you based on who you are to them. That is who you are for them, and whatever you think of yourself doesn't really matter.
Can anyone convince me that I'm not funny?

Let's take a scientific approach to reaching that conclusion.

Here is the subject of our humor necropsy:

#I certify that this work is done by myself(Krunoslav Saho) or may God strike me dead and my ass raped by 100 moogles.

Which I shall break down into its chief components (graphic portrayal of humor disection follows):

1: #

2: I certify that this work is done by myself

3: (Krunoslav Saho)

4: or may God strike me dead

5: and

6: my ass raped by 100 moogles

7: .

I will take these components and determine what effects they have when compared to the context of the intended audience and the psychological framework set up by the joke itself.

Firstly: #
This in itself is not funny. It doesn't have a funny sound and it requires no special effort or facial contortion to say. Having said "pound sign" four hundred times, I failed to crack a smile after repetition 123.

This indicates that:
a) the joke is meant to be text-based
b) that the itemization indicates some kind of quasi-legalistic lead-in or setup for the punchline.

The use of a supposedly non-humorous set-up is helpful in the creation of a juxtaposition of an unremarkable context with some form of insightful or non sequitor climax.

Secondly: I certify that this work is done by myself
Also not inherently funny. It may be a statement of fact, but unless you are a filthy, filthy, filthy liar--or perhaps illiterate (I'm hoping you typed that post yourself)--it's not going to bring any guffaws by itself.

Thirdly: (Krunoslav Saho)
The name in parenthesis reinforces the legalistic setup, so it isn't really funny itself. Maybe if I were six years old, the name itself might be funny in some way, but it's not really too out-there now.

Now comes the part where the unexpected must occur in order to provide the necessary contrast.
Either something very insightful must appear next, or something very unlike the lead-in.
I can't say what would be insightful without knowing more context, such as the topic or your relationship with this professor.

It is possible if this were a philosophy paper, you could make some kind of insightful or at least pithy observation on the meaning of the paper's topic or the very meaning of meaning and then soundly beaten in a most unenlightened manner for your sass.

The other alternative is the non sequitor: which is daring not for originality but for the great comedic risk being taken, since (like the comic strip of the same name) it is more often than not devastatingly unfunny.

We shall see what path was taken next:

Fourthly: or may God strike me dead
Cliche, so much so that it really only works as a visual gag. If you were to say it aloud and then cringe from the heavens, you might get a little polite laughter.
From a practical aspect, it's already lost most of its luster having been written because you are either telling the truth or the penalty is not forthcoming.

If God were truly in the business of striking down plagarists (and I don't recall most of the prophets who cribbed from tribal myths and folklore for the creation of any current holy book being struck down), you would have been struck down the instant you wrote that statement the first time, not when your professor reads the paper you pasted from Wikipedia.
It's also hard to top being dead, since it makes whatever comes next in the joke moot.

Since I've already assumed you typed your own post:
a)it must not have been a serious smiting, which is a let-down, or
b) you wrote your paper, which is boring.

Unless of course, you ride the short bus and wear a football helmet to bed. In which case there will be laughter, but not laughter "ha ha", more like joyous "it's a miracle after all that lead paint he ate as a baby" laughter.

Our only hope now is that the cliche serves as some kind of conjuction to a much more elaborated non sequitor that can turn the watery routine to comedic whine. Unfortunately, the placing of the instant of death ahead of the rest of the joke weakens your chances. A rewording would be nice.

Fifthly: and
Conjunctions, while useful, are not typically funny without some kind of wordplay. This has no bearing on the joke, I just wanted to make that observation. What should be noted is that since you would already be at the instant of being dead by direct action of an angry deity, anything on the other side of that "and" is superfluous.

Sixthly: my ass raped by 100 moogles
Here we come hard into the man-meat of the entire setup, and yet, while we may find it draining, we are strangely unsatisfied.

The first problem is that it's a punch line that assumes some knowledge of the video game series Final Fantasy, enough to know of the relatively minor background race of fuzzy creatures with some kind of velvet testicle suspended obscenely above their heads.

This is a rather confined demographic in academia, and even assuming your professor is within that demographic, it would be highly unlikely he would find the association of a silly little creature and violent gang rape anything but momentarily baffling and deeply disturbing.

Unless there's some canon to the story line where they engage in frequent acts of violent sodomy (and you may have a point, since in FF 12 they are often seen in chains, indicative of a taste for bondage or sado-masochism) your professor is less than likely to laugh or even smile politely.

He's more likely to ask if you're a furry, and since it is frequently used as a joke on sites like somethingawful, we know that it isn't funny at all.

I really don't have anything to say about the period at the end, I just wanted to borrow it for the end of my post.
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Use a more neutral humor, without words as "rape", as:

I solemnly certify this is my work. If not, must 100 moogles chase me to the end of world, and the knigits of Nii clobber me with the round table.