BSG Season 2 Episode 13


I totally spaced it was on tonight and missed it, but fortunately it was up about an hour ago and I should see it soon.

Was it good? :-|
Of course it was good :devilish:, this one honestly caught me off gaurd. Quite the turn of events takes place in this episode. I can't wait to see how it plays out...
Nice episode, a lot of great plot developments are being set up. Some of that looked a tad rushed though. Eh, it can't always be yakkkety-yak about moral consequences I guess.

Helfer is even more attractive, or has an additional new appeal, with her more natural look. Which is her "real" hair these days?

Boomer plays the role of an expectant Cylon mom magnificently. It's like, it's totally who she is.

Baltar is getting interesting again, it's like the mini-break from 6 really freshened his character.

One hour with commercial breaks is starting to seem too constricting a container for this show. I hope the show's creators get word that they should feel free to take greater creative liberties.
I thought the cylon blood being a cure for cancer was a bit silly.

Also, it was a bit strange to see Baltar's reactions "NO! I wont be that person!" Then turn around and be that person after reading that letter which, from what I could tell, wasn't all that provacative.
RussSchultz said:
I thought the cylon blood being a cure for cancer was a bit silly.

Also, it was a bit strange to see Baltar's reactions "NO! I wont be that person!" Then turn around and be that person after reading that letter which, from what I could tell, wasn't all that provacative.
Well, the cure for cancer thing is a better development than it seems because now it throws the whole prophecy thing into doubt. There was the sick leader who was supposed to die while leading her people on a great journey--so now what?

Also, Baltar is going really nuts now. Six has a nuke. Ohboy!
Good ep. The deus ex machina when the president was literally moments away from death was the only major problem.

I love the prez, but her recovery was just too miraculous.

I also agree about No.6. She's always been attractive, but I... I liked Starbuck more. Now I probably prefer No.6. Either hairstyle.
Yeah, 6 is working it and the Doc is hard up, which I think explains the ease of his turnaround reasonably well. Also note that it not straight cylon blood, but rather the cylon-human half breed's blood that did the trick on the cancer which could well play back into 6's insistence "God has a plan for all of us" and may well have had a hand in swaying Baltar as well. Both those bits did catch me as off a bit at first though, as does how the sympathizers don't seem to understand that they have been basically running for their lives the whole time and how no one takes the trouble to make that blatantly obvious to their leader. It seems to me like they would have been better off streaching out last weeks plot over two episodes to alow it flow smoother, but I'm hoping that they had some good reasons for rushing though all that which we will see soon.

Someone is gonna start looking really hard at Baltar or should. For logic's sake as he was already heavily under suspicion. He was with the real six when she escaped. And he had the nuke in his custody when it dissapeared.

I loved his ambivalent "I dont care about anyone but I dont wish harm to anyone stuck between a rock and a hard place and Im going batshit crazy with my cylon\shizophhrenic fantasy that almost completely destroyed humanity" character but they made him stupidly evil too quickly and too easily here. He needed to stay ambiguous though already he was losing his comic edge quite a bit. I suppose that couldnt sustain itself forever... I guess he had eventually to evolve into a more dramatic role.

I would have him keep trying to use his supposed superior nogin to figure a way to keep\win over six's love all the while getting back at the cylons for the mass murder and of course assure his own and humanity's survival in the end. He better not have given up on humanity cuz of the letter. That would make his character both extremely unsympathetic and abnormaly stupid. I loved the ambiguity where he rejects six's influence for him to become president and instead saves the presidents life tho it would have made him a lot safer. But he didnt trust his own ability in the face of his schizophrenia and not end up harming people.

But it already looks bad... Unless he means to damage the live six with the nukes' radioactivity? Make her sick then save her again? Or use it to test her in the face of her supporters? Im not sure they know she's a cylon...
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pax said:
Someone is gonna start looking really hard at Baltar or should. For logic's sake as he was already heavily under suspicion. He was with the real six when she escaped. And he had the nuke in his custody when it dissapeared.
I loved the seen where the Six was leading the Doc around and you could see the reactions of the Galactica crew in the background all staring at him like he was a raving loon! :LOL:
digitalwanderer said:
I loved the seen where the Six was leading the Doc around and you could see the reactions of the Galactica crew in the background all staring at him like he was a raving loon! :LOL:
That particular incident was TOO obvious. Certainly there'd be widespread rumors going around that he WAS certifiably nuts doing that.

Previously, he would simply get distracted, or appear absentminded, but that was too over the top.

Personally, I don't think they've handled Baltar's descent very well at all.