Bill Gate's unprivileged children

Its interesting not just from parenting point of view, but what is the business model of gaming industry? After all their are only 24 hrs in a day and if the business model is based on 45 minutes per day what kind of attach rate are we looking at ? Wouldn't it be bit hypocritical for Billy G. to dictate only 45 minutes per day for his own kids while MS (influenced by him) plans that everyone else' kids spend longer hours ? lot of assumptions here but it doesn't seem that gaming industry is based on 45 minutes/day play time.

Heh....Well I cant say specifically Bill is hypocritical. He is a businessman and all businesses act the same way. If they could turn us into mindless consumers with no brains that buy like maniacs their products they would have gone for it. We are the consumer and he is the business, it is expected that he would want consumers to spend time with his product to sell. Unfortunately we arent living in a world that works under the purest motives. No business cares about consumer because they are good. They pretend they care to sell and profit. Competition forces such tactics. He knows whats best for himself and his kids and for this reason like all businessmen they will try to make the consumer dependent of their products.