Beyond3D Folding Team needs you - Please read


First thanks for your time.

The Beyond3D Folding Team (number 32377) needs the donation of more CPU time.

The goal is help the Folding@Home project ( ) and this is a very good cause.
Quick synopsis:
Proteins are "nanomachines" that assemble themselves (or fold) before carrying out their biochemical functions. The process of protein folding, critical to virtually all of biology, remains a mystery. Many well known diseases are result of protein "misfold". For instance Alzheimer's, Mad Cow (BSE), CJD, ALS, and Parkinson's disease.

Folding@Home is a distributed computing project using novel computational methods which studies protein folding, misfolding, aggregation, and related diseases. You can help the project by downloading and running the client software. It use the free time of your CPU with no perceptible impact.

If you want to help/participate then:
a) download the client software here:
b) The Windows instalation software will ask your name. My sugestion is to use your Beyond3D username.
c) After the instalation the software Control Panel should be configured to Team 32377.
d) In the control panel configure the advanced->client_type-> Folding@home
e) You may want to minimize the impact of the graphics. Set advanced->Graphics->molecule_draw_rate to minimum

Here at B3D we are used to discuss about many things, but folding distributed project is something many agree and hope that will benefit future generations of B3D members :)
Whatever is your race, sex, religion, nationality, party, political view, console, cpu, videocard or game this Team is for you :)

Many people is contributing or contributed to this project. All great people who silently are doing a great job.

Some stoped, for these people I ask your help again.
If you can restart and give one more donation we all thank you,
for those who cant thank you for all you have done :)

Please any comment/advise are also wellcome
Heh, add another Barton 3200+ in it. I'm usually just too lazy to keep it running. Heh.
Dumb question, but is this really helping to do anything?

If it is I'll be glad to help, but I've always been leary of these kind of projects motives/uses. :(
digitalwanderer said:
The Baron said:
This one actually might. So why the hell not?
'Cause I'd rather be sure about what I'm volunteering my time to before I do so...I'm weird that way at times. ;)
I'd hardly call spare computing cycles your "time."
And of course the glory of being the best folder for Team Beyond3D is the prize for this. Show your real support and fold for the forum :D
Hmm, im #11. I dropped quite a few places over the last few months. Need to pickup a few more computers. ;)

Stlr22 said:
So my puter only helps when it's left online and just sitting idle?

The client uses any spare CPU cycles - so if you are using your PC then it will eat the cycles that the apps you are running aren't taking up.
What Dave said and you don't need to be online to fold, merely to recieve and send a foldign assignment. Depending on the olding speed of your PC the client will send/recieve data about once a day or so automatically as you log onto the net. I set it up as a service in winXP and I haven't had to bother with the client for ages, it does everything in the background and doesn't get in the way at all...
Gollum said:
What Dave said and you don't need to be online to fold, merely to recieve and send a foldign assignment. Depending on the olding speed of your PC the client will send/recieve data about once a day or so automatically as you log onto the net. I set it up as a service in winXP and I haven't had to bother with the client for ages, it does everything in the background and doesn't get in the way at all...
Exactly the only time i mess with it, is when im playing games and then i turn it off. other than that i have it running almost the whole day.

AAlcHemY said:
Sorry guys, i'm already running RC5. :) ( With 35Gig Hz Amd and 40 Gig Hz Intel power )
I used to do that when it was the 64bit challenge (even did an optimised MIPs version).

AFAICS the new RC5 challenges are just a complete waste of time. No one is really interested in brute-forcing a huge key - the only worthwhile approach is in finding a genuine break, i.e. where the effort is much less than 2^(keybits). An example would be the linear cryptanalysis of DES.
digitalwanderer said:
Dumb question, but is this really helping to do anything?

If it is I'll be glad to help, but I've always been leary of these kind of projects motives/uses. :(


You can find some results here:
There are movies, links to the papers and magazines that published it and the press coverage.

The science behind Protein Folding you can see here:

About team statistics see:

Finally for the Team members list see:
Simon F said:
AFAICS the new RC5 challenges are just a complete waste of time. No one is really interested in brute-forcing a huge key - the only worthwhile approach is in finding a genuine break, i.e. where the effort is much less than 2^(keybits). An example would be the linear cryptanalysis of DES.
Yeah, it may be a waste of time, i do it for 'the teamspirit'. :)

However, i might change to Folding though, i'm sure i could give the B3D team a boost.

//Edit, typo
Stlr22 said:
So my puter only helps when it's left online and just sitting idle?

Nope, you need to be online only when either you are getting a new work unit or uploading a finished work unit. The PC doesnt have to be sitting idle, you can continue your work while the folding process runs in the background.