
I agree that if I was microsoft I'd definitely want to get bioshock and its sequels "exclusive for ever" :LOL: for my platforms,
but as a gamer I prefer that everybody gets to play this.

That's kinda the point though. ;)

Get enough of these compelling games exclusive on one platform and get the price of entry low enough, and these people that would otherwise not be interested in an xb360, are new owners.

see: ps2 sales :devilish:

Sony, MS and Nintendo all are shooting for the same thing:
Create a gaming platform compelling enough to woo consumers.

If most games will be multiplat (a given) then the choice of console really boils down to price, exclusive games, and features. (the order of priority will be different for everyone)

MS really should shoot for locking down this game/franchise and the studio behind it (2k Boston?).

Their internal studios aren't exactly world beaters and when compared to a Sony or Nintendo, they are not only out-manned, they are out-gunned. Adding a dev of this calibre would do wonders for them.

Of course if this doesn't happen, I'll be happy to see this title get ported to ps3. You ps3-only guys are in for a treat! But honestly, at this point I can't see a reason you ps3-only guys would still be "ps3-only" with such a lineup coming to xb360 this year and a pretty cheap price. Add the 65nm shrink and better cooling/extended warranty, added hdmi and the rumored 2 game bundle in a few months and I'd say it's time to jump in. ;)
Well, I'm prepared for a long wait. I was going to be playing this but both of my trusted "console exchange" buddies went thru the multiple-fried-360 ringer and have called it quits.

However, I've been keen to inform them that the 65nm will be out soon enough and I'm sure one of us will be broken down by Mass Effect so I can once again enjoy a full game selection.
I know this is Joystiq, but they wouldn't lie on a quote would they?
Then there is the lingering question of the rumored PS3 version of BioShock found in the PC code. Levine responds quite clearly, "I promise you, there is no secret plan about the PS3 that we're keeping from people. There's no PS3 development going on that we're hiding. There's lots of stuff that gets into game code, plans change over time and we got an exclusive deal with Microsoft ... that's not a Rosetta Stone discovery."
Let's put it this way

Pay close attention to the word choice:

There's no PS3 development going on that we're hiding.

I promise you, there is no secret plan about the PS3 that we're keeping from people.

Cut and dry would be: "there's currently no ps3 development, and there's no plan to develop for ps3".

I'm not saying they are or aren't. I'm simply saying his word choice leaves it open.
Pay close attention to the word choice:

Cut and dry would be: "there's currently no ps3 development, and there's no plan to develop for ps3".

I'm not saying they are or aren't. I'm simply saying his word choice leaves it open.

" we got an exclusive deal with Microsoft"

Whether it's time or life term, who knows! but it's probaby best to put this to rest until we get the dev to say otherwise.
Its like this:

1.) There is currently no work on a Bioshock for PS3.
2.) There was likely early work on a Bioshock for the PS3, how long ago is unknown but my personal guess is "awhile".
3.) Future work is dependent on if its full exclusive to PC and Xbox 360 or timed, if timed for how long, and if its to long would it be wiser (more cost effective) to simply make sure a potential sequel is released on PS3, or to go ahead and make a version for PS3.

Personally my thoughts are that the intial plan was for Bioshock to be multiplatform, Microsoft approached to seal some type of exclusivity deal. Timed or full, its unknown I would think timed (because I don't think MS executives are that bright). Work is not currently being done for a PS3 release. I think around a year from now we might see a Bioshock release for PS3, the "port" will be handled by a studio besides 2K Boston (hate that "name").
OK, I think I misread TheChefO's post. I got the impression there was a debate on the difference of 'evading a question about a topic' vs 'keeping secrets about a topic'.

I thought this thread was about mentions of PS3 in the config files point to a PS3 version being in the works. Levine just definitely axed that possibility. Right?

There could be a PS3 version planned, but he pretty clearly denies any development being done on it now.
Bioshock was one of those titles, where there were heavy hints of a later PS3 release.

In the UK Official Playstation Mag they actually claimed the game was coming to the PS3.

Since then the Xbox360 & PC exclusivity was announced.

After what happend with Resident Evil 4, Virtua Fighter 5 & Oblivion it is very hard to discount future releases on other consoles.

I was really glad Oblivion came to the PS3, I hope it has been a sales success.

It would be great if as many people as possible could play the game, even if the port is a year later.
Bioshock was one of those titles, where there were heavy hints of a later PS3 release.

In the UK Official Playstation Mag they actually claimed the game was coming to the PS3.

Since then the Xbox360 & PC exclusivity was announced.

After what happend with Resident Evil 4, Virtua Fighter 5 & Oblivion it is very hard to discount future releases on other consoles.

I was really glad Oblivion came to the PS3, I hope it has been a sales success.

It would be great if as many people as possible could play the game, even if the port is a year later.


Without proper funding for proper exclusivity, this title will more than likely be ported to ps3 as the potential profit is too great to ignore. T2 will not ignore such an opportunity to profit from this franchise and they will either get paid by MS to make up for lost sales on ps3, or they will have it ported.

If MS is smart (judging from their actions this year, I'm betting NO), they will lock this game, the franchise, and the dev studio, up.

Curiously, such logic also should apply to mgs4, but for some reason, I doubt xb360 will see a port in any reasonable timeframe.
Personally my thoughts are that the intial plan was for Bioshock to be multiplatform, Microsoft approached to seal some type of exclusivity deal. Timed or full, its unknown I would think timed (because I don't think MS executives are that bright). Work is not currently being done for a PS3 release. I think around a year from now we might see a Bioshock release for PS3, the "port" will be handled by a studio besides 2K Boston (hate that "name").

I concur. His comment about "that we're hiding" could very well mean that another studio is hiding work on a BioShock PS3 port. It makes sense that way too because then the folks at Irrational can move onto working on something new.
I'd be very surprised if Bioshock didn't show up on the PS3 some day. At the end of the day, studios have two choices:

1) make money
2) make more money

Odds are they will chose option #2 if it's available, which means going multi platform. They could chose to take their highly rated game and ignore the millions of PS3 owners out there by not making it available to them. But given the costs of game development today that option just doesn't make any sense.
I'd be very surprised if Bioshock didn't show up on the PS3 some day. At the end of the day, studios have two choices:

1) make money
2) make more money

Odds are they will chose option #2 if it's available, which means going multi platform. They could chose to take their highly rated game and ignore the millions of PS3 owners out there by not making it available to them. But given the costs of game development today that option just doesn't make any sense.

Yes, but what portion of those millions do not have either a 360 or a PC, and want this game? That would be a much, much smaller group.
Well if it makes it and we have Keyboard + Mouse support i´m in.

I was this || close to buying it on steam, but Securom is just not something i want on my gaming rig.
Well, seems Bioshock PS3 is confirmed, both EGM and PSM are running major stories on it next month according to numerous sites.

Obviously PSM are claiming it's better than the 360 version but if it is I doubt it will be that noticeable.