Best Digital Camera for $<199

Well I'm buying a new digi cam in the very near future and I need help deciding on one... I'm pretty close to buying the canon powershot A60 but if anybody has better suggestion in this price range please post here!
I'm kinda in the same situation now, and i really like the new SONY DSC-L1, now i cannot tell you if it's the best but i certainly like that it's so small (and comes in different colors)! Price is more around 300$ though.

What kind of photographer are you? In that price-range I'd go for the Nikon Coolpix 3200 for the 'snapshot-user', or the Canon PowerShot A75 for those who are willing to trade a little weight and size for more creative control.

I'd drop the A60. Don't get anything less than 3Mpix if you are planning to print your images. The ability to crop a little and still get a decent print is greatly enhanced even with the one extra megapixel.

Sites to check out:
Alright thanks for the info :) I think I'm going to get the A70 (or A75) just cause I want some controll over my pictures and some of the smaller cameras just don't offer what I need.