What? Are you just making this crap up? If you were to take two processors with the same clock, same architecture, and they only differed in aluminum and copper interconnects you'd find they would have the exact same performance. Case in point, AMD's Athlon Thunderbird core was produced in both copper and aluminum interconnect variants. Each chip performed identically at the same speed, while it was claimed that the copper chips overclocked better. You'll find the numbers
here to show the differences are statistically insignificant.
I don't doubt that the 750CL (
or whatever Broadway truly is) is much better suited for gaming than the castrated PIII in the Xbox, but not for the reasons listed. Copper, strained (and possibly stained) silicon, and SOI all helped IBM achieve a design on a process node at a speed that conventional techniques probably would not have allowed, and within a tiny power budget. Would a chip with such a short pipeline have been possible at 90nm without such technologies? Maybe an electrical engineer can help us out here.