Comments on PS2 Splinter Cell

The reason the night vision is B&W is probably because you can use a hardware trick on the PS2 to get B&W rendering for free essentially.
I'm impressed - the visuals look virtually the same as Xbox, just lower resolution textures and worse lighting and shader effects.

Now if only they could make the GBA version look so good. =P
There were some new shots posted on the official website.

The refinery level has changed a bit;




More here
notice the lack of screenshots with fire, which was basically all over the first xbox screenies. I wonder how that translated over.
london-boy said:
u know, some people dont have time to sit and wait for videos to download... :LOL: :LOL:

u know, some people don't have to wait... [brag] it only took me 12 seconds to download that video! [/brag] :p :p
trailer looks...f.a.k.e.... :?
Why is Ubisoft mocking Microsoft? THE Microsoft who helped to advertise the hell out of SC. Not to mention Ubisoft made big money from the 6 months Xclusive deal + sales.
london-boy said:

i havent seen it... u know, some people dont have time to sit and wait for videos to download... :LOL: :LOL:

There's a hidden joke from Ubisoft ;)

- They thought I didn't have the technology. --> PS2 :D
- They thought I reached my limit --> PS2 :LOL:
- They thought I didn't have the resources. --> PS2 :)
- They thought wrong. ;)
- Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - PlayStation 2.
- New levels.
- New cinemtics
- When you're this deadly,
- one platform can't hold you. --> PS2 + GC + GBA
- Splinter Cell redefined for PlayStation 2 8)
chap said:
trailer looks...f.a.k.e.... :?
Why is Ubisoft mocking Microsoft? THE Microsoft who helped to advertise the hell out of SC. Not to mention Ubisoft made big money from the 6 months Xclusive deal + sales.

Help? More like helping themselves to get some decent sales out of a good title. Sure it helped UbiSoft, but don't you think Microsoft did it for anyone but themselves.

And thte exclusive deal -> business agreement. Microsoft payed for exclusivity and that's what they got. Why shouldn't UbiSoft be able to promote the other ports?
UbiSoft wouldn't put out such a trailer of poor production. Some goofwad could easily make it with your basic video editing software. Trust me, it's fake.

Notice that it's nowhere else to be found on the net except Gamers's Hell. If it was a true trailer from UbiSoft many more widely known sites would have it.
Poor production quality? Sheesh, its much better than the xbox SC trailers that ubisoft had on their website

There's nothing wrong with that trailer, its now a blow against microsoft. Ubisoft is simply promoting their game, they are not friend with microsoft anymore than nintendo and sony, its just business, period.