Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 ($310 Million)

from the looks of it
in the UK COD MW2 on the xbox360 has sold more than 1 million copies in its first week

it took halo3 ~90 weeks to reach that barrier
and GTA4 (xbox360) ~50 weeks

Theres a chance halo3 has already been outsold, we knew it was going to be big but I dont think anyone thought it was gonna be this big

I believe its fair to compare sales figures between COD MW1 or 2 and Halo3 and Halo 3 ODST because if we remember the previous sales king of FPS was established by Halo 2 thereby giving birth to Microsoft rushing XBox 360 development and launch to capitalize on the posibilites of a sequel (Halo 3) to eclipse the sales figures and hype established by Halo 2.

To a great majority and this may just be opinion but most gamers see COD MW1 and 2 as XBox 360 Live games despite PS3 also hosting a version of the game and even the PC having its own version.

The fact is that somehow the COD Modern Warfare series have established themselves as a graphics and gameplay experience to the hardcore gamers as well as casuals even with its very archaic limitations of 16 player cap (like Halo series) no MP vehicles like halo series (not that it means much) but it even borrows from graphical imagery of Killzone 2 despite not being anywhere close in terms of technical graphics being pushed displayed.

My 2cents however really has to do that now Infinity Ward has no excuses in not pushing/studying or re-writting their programing code to make a far bigger leap in technical graphics and gameplay in the next Modern Warfare game unless they are just going to release an full priced expansion like Valve is doing or relying on a new or next game console.

I am very curious as to how Halo 3 ODST sales will turn out, if it manages with a supposed larger installed base to outsell Halo 3 and although it may be off topic these game devs and Microsoft must be discussing the posibilities of launching a new direct X 11 based Xbox console with some kind of exclusivity deal of Halo next (or Reach or 4) and COD MW 3, it is almost no question that these gamers on XBox 360 who pay to play these games will jump blindly to buy said consoles and games if it was made.
To a great majority and this may just be opinion but most gamers see COD MW1 and 2 as XBox 360 Live games despite PS3 also hosting a version of the game and even the PC having its own version.

It it a multiplatform game. If anyone is considering it a 360 game it is because it has sold best on that platform, partly because the 360 was a better platform for the game, and partly because it was a bigger platform with more FPS shooter fans than the PS3.

The fact is that somehow the COD Modern Warfare series have established themselves as a graphics and gameplay experience to the hardcore gamers as well as casuals even with its very archaic limitations of 16 player cap (like Halo series)

18 players.

no MP vehicles like halo series (not that it means much) but it even borrows from graphical imagery of Killzone 2 despite not being anywhere close in terms of technical graphics being pushed displayed.

My 2cents however really has to do that now Infinity Ward has no excuses in not pushing/studying or re-writting their programing code to make a far bigger leap in technical graphics and gameplay in the next Modern Warfare game unless they are just going to release an full priced expansion like Valve is doing or relying on a new or next game console.

Maybe when we see some other games moving along at 60fps with the same variety IW will change their tune. What they are doing works for them and consumers seem to agree.

Maybe this is an arguement that all those technically advanced titles need to invest some of that tech into better framerates and not only pretty pixels?

But I digress. The real issue is that MW has an intense SP experience that a lot of people like (just like a lot of people like turn based RPGs for whatever reason). MW had some very refined MP with RPG-lite leveling and grinding that struck a chord with the consumers. MW2 just upped what people liked.

it is almost no question that these gamers on XBox 360 who pay to play these games will jump blindly to buy said consoles and games if it was made.

Yeah, just like all the SNES and PS2 owners blindly jumped ... ohhh :oops:
I am very curious as to how Halo 3 ODST sales will turn out, if it manages with a supposed larger installed base to outsell Halo 3
Impossible (unless they give it away with xbox360s)
in the UK
halo3 ODST #1,#3,#6,#9,#14,#22,#25,#33,#34
halo3's numbers are much better (after 10weeks still (just) in the top20)

btw COD:MW2 has passed 2 million in the UK, every chance this will achieve the title of best selling game this generation (i.e. ahead of wiifit,mario kart wii)
I'll be really surprised if it passes the top selling Wii titles of this generation. Some of those pulled in monster sales for months dominating the sales charts.

I really hope the men and women at IW are getting extremely generous Christmas bonuses, due to the staggering amount of money MW2 has brought Activision.
This settles it, MW is this gen GTA...funny how games previously overlooked would come back with a bang...or i would think mass gamers are an unpredictable bunch. I wonder which under appreciated franchise will be the next big hit....? At the same time....those under appreciated franchise should fall in the category of "mature", "epic-y" and full of explosions...
CoD was never overlooked. While MW has sold extraordinary amounts, the franchise has been million selling ever since the first game came out on PC.
Yup, while the CoD series may not always have been a runaway blockbuster, it's been a good seller ever since it launched. Even CoD 2 which many considered worse than CoD 1 sold well and was quite popular.

Yup, while the CoD series may not always have been a runaway blockbuster, it's been a good seller ever since it launched. Even CoD 2 which many considered worse than CoD 1 sold well and was quite popular.


Sorry thsi is wrong. COD2 the real one on the pc and xbox 360 was an amazing game. you must be thinking of COD3 which was panned by many
Sorry thsi is wrong. COD2 the real one on the pc and xbox 360 was an amazing game. you must be thinking of COD3 which was panned by many

COD 2 on PC was considered by many as not being as good as COD 1 on PC. I have no idea what the reputation of the console versions were as I didn't bother with the console versions of COD.

COD 2 on PC was considered by many as not being as good as COD 1 on PC. I have no idea what the reputation of the console versions were as I didn't bother with the console versions of COD.


Odd since I never heard any of those complaints. Must just be diffrent subsets of users.
COD 2 on PC was considered by many as not being as good as COD 1 on PC. I have no idea what the reputation of the console versions were as I didn't bother with the console versions of COD.

The 360 version of CoD2 has an atrocious framerate. It aspires to be 60 fps, but the fps count plummets dramatically. It's like a night and day difference between MW and CoD2. I think CoD2 was a 720p game, which may have accounted for some of its rendering issues.
The problems with CoD2 were several, and though it was considered worse than the original it still held up as a solid game compared to the one that followed it.