Brainstorming - Chatprogram GUI


Hi everyone.

I'm doing a basic chatprogram (mIRC style) as a project in my Java class.
Now I'm running low on ideas of how to design the program.

All I can think of is virtually a look-a-like to mIRC.

So I was wondering if anyone had any good ideas, or perhaps know of programs that work similar to mIRC but have different designs and layouts, to get some ideas from.

I'm counting on you ;)

(mail me at if you dont wish to post here in the board)
ZS Chizzat 1.5 Beta... it's in the programs section of my site, in sig. I don't know exactly what you're looking for in the layout department, but I kept it relatively simple. Settings in a different place, the main part of the program is the chat itself.

I haven't used mIRC, so I can't help you there.

Well I'm not quite sure what I'm looking for, as I cant think of a different setup thatn the standard one.
So I'm guessing it will look sort of like that.

I guess there aint much radical things you can do in the world of "standard" chatprograms ;)
There was a great idea for a chat interface in one of the Siggraphs (about 3 or 4 years ago). It used a graphical display with cartoon characters and speech bubbles.