Capcom 5 not GC exclusive?

you know it's funny, how you see things differently than my self. i see things more like teasy vrs everyone, ben versus everyone, etc. even in this thread, I'm not the only person that has been criticizing cybermerc for the BS he's been saying. yet you only see me arguing. isn't that funny.

As far as I'm concerned. You complainign about me posting that article is nothing more than sour grapes becuase you didn't WANT to see the info. Sorry but you'll have to live with it. I'll post what I want and don't need approval from local fans.
i see things more like teasy vrs everyone, ben versus everyone

Did you check who posted the numbers in this thread backing what you are saying Quincy? Perhaps you should. You and Johnny were the ones arguing with me in the MS bug thread, if you read the forums regularly you should know that Johnny and I agree a hell of a lot more then we disagree. Teasy and I have also argued many times, although when we agree on an issue we agree, and that includes when Nintendo screws up. You can't seem to admit when you company of choice does something wrong which seperates you from most of the other people in the forum. Companies make mistakes, you seem to be the one that has the largest problem accepting that on these boards.
yes i know that you posted the info in this thread, that wasn't the point I'm making. Wazoo said it's always me verses you, me verses teasy, when that's nto the total truth. It always one of us versus a number of people, if you ask me. I probabyly participate in less threads then yourself. I'm not exlcuding myself from the arguments altogether.

I don't exactly disagree with you on every point either which is why i'm Not always arguing with you in every post. So I posted a topic that I saw wasn't already there, so what? usually other people are right on top of everytopic so there's no need for me to start a thread.

You can't seem to admit when you company of choice does something wrong which seperates you from most of the other people in the forum. Companies make mistakes, you seem to be the one that has the largest problem accepting that on these boards.

Look, I'm sorry but I disagree there. When my "company of choice does something wrong like what exactly"? MS has made plenty of mistakes, but I fail to see what that has to do with this thread exactly ( a thread about capcom and third party software) . do I need to post "i agree" in every single thread I agree with? i usually only post in thread where I don't agree and have a differing opinion. Did you see me arguing my point in the "MS is #2 in Europe, contrary to Nintendo's press release" thread, or arguing against what you are saying in the "Will M$ be able "dominate" console market ?" thread? i don't have a problem accepting stuff like this at all.
Qroach said:
you know it's funny, how you see things differently than my self. i see things more like teasy vrs everyone, ben versus everyone, etc. even in this thread, I'm not the only person that has been criticizing cybermerc for the BS he's been saying. yet you only see me arguing. isn't that funny.

whatever, I do not want this to go into a qroach vs me 8) Everybody is arguing (and Teasy, Merc, and others are not the good boys and you the evil) on this forum but whenever I se a thread with endless quotes/conter quotes, I know you are here.

As far as I'm concerned. You complainign about me posting that article is nothing more than sour grapes becuase you didn't WANT to see the info. Sorry but you'll have to live with it. I'll post what I want and don't need approval from local fans.

I've no intention to prevent you from posting anything, but at least do not use this innocent attitude. Why did I not want this to be posted ?? Maybe because this forum should be tech oriented and this news has already been posted on one of the most seen web site (IGN), so it is not like you
make this info available on a broader range of people, so this post is not really informative but will end up at a troll thread for sure.
Hi Quincy,

I don't exactly disagree with you on every point either which is why i'm Not always arguing with you in every post.
IMO this is a very important point.
I read this forum for about 1 and 1/2 years on regular basis and like most people on this board, I've formed an opinion about the most vocal posters. I hope we agree that this behaviour (forming an opinion about other people) is in itself very human and natural and nothing bad at all.

But on what basis is this opinion formed?
On a forum like this, it should be expected that people form their opinion of each other on what they read of each other.

Now this is important.
If a person writes most of their posts on a subject they disagree with, even if they have every right to do so and use arguments based on facts, and comparatively few posts on subjects they agree with, it should be expected to be "perceived" by others, that form their opinion of you on your messages, to be a person who likes arguing. (Of course this usually degenerates in every imaginable way, like "you fanboi", "xbot", "cubite", etc.. based on the topic you happen to argue the most)

If we accept this behaviour of people on messageboards, it can do wonders to simply state you "agree" on topics/posts you happen to agree with, to give people a chance to get to know you better.
Just like in another thread some people were surprised that Quincy has a good sense of humour, just because he usually is not very vocal when it comes to "fun threads" (spam ;) ).

Please note that I have lot's of respect for each of the more vocal posters (Ben, Vince, Quincy, cybermerc, Teasy and many others) as their intimate knowledge of each ones favourite subject brings tons of indepth information to this board, that most people (including me) would not be able to "dig out", or simply don't have a clue about.
Please also note that I do not want to come across as some "Smartass" who wants other people teach to behave, but state an observation that IMO is well known, but often forgotten in daily "conversations".

Quincy, I hope you understand that this is nothing personal against you (or anybody else).
I tried to be as clear as possible, but as english is not my first language I have a hard time writing a lengthy post like this. :)
mr, I agree :)

Quincy, this is pointless. Fact is these games are GameCube exclusive, as in they are not planned for any other console.
I totally agree with you Mr -er, is that your last name or first? ;)

Teasy, we'll have to agree to disagree then ;) they haven't said they really are exclusive, and we all know how often som games are started on one platform and looks to be exclusive and then changes later. The only real way to find out is to wait and see...
Capcom have actually said the games are exclusive (Capcom Japan). Another part of Capcom claimed the exclusivity itsn't deffinate. The only thing Capcom haven't actually said so far is that the games aren't exclusive.

Its a little confusing, but I just see no reason to consider the games multi-platform.
Capcom have actually said the games are exclusive (Capcom Japan).

Where have you seen this capcom of japan say this? i can recall a specific capcom representitive (don't recall his name exactly) the first time they showed these games (in japan) saying that currently only one title was exclusive and the others hadn't been decided on. It was capcom USA that went on record saying "they were" exclusive. however, capcom USA are now saying it was a mis-communication and onyl res-evil is exclusive.

part of Capcom claimed the exclusivity itsn't deffinate. The only thing Capcom haven't actually said so far is that the games aren't exclusive.

What they have said is that it was a mistunderstanding and currently only res evil is exclusive and the others have not been decided on.

Its a little confusing, but I just see no reason to consider the games multi-platform.

Who here claimed the games were multiplatform? All that's been claimed is that 4 out of 5 games "may not" be exclusive. In otherwords, it's undecided. I don't know what gave you the idea anyone was claiming these games to be "multiplatform", because nothing I said should give that impression. I even said this...

"i said they may or may NOT be exclusive, it's NOT confirmed that all 5 titles are exclusive now (well at least 4 of them that is). I'm not claiming that these games will 100% multiplatform becuase I don't know what capcom will decide. Neither do you btw.
It seems I may have confused what happened with these games and what happened with the Res Evil series (as far as different parts of Capcom saying different things).

Who here claimed the games were multiplatform?

I didn't read the whole thread. I just read your post, then the last post (from mr).

When I said that the games weren't planned for any other system and so were exclusive you disagreed with me. I took that as you saying the games weren't exclusive, which would make them multi-platform. If your only point is that they may not be exclusive in the future then I don't disagree.

Now that I have read a bit more of this thread I'm going to comment on something:

Third party games selling badely on GC.. specifically the top 500 multi-platform GC/XBox comparison posted here.

As I mentioned in another thread if you add up the sales of those games you'll see that overall XBox's better third party sales are not big compared to GC and are only in line with its U.S userbase advantage over GC.
Maybe they're just covering their asses.

If a game performs very well or very poorly, it's exclusivity might get waived to pull in a profit or to capitalize. Capcom wants to keep the door open from the get-go.. unlike some developers who claim exclusivity and then throw it out 2 months later.
As a side note, I've just read that Splinter Cell GC has been delayed to May BUT is a port of the xbox version unlike the ps2 version which was made in China by another team.
I found these image comparisons shots elsewhere, the Xbox shots are washed out because they were taken by a user but they demonstrate some differences compared to PS2 port pretty well:



on PS2 pretty much the entire restaurant and furniture seen through the window have gone missing...



Half the street and loads of detail cut...



A lot less lying around, lower res textures, etc...



I don't really have to point out the significant differences here do I?

Yes, I would dare call that downgraded. If what wazoo says is true, the GC version may very well keep more of the detail.

Sorry for hijacking the thread I just happened to find these and they seemed to fit what wazoo and Teasy just brought up! :oops: