Can we really judge a console's power on exclusive games or multiplaform games?

Multiplatform games are designed around a lowest common denominator target with the goal of being “good enough to release” on as many platforms as possible. Exclusives are designed to maximize a single piece of hardware. Thats why, with the exception of games from a single developer, the best looking games on consoles are always exclusives.
This is subjective. GTAV, red dead 1 and 2, AC creed games , Batman arkham games, battle field 3, COD modern ware, battlefornt, battle field, mgsv 2 were among the best looking games for 7th gen consoles and 8th gen consoles. exlusives usually get more hyped cause they are way more polished but third parties also push the consoles.
This is subjective. GTAV, red dead 1 and 2, AC creed games , Batman arkham games, battle field 3, COD modern ware, battlefornt, battle field, mgsv 2 were among the best looking games for 7th gen consoles and 8th gen consoles. exlusives usually get more hyped cause they are way more polished but third parties also push the consoles.
Only Rockstar is able to compete with exclusives. None of the rest stack up favorably. Most likely, you are letting the PC version of said multiplatform games cloud your judgement. While they very rarely have meaningful tech improvements, higher res and framerate always gives people the false illusion of a huge improvement.
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Only Rockstar is able to compete with exclusives. None of the rest stack up favorably. Most likely, you are letting the PC version of said multiplatform games cloud your judgement. While they very rarely have meaningful tech improvements, higher res and framerate always gives people the false illusion of a generational improvement.
Modern warefare 1 AND 2 on 360 blew everyone away when it came out graphically and remember this was 60fps, same for STAR WARS battlefront, and arkham knight. bloodbrone was exclusive and that wasn't mind blowing graphically. come on man, the thing is people like to over hype exclusies cause they make them feel better about the console they have, but third party do push graphics the only problem is lack of polish.
things could have been worse for PS3 if Sony did not listen to devs, as Sony planned at first to release a CELL only PS3 with 256MB of ram.
RSX+256MB video ram were added late in the dev cycle of the console.
Modern warefare 1 AND 2 on 360 blew everyone away when it came out graphically and remember this was 60fps, same for STAR WARS battlefront, and arkham knight. bloodbrone was exclusive and that wasn't mind blowing graphically. come on man, the thing is people like to over hype exclusies cause they make them feel better about the console they have, but third party do push graphics the only problem is lack of polish.
By the end of gen 7, the Uncharteds, God of Wars, Killzones, Gears of wars, Halos and other top exclusives outclassed everything outside of Rockstar's efforts.

Gen 8 ends similarly with the only change being a huge reduction in quality output by Microsoft first party.

I'm willing to bet that the current generation ends on a similar note, even with the huge lead UE5 seemingly has.
things could have been worse for PS3 if Sony did not listen to devs, as Sony planned at first to release a CELL only PS3 with 256MB of ram.
RSX+256MB video ram were added late in the dev cycle of the console.
It was the opposite I think. The 360 was originally going for 256MB but Epic told them to double it.
By the end of gen 7, the Uncharteds, God of Wars, Killzones, Gears of wars, Halos and other top exclusives outclassed everything outside of Rockstar's efforts.

Gen 8 ends similarly with the only change being a huge reduction in quality output by Microsoft first party.

I'm willing to bet that the current generation ends on a similar note, even with the huge lead UE5 seemingly has.
I had both consoles during that Gen. And apart from the Gears of War series, and maybe Forza, I was surprised how lackluster MS's efforts were compared to Sony's technically. I wasn't much impressed with MS's exclusives. Not even with Halo (didn't try 4 btw. Played 3 and Reach). But games like Uncharted, God of War 3, TLOU and Killzone were just jaw dropping.
By the end of gen 7, the Uncharteds, God of Wars, Killzones, Gears of wars, Halos and other top exclusives outclassed everything outside of Rockstar's efforts.

Gen 8 ends similarly with the only change being a huge reduction in quality output by Microsoft first party.

I'm willing to bet that the current generation ends on a similar note, even with the huge lead UE5 seemingly has.
There were games pushing graphics so hard by the end of the generation that they could not even run properly lol. crysis 2, crysis 3, MGSV, AC creed games, far cry 3, far cry, COD could not run 60fps stable on 360 to say they were going for the lower common denamoator is false. I think multiplaform games are really the only to tell a console power, exclusives are really just based on speculation, atleast multiplatform gives us a idea how that games runs on the hardware which is really whats important unless you are only buying the hardware for exclusives.
I had both consoles during that Gen. And apart from the Gears of War series, and maybe Forza, I was surprised how lackluster MS's efforts were compared to Sony's technically. I wasn't much impressed with MS's exclusives. Not even with Halo (didn't try 4 btw. Played 3 and Reach). But games like Uncharted, God of War 3, TLOU and Killzone were just jaw dropping.
Exactly it really comes down to the developer. The only games that impressed the most were rockstar games, forza horizon, Resident evil 5 and last of us. IDK that gen did not really do it for me graphically,
It was the opposite I think. The 360 was originally going for 256MB but Epic told them to double it.

You are correct, EPIC showed them what Gears would look like with 512MB and it convinced Microsoft.

The original PS3 spec was supposed to have 1GB of XDR iirc.
Of what exactly? Such a strange thing to say.
I'm talking about when people use exclusives to prove a console is more powerful cause really we will never see it running on the hardware. mulitplatform is different we can see how multiple games run on the hardware and where the hardware stands vs the other.
I'm talking about when people use exclusives to prove a console is more powerful cause really we will never see it running on the hardware.

So would a PC exclusive not show how powerful an RTX 4090 is compared to PS5 and that PS5 absolutely would not run this exclusive game?

mulitplatform is different we can see how multiple games run on the hardware and where the hardware stands vs the other.

Multiplatform has too many variables to be used for anything meaningful.
So would a PC exclusive not show how powerful an RTX 4090 is compared to PS5 and that PS5 absolutely would not run this exclusive game?

Multiplatform has too many variables to be used for anything meaningful.
PC doesn't really get exclusives, and you really don't need exclusives for this. Just turn on highest setting and ps5 could not run on the same settings, and even if there was a PC exclusive aside from graphics what can they do? they can add path tracing and ray tracing 120fps and ps5 would not even come close.

I really don't see why there are too many variables in almost every case, multiplatorm games have lined with the specs of the console since the begining of the 7th gen. if the hardware is powerful in a meaningful way it will run games better period, if the hardware is on par like ps5 and x series they run the same, in the end if you're buying hardware to runs games better it's the only meaningful way.
PC doesn't really get exclusives.

Er..... yes it does.

and even if there was a PC exclusive aside from graphics what can they do?

  • Advanced streaming systems
  • Larger worlds
  • Crazy physics
  • ML based AI characters

Quite a lot actually...

I really don't see why there are too many variables in almost every case, multiplatorm games have lined with the specs of the console since the begining of the 7th gen.

Allocated time

Just those two variables alone have a large influence on how a platform performs in multiplatform games.

Making multiplatform comparisons as an indication of power inadequate.

if the hardware is powerful in a meaningful way it will run games better period,

This is false.

if the hardware is on par like ps5 and x series they run the same

Except their hardware is not on par and it does not run the same.

, in the end if you're buying hardware to runs games better it's the only meaningful way.

No it's not.
Er..... yes it does.

  • Advanced streaming systems
  • Larger worlds
  • Crazy physics
  • ML based AI characters

Quite a lot actually...

Allocated time

Just those two variables alone have a large influence on how a platform performs in multiplatform games.

Making multiplatform comparisons as an indication of power inadequate.

This is false.

Except their hardware is not on par and it does not run the same.

No it's not.
Larger worlds are not needed they are already big enough, the switch has a game with some of the best physics, and its a toaster, the budget is already too high as it is so pushing for the stuff you want is not very realistic for 99% of developers.

Allocated time and budget apply for every game and the skill of the developer. looking at 2 different games, skill of developer, art style, goals is next to impossible to compare. you had some of the most talents devs in the world on ps3/360 with massive time and budgets anyway work on multiplatform games.
There were games pushing graphics so hard by the end of the generation that they could not even run properly lol. crysis 2, crysis 3, MGSV, AC creed games, far cry 3, far cry, COD could not run 60fps stable on 360 to say they were going for the lower common denamoator is false. I think multiplaform games are really the only to tell a console power, exclusives are really just based on speculation, atleast multiplatform gives us a idea how that games runs on the hardware which is really whats important unless you are only buying the hardware for exclusives.
Games running at low framerates while not offering a superior experience is not something to be praised as graphics leadership.
Games running at low framerates while not offering a superior experience is not something to be praised as graphics leadership.
I'm not praising just saying they were pushing for the best graphics even more the consoles were capable of, and using more advanced graphics features then the exclusives.
I'm not praising just saying they were pushing for the best graphics even more the consoles were capable of, and using more advanced graphics features then the exclusives.
They were just unoptimized games using techniques unsuitable for the hardware. As a result, they ran and looked worse then games that made smarter tech choices.
They were just unoptimized games using techniques unsuitable for the hardware. As a result, they ran and looked worse then games that made smarter tech choices.
Graphics were advancing too fast for 360/ps3 and peaked at ps4, now most games on ps5 are 60fps.