This is the thread to compare the two new consoles. It should chiefly be targeted at the similarities and differences in user experience. There is no 'this console is best'. There is only 'this console does this, but that console does that.' Personal preference can be added as editorial ('I prefer the way this console does it') but discussion how wrong someone is in their personal preference is disallowed.
There is no technical discussion on the hardware or business talk. There is no talk of which console is more powerful. There is only the end user experience at launch.
This thread should serve as a sort of reference, where someone can read through and get a good picture of the different machines.
Edit: If you have info from one console (you own it!), eg. controller battery life and charge times, post it, and hopefully someone can provide the equivalent for the other platform.
Size comparison
There is no technical discussion on the hardware or business talk. There is no talk of which console is more powerful. There is only the end user experience at launch.
This thread should serve as a sort of reference, where someone can read through and get a good picture of the different machines.
Edit: If you have info from one console (you own it!), eg. controller battery life and charge times, post it, and hopefully someone can provide the equivalent for the other platform.
Size comparison