Blue Dragon will ship on 3 DVDs.

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So can CDs, yes?

There are now two examples of games that won't fit on a DVD9 (like there were games that won't fit on single-layered DVDs). Arguably, games like GeOW could be longer, and games like Oblivion could have better looking textures. The argument isn't just limited to the linear RPG genre. Doesn't this suggest the natural progression of games to come (if it weren't obvious to you before)?

I might add that the playstation brand is familiar to JPRPGs - all the more reason to have the capacity for such games, right?

Speaking of "workarounds" for games that can't fit on one disc (despite best efforts), the only one that works is disc swapping.

Textures depend on the amount of available memory much more so than storage capacity.

Multiple disks is hardly an issue in any circumstance and I cant see it hindering the 360 titles at all. This is the first time were m.d. have ever been claimed to be an issue in gaming, and only so fans of one console can find dominance over the competition.

There are a few GTA style games available now for the 360 and several more to come in the future. If there is an issue with sandbox titles it doesnt seem to be relevant at this time.
This thread doesn't have nearly enough screens :D

Picture2.jpg <-- this one's sweet

All 100% realtime. Gonna be three juicy discs!
Baldur's Gate was horrible in this regard, because of absolutely no overlapping between discs. Often, you would exit a map by mistake, have to switch CDs, load the new map, go back, and switch CDs back... That was painful. Still a great game, though. :)

Compared to that, having to switch CDs/DVDs a couple of times over the course of a game (FF7, RE:CV, RE4...) is a minor inconvenience.
Indeed, I remember Baldur's gate. 1 install disc + 5 discs (+1 expansion disc 'tales of the swoardcoast'). If you had a large HDD (mine was only 3 GB at that moment :( ) you could reduce the disc swapping by setting your buffer over 1GB. But you still had to insert discs for every FMV.
At least I didn't have to get out of my chair to swap them (which would be annoying on a console)
The biggest problem was that constantly swapping damaged the discs over time.

The PS3 looks like it's designed for games that use lot's of HD FMV and J-RPGs but since X360 will only get a few high profile J-RPG's and some low budget ones, it won't be a big problem for MS.
Famitsu most wanted Blue Dragon 2 place :D yay

I really hope Microsoft does well in Asian territory. If only because I enjoy the concept of foreign competition. Hey if it worked for cars here, considering how nationalistic we were 1919->, America should be able to break into Japanese consoles yet :)

Too bad their market landscape is so different the comparison is null :( It is 5:13pm and I have been up since 5:20 yesterday. :D
Textures depend on the amount of available memory much more so than storage capacity.

Multiple disks is hardly an issue in any circumstance and I cant see it hindering the 360 titles at all. This is the first time were m.d. have ever been claimed to be an issue in gaming, and only so fans of one console can find dominance over the competition.

There are a few GTA style games available now for the 360 and several more to come in the future. If there is an issue with sandbox titles it doesnt seem to be relevant at this time.

If multiple disks were hardly an issue, I think it was partly due to the necessity of the situation, as someone might have also suggested before. If there was a game that needed to exceed this situation, Blue Dragon appears to be it - and it certainly isn't by design so that we can bitch about it.

I'm not aware of any other GTA style game for the 360 other than Saints Row - there are certainly complaints about it being a relatively small world by comparison - at its graphics fidelity within the same space constraint as the "old-generation" GTA, what else could one expect?
I'm not aware of any other GTA style game for the 360 other than Saints Row - there are certainly complaints about it being a relatively small world by comparison - at its graphics fidelity within the same space constraint as the "old-generation" GTA, what else could one expect?

The relationship between disc usage and the size of the game world is extremely thin. The largest game worlds last gen were not the biggest, GTA: SA for example was very small.
Disk space consumption is a function of graphics * world size. GTA:SA was huge, but graphics were not great. Same is true of Oblivion, which also had pretty mediocre graphics. Blue Dragon apparently wants both, and that's gonna need a lot of data.
Disk space consumption is a function of graphics * world size. GTA:SA was huge, but graphics were not great. Same is true of Oblivion, which also had pretty mediocre graphics. Blue Dragon apparently wants both, and that's gonna need a lot of data.

What constitutes "good graphics" though? If you mean high-res textures, then i guess that could be right, but "good graphics" could come out of very small data you know...
It really all depends on so many variables...
It's not very often that a game is released strictly with original voices + subtitles, huh?

I think I'd probably prefer listening to the original voice overs with subtitles rather than the dub track (especially since I've heard it in Japanese), but many other people probably wouldn't like the lack of voice overs in their native tongue.

But if Three discs were the price to be paid for having the original voices + subtitles on there along with the dub, I'm all for it.

BTW, since it takes a perv to know a perv... if one were to imply that another person was a perv.... then.... :idea:
It's not very often that a game is released strictly with original voices + subtitles, huh?

I think I'd probably prefer listening to the original voice overs with subtitles rather than the dub track (especially since I've heard it in Japanese), but many other people probably wouldn't like the lack of voice overs in their native tongue.

That's my main issue with foreign films that get dubbed. The tone of the original voices is as fitting as possible while the dubs sound flat and downright silly. There are exceptions of course, but that's the problem. They're exceptions.

Case-in-point: N3 - the english voiceovers were atrocious. I was looking all over for the Japanese voices, which sounded much better and more serious in the online videos. Dead Rising has some pretty bad English acting too. Now, they might sound silly to the native speakers, but I'd hope the original sound directors got exactly what they wanted from those actors, and that the screw-ups happen when trying to translate.

Seeing the voice-over videos of Halo:CE and the french commercial for Halo 2... yikes... I mean, these games are designed with the primary language in mind, and the subtleties of the tones just get lost.

BTW, since it takes a perv to know a perv... if one were to imply that another person was a perv.... then.... :idea:

...then everyone is a perv. :devilish:
That's my main issue with foreign films that get dubbed. The tone of the original voices is as fitting as possible while the dubs sound flat and downright silly. There are exceptions of course, but that's the problem. They're exceptions.

Case-in-point: N3 - the english voiceovers were atrocious. I was looking all over for the Japanese voices, which sounded much better and more serious in the online videos. Dead Rising has some pretty bad English acting too. Now, they might sound silly to the native speakers, but I'd hope the original sound directors got exactly what they wanted from those actors, and that the screw-ups happen when trying to translate.

Seeing the voice-over videos of Halo:CE and the french commercial for Halo 2... yikes... I mean, these games are designed with the primary language in mind, and the subtleties of the tones just get lost.

I completely agree with everything you said. I hope 3 disks mean you get to choose language voices, but it usually isn't the case, unless the game doesn't have that much spoken dialog to begin with. That's what I'm hoping the advantage of Bluray will be and I really hope Square-Enix finally gets it and releases FF with support for original voiceovers.
I'm not aware of any other GTA style game for the 360 other than Saints Row - there are certainly complaints about it being a relatively small world by comparison - at its graphics fidelity within the same space constraint as the "old-generation" GTA, what else could one expect?

Actually, there are a few, the godfather, just cause and saints Row. The biggest issue with SR was not the space, but the slow streaming speed.

SR was 6gb btw. Thats including 1.5 gb of MS security files.

Then we got games like JC and Test drive unlimited which have absolutely HUUUUUGE gameworlds..
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