Brink: Splash Damage latest FPS (Thread features DeanoC as master of secrets)

The graphics dont impress me so much anymore (it kind of looks like Killzone with all the post processing stripped away). But I still think they're maybe in the upper 20% which is good enough (hard to believe it's running on what, Id tech 4? Just goes to show the underlying engine doesnt really matter). I do really like the clean areas with pastel colors, where it reminds of mirrors edge, moreso than the rust colored level.

I noticed there's no hint of a release date in the trailer.

As always in videogames, bet on the delay. Wouldn' be surprised to see this finally ship in fall.

But if it does come in April, I will probably purchase it, along with Bulletstorm, Crysis 2, and Killzone 3 this spring. I guess I like FPS.
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I think, fi the gameplay turns out good, which seems to be the case from the videos, then I will go for the PS3 version. PC has become a place for eye candy, and PS3 is where I play MP, if at all !
Will wait for the reviews before buying. Sure seems to be a winner !

@People who were in the beta : Sure you have NDA's, but was it good, bad, ugly or fantastic ? :D !
I guess that Splash Damage wont mind this, but this game is FUN, competitive MP usually is not my thing. But this I highly recommend based on what has been showed in the beta.

Even the cut scenes between the maps are fun the first times you see them :)
From what i heard even in pvp they have Ai players so the battlefield looks fuller.
Also a good way to simulate a chaotic battlefield. So far from what it gather its 6vs6 real players and the rest is Ai.
I am so buying this game!

is there any reason not to get this game for PC and get it for consoles? exclusive DLC or something like this?!
Well you can use a gamepad on PC in case the platforming is funner that way but the game has a heavy co-op component so I'd just go with whatever version most of my friends ended up getting.
is there any reason not to get this game for PC and get it for consoles?[...]

I pre-ordered Brink for the PC. Splash Damage stated that each version is developed separately and that there's no "lead platform". Content wise there are no announcements for any exclusive DLC or anything similar (there are however various pre-order bonuses). But the PC Version will have the benefit of day 1 dedicated servers that will be free to run!

I just hope they haven't "dumbed down" the game too much for the consoles and are actually telling the truth with all the "no-port" talk. But I give Splash Damage and Bethesda the benefit of the doubt because Brink looks great and I really want a fresh multiplayer focused FPS!

While I expected some "console overhead" especially in the menus and GUI (radial menus, quick select buttons), I am a little concerned about the weapon behavior seen in the "get-smart" movies. There seems to be almost no recoil, this could greatly reduce the skill ceiling. I'm also not very thrilled they decided to go with a rechargeable health system. At least they added a little depth with the non rechargeable medic buffs.

But trying to deduct key gameplay mechanics from movies that might very well have been made some time ago seems to be a rather futile exercise.
In the beta I never noticed lack of recoil, but there are different weapon types ie size. Smaller once probably got much less lag than larger ones. Also the body type of the player probably will vary this to some degree, bigger bodies vs smaller bodies.

The game is fun, problem with beta was that it had just 2 maps you could play. Albeit they where BIG and fun, stll after a while you wanted more maps.

I played on the PS3