Conch Trumpet, Didj, crafted instruments


So this weekend I made my first Conch Horn/Trumpet. My mom had an old Horned Helmet(Cassis Cornuta) in her yard and I mentioned in passing I always wanted a conch horn, She encouraged me to drill it out and turn it into something really cool and fun to play.

This is the second instrument I've crafted for myself, the first being a eucalyptus mallee digeridoo that Lewis Burns brought over from Australia. Really the outback ants did most of the work on that one I just cleaned it up. I've yet to finish some designs on the outside of it, and then the poly sealing, but it's amazingly fun to play as is.

I've had a propane tank sitting at my house for over a month waiting to become a poor mans Hang drum, aka a Hank drum. I'm really looking forward to working and playing that.

I was wondering if anyone else here has ever made their own musical tools? In my brief experience it seems to be like crafting a lightsaber, I can't imagine making something truly challenging like a whole guitar or maybe a recorder or something. I'm considering drilling some finger holes into my Conch Trumpet to alter the pitch as I please, but I have no idea how to begin figuring out where to place them in order to remain harmonious.

Any other musical geeks/nerds out there? hehe
That makes sense haha, he explained that the "ants" hollow out fallen down limbs in order to get out of the crazy heat.