Depends on the 360. I was thinking more "jet engine", though.Don't you think that the X360 sounds like a nuclear reactor now that you've gotten used to the Xbox One?
I wish they would release an upgraded version of this game for the new consoles. Hell they could release all 3 games in the series as a collection with high res textures at 1080p 30fps and sell it for $60.
I would buy it for sure. I love the Bioshock trilogy!
Ken Levine said:I’m handing the reins of our creation, the BioShock universe, to 2K so our new venture can focus entirely on replayable narrative.
I wish they would release an upgraded version of this game for the new consoles. Hell they could release all 3 games in the series as a collection with high res textures at 1080p 30fps and sell it for $60.
I would buy it for sure. I love the Bioshock trilogy!
Jet engine sounds more like it --pun intended, but also very true.Depends on the 360. I was thinking more "jet engine", though.
And sometimes they have a more "cell phone in a blender" sound.
RancidLunchmeat: Haven't finished Infinite either. It had some nice bits, but the story was far too forced and preachy for me. I did buy the latest DLC / Expansion pack for it - only because you get to return to Rapture and I still have a love for the place due to the original Bioshock.
What's the statute of limitations on this forum? At some point, people need to know better than to read a thread about a game that's been out for over a year, if they haven't played it yet.
What's the statute of limitations on this forum?
the reader of threads about the game should expect a risk of spoilers.
Fortunately for me I didn't come across spoilers before completing the game.No he shouldn't, there is a spoiler tag that isn't limited in use only in abuse, and the forums that discuss spoilers clearly mark those threads as such.
I never read the LOTR books, but the second movie got spoiled for me thanks to a "you should have known it post", which actually turned out to be completely irrelevant, but until i saw the actual movie and the context i had no idea...