Best TV show EVER?

Babylon 5
Family Guy
Stargate SG1
Airwolf (before it changed hands)
Earth Above and Beyond
Batman the Animated Series (The darker episodes)
X-Files (Season 1)

Of course, it only appeals to a certain age group (i.e. ages between, say, 4 and death)
Party of Five was one my favorite's for a long time, but alas, things change.

I was addicted to Star Trek: The Next Generation for years. When DS9 came out I lost all my love for the ST universe.
london-boy said:
No, seriously, i forgot Will&Grace, totally hilarious at times. Or at least, it used to be...

Trouble with Will & Grace (and it very good) is that it's tended lately to suffer from thinking that simply shoving a celebrity into an episode makes it funny.
Ugh this is hard.. but I think I would have to say, when all things are considered:

1) Sex and the City
2) Buffy
3) Six Feet Under

...with Farscape and Angel not too far behind.
That 70's Show
The Young Ones
CSI (the original)
Invader Zim
Star Trek (the original, groundbreaking at the time and excellent!)

and Black Books is looking to join me list. :)

EDITED BITS: Dang it, this IS hard!

Reno 911!
The Daily Show

And I guiltily admit I've been watching "Vegas" since I tape it for me wife and I've been liking it. :oops:
The Simpsons

Moonlighting, the first two seasons (AFAIR), after that it turned to complete soppy crap.


Darkwing Duck, especially the first couple of episodes is some of the best TV animation ever.

Seinfeld, a bit heartless and "light" at times but nevertheless some of the best writing ever in a sitcom

The Ping Pong Club

Two and a Half Men, still relatively new (at least in Denmark) so they could run out of steam, but what I have seen so far has been top-notch


If we are not talking sitcoms, then there was this Danish series (1979 – 80) about a small provincial town during the war, that maybe some of the Swedish and German posters have seen (I know it’s been aired there), called Matador.
Of the top of my head, that is the best TV drama I have ever seen.

Three months or so ago, I saw a feature on 60 Minutes about a new show, by the same guy that was the main force behind Seinfeld, I forgot the title though. It was done in a kind of pseudo documentary style and starred the aforementioned guy.
What I saw of it looked really good.
I wonder if any of the American posters could tell me if it is that good and possibly if it's worth getting on DVD when it comes out?
Squeak said:
Three months or so ago, I saw a feature on 60 Minutes about a new show, by the same guy that was the main force behind Seinfeld, I forgot the title though. It was done in a kind of pseudo documentary style and starred the aforementioned guy.
What I saw of it looked really good.
I wonder if any of the American posters could tell me if it is that good and possibly if it's worth getting on DVD when it comes out?
I'm guessing you're talking about HBO's "Curb Your Enthusiasm" starring Larry David, who was co-creator/writer of Seinfeld along with Jerry Seinfeld.

I haven't gotten into it, but I hear excellent things about it. I don't know if it's on DVD yet or not, but it's got a loyal underground ripping-base you can find all the episodes of if you look a bit. ;)
I'm guessing you're talking about HBO's "Curb Your Enthusiasm" starring Larry David, who was co-creator/writer of Seinfeld along with Jerry Seinfeld.
Exactly! I see it's been running since 2000, so it's not so new after all, They just presented it as a new "phenomena".
Btw. it is out on DVD, there is Amazon links on the very page you linked to.
Hey Squeak

I'm Danish and I've been downloading Curb Your Enthuasism (CYE) episodes ever since I saw that feature. I even wrote TV2 an email asking them if they were gonna air it on Tv2 or Zulu, they said they didn't plan to :(

I can recommend it if you like the humour of Seinfeld, it's the essense of the Seinfeld humour, you can clearly see how big a part of the writing Larry David stood for in Seinfeld when watching CYE.

It's basicly about his life after the Seinfeld success, there are a ton of cameos from hollywood stars like Martin Scorsese, Ben Stiller, David Schwimmer, Ted Danson, Mell Brooks, the people from Seinfeld etc...

Where Seinfeld was about the comedian trying to get a sitcom on TV in New York, CYE is about the co-creator of that sitcom kicking back in LA, playing golf, going to fundraising parties, starting restaurants, starring in Broadway shows.

Some reviewer said: Welcome to the world of Larry David where the smaller the conflict, the bigger the fight."

It's the Seinfeld pang-dang to Friends' Joey.