Brink: Splash Damage latest FPS (Thread features DeanoC as master of secrets)

After playing the game for a few days I think the Brink experience boils down to this: If you enjoy Team Fortress 2 a lot--and love the idea of earning XP to unlock stuff--then this game is for you. I have to say if you're the type of gamer who's just into shooters (especially single-play campaigns) then I think the $60 purchase isn't really justified.

General Notes:

- Almost all the maps (8 in total) are well made, force traffic to flow effectively so players continue to run into one another and usually make sense directionally. Map layouts look like they have spots for every class to take advantage of, and they don't feel too big.

- The HUD is too busy for me--way too busy--even after watching the promotional UI video.

- There is so much constant radio chatter from the characters it actually makes it tough to keep up with what's going on with the rest of your team. Everyone automatically calls out when they see something or do something ("BUILDING TURRET!", "HEY THERE'S A BAD GUY OVER HERE!") and it eventually turned into a white noise for me.

- The graphics are fine, not as impressive as I hoped. Day 1 patch is suppose to make it prettier though.

- The sprint (auto-slide, auto-climb) button is exactly what you expect it to be--a button you press to do things for you so you do less work.
supposed to be picking this up today for 360 and have heard that there is some game breaking lag online so hoping it gets sorted out soon....but I have faith, game looks like a unique experience

I may hold off to see how the lag is addressed
started with some horrible laggy games and now played 2 hours straight of some pretty intense action... really enjoying it so far... fun and different. Nice that some players are really figuring it out... also I set my rank or higher on the game search settings and started getting good games.

360 ver
ok. been playing this for pretty much 6.5 hours straight... really good mp gameplay... excellent features and customization. unique connection system (no lobbies and co-op, versus, SP modes) and fun fun fun... oh and I love the agile body type
Bought the game yesterday. Tried it for a couple of minutes. Hm...seems to be ok!
I am not sure at the moment to be honest. It's a bit complicated at the beginning...I just run with the pack and see what I can do :D

I like the style a lot but think graphics are nothing special imo...a little bit dissapointing for a new released game (especially considering that I am playing on PC all maxed at 1080p!) seems, that at the end of my play session the graphics slowly started to grow on me...but I am not sure at the moment...

The parkcour stuff is funny and cool...but to be honest, at the moment I do not see an added gameplay seems to be that it is just for style...which is cool as well :D

Guns and shooting + sound seems nothing special either...I am missing the impact of my actions a little bit to be honest.

On the other hand, I like the XP system (as far as I can tell) very seems to me that you get XP for every action...nice!

A sensation if you ask me: when you are dead, you can see how many medics are on the way to you and how far away they are...respawn system is ace as far as I can tell, because you can choose yourself if you want to use the medic respawn or if you want to respawn in the base!

I have to play more to see if it 's a game for me!
There's ample amount of recoil in the game, make no mistake this isn't an easy to pick up game, the fact that there are no one hit kill weapons and that the gameplay entirely relies on teamwork makes sure of that. Its great to see an MP focused FPS which isn't just another dudebro shooter.
Why would 1 shot kill weapons make it an easy pick up game?

Not counting rocket launchers, 1 shot kill weapons actually makes life harder for newbs. Atleast that is my experience in every single fps game i have ever played.

(This is due to 2 reasons. 1: newbs are likely to be worse at aiming -> meaning death. 2: experienced players know the map, and thus know where the point this sniper rifle or whatever it is. (like in CS with AWP -> no newb has a chance because elite players will be ready and aiming, and as soon as you move around a the corner to get in their visual area you get killed.)
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Is this game online only like Team Fortress 2 ? Or does it have single player campaign like Mirrors Edge ?
There's ample amount of recoil in the game, make no mistake this isn't an easy to pick up game, the fact that there are no one hit kill weapons and that the gameplay entirely relies on teamwork makes sure of that. Its great to see an MP focused FPS which isn't just another dudebro shooter.

There`s recoil and spread but why not on the MG which should have quite a bit ?
Would be better if the recoil would be a bit less on the other weapons and the auto aim tuned down instead . Also the hit markers are terrible imo.
From what I understand, the PS3 was the lead development platform.

Since when did they start bothering with upscaled resolution? :p Mentioning 1080p for 360 is pretty dirty if you ask me, especially when the horizontal res is actually not 1280. *ahem*