Bungie at TGS

Interesting qoutes:


I was treated to some pretty sweet footage of Ninety Nine Nights – a kind of action RPG from Phantagram. Microsoft is publishing it.

If you've played Otogi and Dynasty Warriors then just mash those games up in your head and you'll have a good idea of what to expect in terms of the pace and scale of action. Think wide open fields, filled up with very Lord of The Ringsian varmints. As a matter of fact, the battle sequences looked a lot like Pelinor. With lots more magic.
Lots of antics filled the press conference. Most of the questions were good, pertinent ones, but a couple of journalists (or analysts maybe) asked hostile questions that everyone there knew the answers to. The best part though, was when one European journalist asked in THE MOST BIZARRE JAPANESE EVER (it was really well pronounced, but utterly crazy and rambling) what they were doing about the weight of the original Xbox which he said was too heavy for Japanese homes. There were lots of giggles.

The Nintendo controller was the talk of the show by about lunchtime. So was Kojima's Metal Gear Solid 4. Half of the talk was positive. I will leave you to cipher which.

Now, PSP owners will understand what I am talking about, and everyone else will just have to take my word for it. Ridge Racer 6 on the 360 plays like the PSP game. That is to say, perfectly. Only on 360, it's in 720p and running at some unholy frame rate. As I have mentioned before, it is very stylized, and the cartoon-bright colors meld really well with the razor sharp details, like blades of grass on the track verges. It's a lovely thing to behold.

And between Ridge Racer 6 and Test Drive, I believe I spotted a force-feedback steering wheel from Hori. Joy!

I did stroll over and watch the MGS4 trailer and it was super nice. It also looked far more achievable than the Killzone 2 stuff from E3, which it's already being compared with. As a matter of fact, it looked eerily like the newest Ghost Recon footage, but with a crazy dancing robot. Graphically, it's going to be more about art than technology this generation. I honestly think the 360 and the PS3 will end up looking about the same. Only the Revolution is a mystery.

A few folks asked me if I was there to unveil Halo 3. I smiled and told them the usual Bungie line. We haven't announced our new project yet, blah, blah, blah. We may not have announced it, but its coming along nicely.
MS is going to have to pimp PDZ (provided its received the same treatment as Kameo) and GoW each in their due season while announcing Halo 3 somewhere in there. It would be easy to run over PDZ with Halo 3 fever. It seems that everyone's itching for it.