
Umm, of course 16:9 is the way they intended to be viewed. Its main sales are going to be on the Xbox 360 and I'd say near the majority of the computer players are using 16:10 widescreen.
What is so bad about a pre-order? You give them $10 to reserve the game then pay the rest of the games cost when you pick it up. It makes sure they have plenty of games in stock for you once you arrive. Its your fault that they couldn't store 200 of one game when they had no idea how much they would need on first day for the game.

Its either gamestop inability to acquire enough stocks forcing the initial lot to be limited to just preorders or whoever is allocating orders for that store has no business with that responsibility.

Allowing for no walk in business on release day without being restricted by limited supply is pretty assinine. Its practically guaranteed that there will be walkin sales somewhere down the line, especially for a game with 50 preorders at one location.
Umm, of course 16:9 is the way they intended to be viewed. Its main sales are going to be on the Xbox 360 and I'd say near the majority of the computer players are using 16:10 widescreen.

ya it really makes no sense that the game would only be 4:3, its more like someone has screwed up the settings for their display.
Umm, of course 16:9 is the way they intended to be viewed. Its main sales are going to be on the Xbox 360 and I'd say near the majority of the computer players are using 16:10 widescreen.
Well, that's what I originally thought (and still do).

Nevertheless, the fact that he said that the 16:9 AR would show more (when in fact it is the opposite) indicates that they changed their approach to one of the modes. Either they decided to add to the top and bottom of the 4:3 (rather than chop off the sides) or they letterboxed the original 4:3 to create 16:9 (rather than, as stated, use a different projection to render a wider FOV).

Now, I would find it hard to believe that Bioshock wasn't' designed for wide screens, so (as you, but opposed to the masses of alarmists at the linked threads) I'd tend to believe the former. The available information, however, doesn't support one conclusion over the other.
Maybe it does'nt mean anything, but i find it funny that this game that's targeted primarily to 360 and PC, have the "NVIDIA - The way it's meant to be played" on the PC-demo. To me it would be more logical if this game had ads for ATI.
As for "nothing-to-do-at-night" ;)

PC-Demo starting by default with the XBox360 settings:

ReportDynamicUploads=True -- excluding this. On PC it's 0.

More XBox-related strings:


Core.Log (native)=0.3
Core.Logs (script)=0.5
Engine.Particles (All)=6
Engine.Particles (Active)=4
Engine.Flash Update=2.5
Render.Scene GPU=33
Render.Scene Render=33
Render.Particle Render=4
Core.String concat (script)=0.25

Diffirence between DX and DX10
For 10:

And one more IMO interesting sector:
; pc graphics config options

There is nothing like this for XBox360.

And about build version:
BuildTime="Thu Aug 16 18:28:42 Eastern Daylight Time 2007" D
Back ON topic...

Got about 1.25 hours into this and WOW.... already the best, most intense, interesting, beautiful game I've ever played.

the lighting is unbelievable, the pacing, the placement of everything, the maps, the sound .... top shelf all the way.
I moved the PS3-related speculation to its own topic as I agree that the general body of this thread should remain on the game experience itself.
wow, my head hurts... fought through the motion sickness for a couple hours of game play.

Unreal... beautiful water, floors, walls, particle effects :oops:.

everything is purposeful in this game. The options and weapon upgrades are incredible. telekinesis!! holy chit it's the coolest weapon ever and the graphics for it is amazing.

there is a setting to allow highest frame rate but it causes a lot of tearing on my display. This game is ridiculous. everything about it is organic.
Are you really sensitive to motion sickness in an FPS?

I ask because I tend to get motion sickness in some games. It is the reason I don't play any PC FPS games. Halo, Halo 2 and Doom 3 were about the only 2 FPS last gen that I could stomach. There have been a few more, but I can't recall them right now.

The demo didn't give me any problems though.
I think it's only for the PC version but the gamespot screens I saw of the 360 version didn't show the wrists when he had the wrench.

I think widescreen should make sense for FPS games.

Nope, its the 360 version too. What you see on screen is identical in both at 16:9 AR.

I agree with the guys above that the game was probably designed with 16:9 in mind and they just chucked extra bits at the top and bottom for 4:3.

In fact, I think I have some evidence supporting this...

**Possible demo spoiler warning**

In the scene were you first inject EVE and you pass out and one of the little sisters walks up to you. In 16:9 you never see her eyes but in 4:3 you can clearly see they are glowing red. It seems to me that in the context of that scene and the later one were the little sister it properly introduced by Atlas that the devs didn't mean for you to see she was some kind of demon so early on in the game.

You could speculate the other way of course but I personally think the way above makes more sense.
Last edited by a moderator:
As for "nothing-to-do-at-night" ;)

PC-Demo starting by default with the XBox360 settings:

ReportDynamicUploads=True -- excluding this. On PC it's 0.

Interesting but how do you know they are the 360 variables?
Nope, its the 360 version too. What you see on screen is identical in both at 16:9 AR.

I agree with the guys above that the game was probably designed with 16:9 in mind and they just chucked extra bits at the top and bottom for 4:3.

In fact, I think I have some evidence supporting this...

In the scene were you first inject EVE and you pass out and one of the little sisters walks up to you. In 16:9 you never see her eyes but in 4:3 you can clearly see they are glowing red. It seems to me that in the context of that scene and the later one were the little sister it properly introduced by Atlas that the devs didn't mean for you to see she was some kind of demon so early on in the game.

You could speculate the other way of course but I personally think the way above makes more sense.

Please tell me you didn't just spoil a secret in Bioshock before it's even been released here?
So i dug in for awhile last night. My first impressions:

I had very high expectations, it has exceeded those thus far. The scenery and atmosphere is amazing. I feel like it takes a little piece out of all the FPS that do things right.

Walking under waterfalls is fun.

The splicers are starting to get pretty wicked. Hacking is fun. Plasmids are fun.

Story is starting to evolve some. Collection of the diarys is much like Doom 3.

I want to play more before I start making GOTY claims, but it has my interest so far! I don't want to give much more detail, as I don't want to spoil anything. I will add that the environments are jaw dropping, and the game encourages/rewards your for exploration!
This should settle the widescreen debate.

BioShock was primarily developed and tuned for widescreen mode

Tap In said:
fought through the motion sickness for a couple hours of game play

Corridor shooters with squished aspect ratios do that to me. I'm going to have to start popping ginger or dramamine. The only other option would be to limit playtime, and I can't do that.

So far my strategies have been less than successful, the first Big Daddy really beat the tar out of me. He also took out my hacked turret in seconds.