Binary Domain : Japan's take on the future and Robots !

Hm, seems like the critics actually like it. A lot.
Guess I'll give it another chance. The first 20 minutes have been quite a drag, but it sounds like that's going to change.
By the way, the most entertaining part about the voice commands is the greatly expanded set of (non-vital) options you get compared to the few combat commands when using controllers only.
If you want to curse at your team mates (or charm the ladies), you have to use voice controls.
Im about an hour and a half into the campaign and Im really enjoying it.
I have it for the 360 and its pretty impressive for an original engine made
by a japanese developer. Some great rendering tech at work. However
the outdoor environments look better than the indoor. The cut scenes look
awesome and the robot designs are great. Its a lot of fun.
We need Shinji Mikami to make a proper Robotech game.

There have been several "proper" Macross games been made. The AM2 PS2 one is pretty good (and I even met the director once!!!).

Yes but do you still remember love ? :p

First Look: PS3 Macross Do You Remember Love Hybrid Pack

Namco Bandai also released a hybrid pack for Gundam Unicorn in early March:

Chance to see them in US is probably slim. :(
Dammit, if the Blu-ray is region free I just might get it....the animation in DYRL is quite fucking amazing!
Together with Macross and Gundam, Namco Bandai will also release .hack in hybrid anime + game format:

If they localized these bundles for the western market, I would buy them. I don't know about .hack but Macross and Gundam are classics. They should also throw in Evangelion and GANTZ (live action movie + game) for the ultimate Japanese Robot series.
Macross most probably come out in the west due to licensing issues, it is unclear exactly who owns what unfortunately.....
Finished it. Thought it was okay. I liked the story, but the gameplay was incredibly monotonous and the boss fights quite a drag, not to mention not really designed with the cover shooter gameplay in mind at all. And why do shooters which put an emphasis on computer controlled squadmates always seem to have the most ineffective and dumb A.I of them all?
I just finishing this game at the weekend and i actually thoroughly enjoyed it.

Really liked the story and characters, aside from a really STUPID twist towards the end that almost ruined my suspension of disbelief :devilish:. It was just rediculous and didn't make any sense at all. Had they given it an explanation it would have at least been a bit more palatable. It was just one of those silly pseudo-philosophical twists that are rife in Japanese media. You could really see the build up to it coming a mile off, and was practically praying that my suspicions on where they'd take the story were incorrect, and when they did the final reveal I just couldn't cringe and facepalm loud enough. Thank God my wife wasn't in the room at the time, as i'd have been ashamed of myself for playing the game in her presence. :p [/rant]

Aside from all that, the gameplay was great to me. The weapon upgrade system could have been more meaningful, and a better selection of weapons would have been nice (they missed a trick by not having futuristic and imaginitve fictional weapons, I'm sick of the same old weapon classes in every shooter).

I disagree with the point about the comrade AI though. The game is designed around the command system. I had a great time telling my units to charge, fire and cover me at times. I did for some reason find it basically impossible to configure my headset so that it recognised my voice, and I'm a londoner who speaks with pretty much queen's english (lol, or I can do when it counts).

It was a pretty long game too though, however I didn't think it dragged on at any point. I did however get some complaints from my wife about the potty-mouth though, so there's that.

All in all it was a fun 10-12 hour romp. And one of those Japanese games that feels nicely and enjoyably Japanese, which itself made for a refreshing change from my other more recent games. I'd recommend it to anyone, but only on the basis that they brace themselves for the utter stupidity of the twist towards the end, so it won't ruin their experience with the narrative like it almost did for me :p
You've just reminded me to getting back to playing this and finishing the campaign. I've enjoyed what I've played so far. I think it's a pretty fun TPS with some differences that make it unique enough to not be just another TPS clone. Not as insane as Vanquish but that's ok it has MP and coop. I gotta check if it has system link though because I plan on getting a second console for some local action. I hope SEGA releases a follow up or even some DLC or avatar items.
I played it on the PC and thought it was pretty cool. Liked the story, but the shooting got a bit samey after a while. Felt a bit too long....