Bioshock Infinite

Don't you think that the X360 sounds like a nuclear reactor now that you've gotten used to the Xbox One?
Depends on the 360. I was thinking more "jet engine", though.

And sometimes they have a more "cell phone in a blender" sound.
I wish they would release an upgraded version of this game for the new consoles. Hell they could release all 3 games in the series as a collection with high res textures at 1080p 30fps and sell it for $60.
I would buy it for sure. I love the Bioshock trilogy!
I wish they would release an upgraded version of this game for the new consoles. Hell they could release all 3 games in the series as a collection with high res textures at 1080p 30fps and sell it for $60.
I would buy it for sure. I love the Bioshock trilogy!

Kind of regretting that I sold my PS3 with the Bioshock games. Would love to play the Buried Under the Sea DLC part 2, which just came out. Infinite was absolutely epic, great game.
Would a rerelease even be possible now that Irrational games is no more?
Or does 2K games own the series and can do with it as they please?
Take Two appears to own the rights to the IP:

Ken Levine said:
I’m handing the reins of our creation, the BioShock universe, to 2K so our new venture can focus entirely on replayable narrative.


I wish they would release an upgraded version of this game for the new consoles. Hell they could release all 3 games in the series as a collection with high res textures at 1080p 30fps and sell it for $60.
I would buy it for sure. I love the Bioshock trilogy!

As superb as the art direction was, the underlying tech is pretty dated (shadowing, lighting, water interaction). A high res texture pack (beyond PC) would be neat, but not worth $60 to me. Even adding a real body that is also shadowed would go a long way. Bioshock 2 went part of the way with a player shadow for specific lights, but it otherwise killed some of the immersion for me when there were other actors being shadowed in real-time.

It'd need an overhaul, and at that point, I think I'd maybe want a new game.
Depends on the 360. I was thinking more "jet engine", though.

And sometimes they have a more "cell phone in a blender" sound.
Jet engine sounds more like it --pun intended, but also very true.

tkf, I haven't tried the last X360 model, but I am very sensitive to sound to the point that I can even hear the very faint sound of the Xbox One, but I can live with it. It is very comfortable on the ears, for me one of the most important successes of Xbox One's design.

I've had the previous models and I have a Slim from 2010. All the games I like are installed, plus I have quite a few digital games.

What can I say... I was playing on the Xbox One while the X360 Slim was downloading Bioshock Infinite and its DLC and when the X360 finished and turned itself off, I noticed it immediately and I felt peace and chill all around me.

T'was quite the revelation.
I still haven't finished Bioshock2, it certainly lacked the character and heart of the first game. I know what they were trying to do and it seemed like a good idea but the execution was just poor.

Haven't finished Infinite either. It had some nice bits, but the story was far too forced and preachy for me. I did buy the latest DLC / Expansion pack for it - only because you get to return to Rapture and I still have a love for the place due to the original Bioshock.

I haven't gotten a chance to play it yet, (and yes.. I'm going to play it without finishing the main story), because I've been spending all my gaming time playing through Dead Island again with a certain Bat. And not using modded weapons this time - LOL, makes the experience completely different! :)
Since u are going to play it without finishing the story,I might just let u know that
u didn't have to buy the dlc
to visit your love for the first game ;) !
RancidLunchmeat: Haven't finished Infinite either. It had some nice bits, but the story was far too forced and preachy for me. I did buy the latest DLC / Expansion pack for it - only because you get to return to Rapture and I still have a love for the place due to the original Bioshock.

You should play this game dude, it's awesome. Probably one of the best dark-themed games i've ever seen in my whole life. Yeah, kind of agree with you with the game being too preachy.
To be honest, i don't really like the ending of this game,
especially in the river part.
I think Irrational Games did rush this game off when making the ending. I mean,
in the river, when Elizabeths (plural) gather around Booker, the graphics of Elizabeths
look distorted and not well-polished, compared to the other scenes before the ending. But i like the
"piano sound" touch when each of Elizabeth disappear from the river, making it look mysterious.
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What's the statute of limitations on this forum? At some point, people need to know better than to read a thread about a game that's been out for over a year, if they haven't played it yet.
What's the statute of limitations on this forum? At some point, people need to know better than to read a thread about a game that's been out for over a year, if they haven't played it yet.

Dude I bought the game recently and love it although I havent finished it yet. I am tempted to read a forum about a great game. The least I am expecting are large spoilers
I'm reminded of the story of a forum for HBO's Rome. Somebody made a comment along the lines of "Tonight's episode should be epic, Caesar gets assassinated and Marc Antony gets to make his big speech." Sure enough, the story goes, "No spoilers!" was the first reply. :)

But yeah, I've bought Steam games that are over a year old that I've yet to finish so I can see both sides of the issue. Major reveals of how a story ends/plot twists are worthy of spoiler notices. Bat after a while, especially if a game has seeped into popular (gaming) culture, the reader of threads about the game should expect a risk of spoilers.
the reader of threads about the game should expect a risk of spoilers.

No he shouldn't, there is a spoiler tag that isn't limited in use only in abuse, and the forums that discuss spoilers clearly mark those threads as such.

I never read the LOTR books, but the second movie got spoiled for me thanks to a "you should have known it post", which actually turned out to be completely irrelevant, but until i saw the actual movie and the context i had no idea...
No he shouldn't, there is a spoiler tag that isn't limited in use only in abuse, and the forums that discuss spoilers clearly mark those threads as such.

I never read the LOTR books, but the second movie got spoiled for me thanks to a "you should have known it post", which actually turned out to be completely irrelevant, but until i saw the actual movie and the context i had no idea...
Fortunately for me I didn't come across spoilers before completing the game.

I finished Bioshock: Infinite just yesterday. I cried with the ending.

Some parts of the story though, are too psychedelic for my own good. -playing Burial at Sea Episode 2 (played a bit of Burial at Sea Episode 1 but can't be bothered with more Booker) at the moment-
Last i heard, Irrational Games has shut down. Really sad to hear that. But they also will still focus more on bringing more focused games in the future. Hopefully, the next Bioshock will be in their future's portfolio..