Can someone fill me in?


I haven't really been following the graphics industry since the launch of the XT PE and 6800U. But I just took a look at my trillian stocks plugin and noticed that Nvidia's stock has dropped from the low-to-mid 20s to a closing price of 14.62 yesterday, while ATI's stock has stayed relatively the same in the 16-18 range. What exactly is going on?

I haven't been able to find anything of note on the yahoo message boards, so I'm wondering if anyone here knows anything? Thanks.

p.s.: I do not own stock in either company anymore.
Why are the shares so low? Does Microsoft have anything to do with this?
ATI has, I think, managed to instill a good flow of sales from their R3xx line and are doing dec4ntly well with their R420. this is something Nvidia was not able to construct hence (with a number of other factors) their revenues went down. usually stability in sales (talking about sales alone) equals share increase.
Re: WoW

Proforma said:
digitalwanderer said:
I believe nVidia isn't doing as well as ATi financially Natoma. :)

And you say your not an ATI <bleep>.
oooookay.., stating that ATI is doing better (look at Natomas opening post) than nVidia is a sign your ATI biased? Hmmmm....unless I'm missing the joke.....

BTW, DW isn't biased...he's equal opportunity videocard manufacturer offender! :rolleyes: ;)
Natoma said:
Nvidia's stock has dropped from the low-to-mid 20s to a closing price of 14.62 yesterday, while ATI's stock has stayed relatively the same in the 16-18 range. What exactly is going on?

I've been wondering the same, and I've reached the conclusion that OEMs just love the ATI's RV360 chip: it's quite cheap, pretty fast, needs relatively small PCB and heatsink, doesn't need a lot of power and produces only a little heat. The nVidia's NV36 boards are no match for it.

I think the stock owners are excepting this trend to continue with the PCI Express variants. Maybe they believe that there will not be really cheap versions of the NV4x or the R4x0 chips; so that the financial battle will be fought with the previous generation parts, and if that's the case ATI has seriously got the upper hand. Who knows?
It not to do with the previous chips, its the number of wins the PCI Express parts have already got. They had their last Q CC just as the wins were being announced and because of their orders they are predicting next Q rev's of $500M+, higher than they have ever done before. I believe you'll find that these projected rev's are priced into ATI's stock right now and if they miss it'll probably hurt - the question is whether or not Intel's 915/925 southbridge issues significantly delayed OEM orders which might have an impact on ATI.
DaveBaumann said:
It not to do with the previous chips, its the number of wins the PCI Express parts have already got.

I thought the most important new parts were X600 and X300 (from the financial viewpoint), and I've got the impression that the difference between previous generation RV360 and current generation RV380 is the PCI Express bus in the latter. I have to admit that the X300 is a mystery for me, nobody has even told the name of the chip inside the X300. I also admit that the "cheap chip race" is already over and ATI won, but I think the new chips have nothing to do with that (i.e. R4x0 and NV4x).

But maybe there is something more to this. Do you know are there other differences between RV360 and RV380 than the bus connection and caching?
aapo said:
I have to admit that the X300 is a mystery for me, nobody has even told the name of the chip inside the X300. I also admit that the "cheap chip race" is already over and ATI won, but I think the new chips have nothing to do with that (i.e. R4x0 and NV4x).

But maybe there is something more to this. Do you know are there other differences between RV360 and RV380 than the bus connection and caching?

X300 is based on the RV370 basically a RV380 on a 110nm process instead of the 130nm low-k.
Re: WoW

martrox said:
Proforma said:
digitalwanderer said:
I believe nVidia isn't doing as well as ATi financially Natoma. :)

And you say your not an ATI <bleep>.
oooookay.., stating that ATI is doing better (look at Natomas opening post) than nVidia is a sign your ATI biased? Hmmmm....unless I'm missing the joke.....
The quote throws me a bit for a loop too. I was being more sarcastic in stating the obvious more than anything else. :|

BTW, DW isn't biased...he's equal opportunity videocard manufacturer offender! :rolleyes: ;)
I dunno, I don't think that's quite accurate.

I am biased in favor of ATi and against nVidia pretty heavily on the corporate policies/personal relationships end of things, but when it comes to the hardware I let the games decide for me.

In the end for me it's about what hardware can give me the best experience/value for the company preferences generally have very little to do with my purchasing decisions, I base those on bang-for-buck and quality....and very little else. :)
Ok, I can't believe anyone else didn't post it up yet so I am forced to:

Natoma said:
Can someone fill me in?
Sure, bend over!
