So can CDs, yes?
There are now two examples of games that won't fit on a DVD9 (like there were games that won't fit on single-layered DVDs). Arguably, games like GeOW could be longer, and games like Oblivion could have better looking textures. The argument isn't just limited to the linear RPG genre. Doesn't this suggest the natural progression of games to come (if it weren't obvious to you before)?
I might add that the playstation brand is familiar to JPRPGs - all the more reason to have the capacity for such games, right?
Speaking of "workarounds" for games that can't fit on one disc (despite best efforts), the only one that works is disc swapping.
Textures depend on the amount of available memory much more so than storage capacity.
Multiple disks is hardly an issue in any circumstance and I cant see it hindering the 360 titles at all. This is the first time were m.d. have ever been claimed to be an issue in gaming, and only so fans of one console can find dominance over the competition.
There are a few GTA style games available now for the 360 and several more to come in the future. If there is an issue with sandbox titles it doesnt seem to be relevant at this time.