Sabastian said:
The PLO does not recognize the state of Israel as one with a right to exist.(They even explain this in their Charter.)
And Israel does not recognize the Palestinians' right to have a state of their own. Your point?
So what exactly is it that you disagree with regards to the government of Israel?
The illegal occupation of the West Bank and Gaza?
For the most part them Jews support the governments actions to defend their lives you know.
Occupation is defense?
Pointless. To you, Israel can do no evil. Israel is always right, so is the US. You're not capable of debate, you simply reiterate the same points over and over again without even acknowledging that there might be viable, differing points of views. To you, differing points of views are the result of irrational "hatred" and bigotry because you think your opinion is the objective, absolute truth. You polemise, exaggerate, dramatize just like the inflammatory moron commentators you so much enjoy reading. That shit has twisted your mind to the point at which you are incapable of enganging into reasonable debate. Equating criticism with anti-semitism/americanism, boldly announcing crap you've read in the rags you read as truth, make ridiculous assertions (
"not allot of good reasons to disagree with the actions of the state of Israel. Unless you are a pacifist") and so on.
Declare violent anti-semitic outbursts among a fringe group of frustrated young Arabs (no, not "Muslims" per se, I have yet to see a Turk torch a synagogue) to be "European anti-semitism", extend that supposed "European" anti-semitism to include the left and the "liberal media" and generally anyone who dares to critizise Israel, pull some bogus arguments to equate anti-americanism with anti-semitism and thus transfer the same line of argumentation to apply to people critical towards US foreign policy.
So we're back at the beginning of this thread where I already charged you with trying to paint critics as irrational haters by employing fallacious arguments, absurd allegations and insulting innuendos.
You see an argument you don't like? Declare the person who makes it an anti-american or anti-semite and thus denounce the argument without even adressing it. If someone objects to that, rephrase your point by construeing some bogus connection or by giving an example which you subsequently generalize or by building preposterous strawmen (
"What should the government of Israel do to gain favor? Surrender to the PLO and disband its army, vanquish the state of Israel?").
Rinse, repeat. Ad nauseam.
"Discussing" with you is a most tiring, frustrating and pointless exercize in masochism and that's why I am done with answering your postings.