
If you really want to see the graphics shine, goto settings> Lock Framerate: Off.

The difference is unbelievable, soo much smoother and crisper. There is some tearing, but it's worth it for the higher framerates and better detail IMO.
I'm going to have to start popping ginger or dramamine. The only other option would be to limit playtime, and I can't do that.
I was only able to get to the "find telekinesis plasmid" part last night before giving up due to motion sickness. I usually don't have problems with fps on my PC but some games on my plasma do that to me. I went and bought some ginger root tablets today (vitamin section of Walgreens for $7.99/100 tab). I hope it helps getting further tonight.
If you really want to see the graphics shine, goto settings> Lock Framerate: Off.

The difference is unbelievable, soo much smoother and crisper. There is some tearing, but it's worth it for the higher framerates and better detail IMO.

Why would turning that off give you more detail? Its just vsync.
It just looks much better.

Even in the description, they say that locking the framerate may degrade the visuals.

Are you sure it's just vsynch?

That is strange since having the vsync on would mean they could have more detailed without framerate fluctuation. But perhaps it is just that bloom/DoF/motion-blur effects just makes things look better at higher framerate (illusion wise).
That is strange since having the vsync on would mean they could have more detailed without framerate fluctuation. But perhaps it is just that bloom/DoF/motion-blur effects just makes things look better at higher framerate (illusion wise).

You're assuming that framerate lock is just v-synch, perhaps that is not the case? It could be degrading visuals in certain areas to maintain a higher more consistent framerate. I don't have the PC version so I can't test it myself, but perhaps we could get someone else to test it and comment?
You're assuming that framerate lock is just v-synch, perhaps that is not the case? It could be degrading visuals in certain areas to maintain a higher more consistent framerate. I don't have the PC version so I can't test it myself, but perhaps we could get someone else to test it and comment?

The PC has this option aswell and all it does, at least in the PC version is switch vsync on and off - this can be verified by switching to PC controls were the option actually becomes "Vsync on/off". Obviously FRAPS confirms the framerate lock/release aswell.

Also on the PC the comment about it degrading visuals is actually if you turn the setting OFF (i.e unlock the framerate) and thus most likely refers to the tearing you will get.

Is it definatly the other way around on the 360?
Is it definatly the other way around on the 360?

Ya you're right, just checked the manual and it says: "Lock On: Maximize framerate, but may degrade visuals", so they must be referring the screen tearing.

Still, I would swear it looks much crisper. Overall the whole game plays better, switchign weapons is more responsive, the hacking minigame is faster, moving is much smoother.

I've always hated tearing, but I'm learning to live with it for these gfx...
Btw, some random comments:

First of all, the research feature in this game is awesome!

The perfect way to break up the action and let you take in some scenery. It provides not only new gene tonics and upgrades for youyr characters, but increased damage against the enemies you research. Researching the little sisters gives you Health and Eve boosts.

I love following around the big daddies and little sisters, snapping photo's, or using enrage on a crowd of enemies, and have a little photo shoot :p

I can take out the BD's pretty easy now, using a my freeze plasmid and the grenade launcher. But at first they would kill me 5 or 6 times easily, and I really couldn't defeat them.

Started on Hard, but it was too difficult, so I switched down to medium which seems about perfect.
Unlocking the frame rate on the 360 causes some horrific tearing of the likes I've never seen before. It was nearly unplayable because it wasn't the normal single tear line in the middle, it fluctuated between two and three tear lines. This was on a CRT based HDTV.

And to be honest, it didn't seem much faster at all.
Unlocking the frame rate on the 360 causes some horrific tearing of the likes I've never seen before. It was nearly unplayable because it wasn't the normal single tear line in the middle, it fluctuated between two and three tear lines. This was on a CRT based HDTV.

And to be honest, it didn't seem much faster at all.

Im at work now, but was pretty sure that the Framerate lock is OFF by default correct?
scoob: should of spoilerd some of that stuff! Trial and error figuring out how to overcome the daddies was FUN! :)

On that note, each Big Daddy fights you a lil different. Even if he gets you a couple of times, you get to vita back, by a couple more paks, and take another shot at him, with him being where you left of at him.

This game is easily becoming one of my fav games, ever. The story is rather compelling. The horro element is superb. All the creative ways to kill people. Never really sure whats coming up next. You may have cleared and area only to come back in the middle of some splicers conversation.

As you progress deeper in the game the scenery gets pretty fantastic. I am compelled to see how much deeper it gets.

Again, I can't emphasize all the different ways to kills mobs or individuals. If you own a 360, or were on the fence to get one, but needed something to push you a lil sooner then halo, then this is the one. THE ONE.

No flaws to me so far, as far as a I am concerned. I feel that Kevin Levine made this game, with me in mind. So of course, IMO.

Get it. You won't be dissapointed. It's impossible.
Could I suggest that since this is a thread about the demo that we refrain from talking about the full game especially spoilers. You could create a new thread with a general spoiler alert in it to talk about the full game.
Title changed. Make sure you spoiler tag everything that gives away parts of the story. :p

We could also split the thread if you'd like in a "
BioShock Full Game Discussion" thread. Though, I'd have to scan the thread for spoilers which would make a very unhappy gamer :p