Blue Dragon Demo up on XBL

Ya, this is a great old school game.

I downloaded the 'Hard' mode from the HongKong marketplace, and the challenge is pretty good.

Currently I'm stuck at some little robot inside a drilling machine, tough little bastard...

Oh, and the GFX? Absolutely a joy to look at, especially inside the machines where it's all industrial, beautiful stuff...
I'm playing on normal. To some people it is too easy but it is just right for me especially since you are not allowed to save anywhere. Nothing sucks more than spending 30 minutes-1 hour playing and leveling up and then getting killed without a save point in sight.

I love the graphics. Not everything needs to be ultra realistic in fact we have way too much that stuff. This game, hot shots/Everybody golf and to a lesser extent Eternal Sonata are exactly what I wanted to see coming out of Japan this generation.
I got this as a freebie at X07. I've not played it yet, however the spousal unit appears to be addicted to it. Looking through the achievements though I think I might have to play it just so I can have the achievement that states I've "Beaten the Golden Poo Snake"!
I'm about seven hours in, with Marumoru (or whatever his name is) just joining my party. I'm really enjoying it as a light-hearted adventure. It certainly doesn't take itself too seriously, and the magic system is quite interesting.

I actually am finding this a great pickup in the same week as Bioshock. It may not be intense or thought-provoking, but it's the kind of game I can lay down and play casually while listening to music and the girlfriend sits next to me reading a book.
I've been enjoying the retail copy so far. They really hurt this game by releasing that demo.

That is what BlimBlim told me. He said the game was MUCH better than the demo, and that the progression in the retail game is excellent. Standard JRPG fair, but a really good traditional JRPG in his opinion. He had the same experience as scoob:

Ya, this is a great old school game....

I was thirsting for a JRPG on my x360.

I personally hate turn based RPGs. That said, from reading reviews this seems like a very good traditional RPG with a light hearted story. It seems to get knocked for not doing anything really new.

Would anyone expect a sequal to, say, Halo 2, that didn't change the gameplay at all (same battle sizes, gun balance, etc) or add any new features -- just some new, pretty graphics -- to get a score much above a low 8?

I think I would call that the, "Doom 3 Effect". A solid game -- great for nastolgics and fans of the style of game. But no new features, nor gameplay design concepts. Just a classic shooter with pretty graphics.

Blue Dragon looks like the Doom 3 of JRPGs. Nice graphics, and it hits all the JRPG checkboxes in terms of story length, combat system depth, etc. It just doesn't do anything new -- so it doesn't appeal to non-JRPG fans, and fans looking for a JRPG to start their fires it doesn't bring anything new to the table to do so.

But those dieing to get their hands on a good JRPG, just not great or outstanding (or something to suck them into a genre they tend to shy away from) Blue Dragon doesn't do anything here. Which to me, lines up with what the texts of the reviews say plus the 7 & 8 reviews.


Good. :yes:

7.9 on IGN's scale means: Good. Check it out. And here is how a 7.0-7.9 nd 8.0-8.9 mean from IGN:

IGN said:
8.0 to 8.9
An excellent gaming experience that misses the boat in just a few key areas. Games that score in this range still come highly recommended by IGN.

7.0 to 7.9
A good game that has some obvious flaws. Games scoring in the high end of this range might have some first-rate elements, whereas the lower 7s have some serious shortcomings that keep them from ever achieving classic status.

Good game... obvious flaws... might have some first-rate elements.

Sounds like Blue Dragon to me.

Store Manager to lady trading in games: "Do you want to reserve Halo 3?"
Lady: "We have a PS2"
SM: "It's coming for the PS2"
Lady (hesitation in voice): "Really?"
Other Female Employee: "I think it might only be xbox"
SM (in disbelief with blank stare): "..."
Other Male Employee: "I think that's right, cuz when you ring it up, it only comes up Xbox."
SM: "Ok."

Me (purses lips and strains to say absolutely nothing!): *in my head* "This is exactly why I don't come to this ghetto-ass store"

Heh, I see the same stuff here. Always going for a quick sale ;) I know they don't make much, but you would think they would be familiar with the general market they work in. The concept of "exclusive" isn't hard to master! One of my favorite experiences was I had one guy get mad, really mad and then went on a whiny rant, when we were talking about Assassin's Creed and I mentioned it was officially confirmed to be multiplatform. I remember a former poster here, who absolutely hated Sony and worked at a game store, so I guess all things are even :LOL:
Wow. I just got this through gamefly. When I played the demo, I had decided the game was off my buy list, and quickly forgot about it--even gameflying it. But, I played 4 hours, which was supposed to be just 1 hour, and I love it. I'll probably buy it. I'm sorely tempted to keep playing right now, in fact. I somehow doubt I'll finish it before Halo 3 comes out. Then again, that'll be over fairly quickly. It'll be easy to play H3 MP and Blue Dragon... and Eternal Sonata? Heh. Total overload.

Totally out of nowhere for me, since I wasn't reading anybody else's comments once the game came out.

But now, time to disappear again. Avoiding the internet and all. I didn't care about Halo 2, but for Halo 3, I really just don't want to know more than I already do. As fresh as can be.
Not much to say to add to this thread aside from I picked up this game a few weeks ago and haven't been able to put it down since..

If you don't mind the reasonably "youth-targetted", dragon-ball-Z-esque plot/storytelling/art style then you'll probably enjoy this game as much as I am..

Brings back alot of memories of alot of the anime cartoons I used to follow as a kid..

Overall it's a solid game, amazing graphics & simple but deep/rich/involving battle system.. I feel like what more do you want from a JRPG?
Overall it's a solid game, amazing graphics & simple but deep/rich/involving battle system.. I feel like what more do you want from a JRPG?
Something new I guess (at least reviewers do). I'm just hoping for my ChronoTrigger/FFVII fix.

Anyway, my copy will probably arrive today. :cool:
(finished Bioshock first)