Simple if it was very cheap to make they'd be selling it for alot less than 3grand. The simple reason is because they would rather have it take over the dvd market and make money off the software and rewriteable medium.
that's just simplistic thinking, they can't sell it cheap because there is no demand for massive production yet.
so they'll produce and sell it as an commodity item.
The launch of the ps3 with a million or two units will still not make it mass market.
but still provide the increased level of production neccessary to warrent it's inclusion in PS3. and to be honest stopping at 2-3million units of any of the next gen machines isn't gonna happen.
This is all i have to say on the subject . I'm sure you will pick half sentences or only part of a point and pick it to shreds since you seem good at that but i wont bother to reply
it's fun picking half sentences