Bought the game yesterday. Tried it for a couple of minutes. Hm...seems to be ok!
I am not sure at the moment to be honest. It's a bit complicated at the beginning...I just run with the pack and see what I can do
I like the style a lot but think graphics are nothing special imo...a little bit dissapointing for a new released game (especially considering that I am playing on PC all maxed at 1080p!) seems, that at the end of my play session the graphics slowly started to grow on me...but I am not sure at the moment...
The parkcour stuff is funny and cool...but to be honest, at the moment I do not see an added gameplay seems to be that it is just for style...which is cool as well
Guns and shooting + sound seems nothing special either...I am missing the impact of my actions a little bit to be honest.
On the other hand, I like the XP system (as far as I can tell) very seems to me that you get XP for every action...nice!
A sensation if you ask me: when you are dead, you can see how many medics are on the way to you and how far away they are...respawn system is ace as far as I can tell, because you can choose yourself if you want to use the medic respawn or if you want to respawn in the base!
I have to play more to see if it 's a game for me!