Faf, nAo
What would you say are the most technically and visually impressive games shown thus far? I know nAo prefers the high poly look of games like Resistance to games like Gears, but I'm curious to hear more about what you guys think.
Resistance fall of man
- 4x AA
- High polygon count with subtle normal mapping where its needed "cough gears cough"
- Constant 30fps with complex physics simulations , partical effects - special effects ,ateast 20 enemies on screen and individual AI patterns without a hickup
-Real time shadows
- Impressive geometry
Resistance does have its flaws don't get me wrong but its still a steller looking game , very underrated in this regard .
Heavenly Sword
- amazing animations
- sub surface scattering giving the character a natural look
- self shadowing ( as far as i can tell )
- amazing lighting
- Clean IQ
- high poly count
- impressive textures and again subtle use of normal mapping
Killzone 2
- Best IQ in a next gen game hands down
- amazing lighting
- self shadowing
- complex animations
- constant 30- 35 fps with tons of particals and effects
- excellent use of post processing effects giving the a game a pre rendered look
- Guns have little to no visible polygon edges/ with no visable aliasing - smart use of motion blue and post processing effects to achieve a cgi look to them
- complex physics system (death animations)
- Amazing draw distance
- incredibly physics engine
- interactive world (cutting down trees and destorying houses etc etc in real time is an impressive feat )
- incredible water shaders
- Great animations ( makes a next gen game imho)
- natural lighting
- subtle use of normal mapping but effective
- looked like it ran at a constant 30fps with alot of particals , physics , etc etc
- self shadowing
- incredible real time lighting and reflections
- real time shadows
- 60fps
- 360fps physics simulations
- impressive textures
Ratchet and Clank: Tools of destruction
- constant 30 fps with dozen of particals and special effects
- clever use of normal and bump mapping
- Impressive geometry
- high polygon count and fur shaders that "almost" rivals pixar quality
- incredible animations
- 4x AA
- Amazing textures
- incredible foliage
- complex water shaders
- 3000 layerd animations
my 2 cents...