Best 939 AGP mobo?

ANova said:
That looks ridiculously big, not to mention a strain on the motherboard.

Believe it or not, it's lighter than both 7000 and 7700. (Copper versions) Its weight on the specs is comparable to that of 7000B-AlCu.
oddfellow said:
I'm holding out for a 939 mobo using the new ULI chipset with AGP and PCIe
I don't know, I was sort of waiting for that one too but have been hearing that it's turning out to be a bit of a "jack of all trades, master of none" type deal.

But my hand was forced by failure, I have to get the new stuff NOW!!!

I'm actually sort of kicking myself and patting myself on the back for picking up that OCZ memory, it'll be the first time I actually didn't try and go cheap for memory and I'm hoping that makes a difference.
lopri said:
Believe it or not, it's lighter than both 7000 and 7700. (Copper versions) Its weight on the specs is comparable to that of 7000B-AlCu.

Ok so it's just ridiculously big. :p
Just got 2 of these.......yea, they are cheap but work really well (42-45C under full load)and are very quiet on a couple of 3000+ Venice core 939's at 1.55v. One does 2.7(9x300) and the other does 2.61(9x290)....... Cost me $13.25 each plus $6 shipping.........

I really get a kick out of finding inexpensive stuff that really works well..........
Using them on Chaintech VNF4 MB @ $73.00 shipped

And GIGABYTE GV-RX70P256V RADEON X700 PRO 256MB PCie w/VIVO cards for $102.00 shipped(they have gone up to $113.75 shipped, and don't have VIVO)
I usually go that route too, but I didn't have the time to do all the proper homework so I ended up just throwing money at the problem.

Here's what I ended up getting:

GIGABYTE GA-K8NS Ultra-939 Socket 939 NVIDIA nForce3 Ultra ATX AMD Motherboard - Retail - $107.50

OCZ EL Platinum Revision 2 1GB (2 x 512MB) 184-Pin DDR SDRAM Unbuffered DDR 400 (PC 3200) Dual Channel Kit System Memory - Retail - $175

$120 3000+ Venice

This Thermaltake Venus 12 for $23.50

Super Talent Memory Module Cooler Transparent for $6

Think it should fix what ails Bubbles along with her new PSU? :|

I went a whole lot more nuts than planned, but I decided if I was going to spend a wad on it I might as well spend it well....the OCZ memory is the biggest indulgence for me, but I've never had really good memory before and I've heard some good things about this stuff.

Did I miss anything?
Those systems arn't my main system.....One is on my projector(1024X768 - flight sims look great at 100") and the other is in my livingroom as a HDPC connected to a Samsung 50"DLP (1280X720). I can run both at 4X FSAA and 16X AF with everything turned on. I use 2x512 meg cheap PC3200 memory set to 133 FSB (should I start calling it HTT?)

BTW, it seems running tighter memory timing makes more difference than dividers....
John Reynolds said:
I read your post and did a search for Zalman on Amazon before ordering from Newegg but it didn't find anything. Read this post, tried the search again and it brought up a plethora of items. The site's search engine/function must've been horked earlier today. :(
Doh! Sorry to hear that. Dunno why I didn't provide the link, but here it is: Zalman 7000B-AlCu. It's now $27.54.
Dave Baumann said:
On the CPU cooler front I'm waiting for this.
I can't believe that weighs only 60g more than the 7000B-AlCu, and it's all Cu. :oops:

OTOH, the weight looks to be leveraged further from the socket, so it may place more stress on the MB. Looks awesome, though.
Pete said:
I can't believe that weighs only 60g more than the 7000B-AlCu, and it's all Cu. :oops:

OTOH, the weight looks to be leveraged further from the socket, so it may place more stress on the MB. Looks awesome, though.

Depending on cost I might try this cooler if Intel goes for a 4GHz Prescott and I have to keep that beast cool long enough to get through my benchmarks. It does look cool (as geeky as that sounds).

And stop rubbing that lost $10 into my face. ;-)
John Reynolds said:
And stop rubbing that lost $10 into my face. ;-)
Sure, but it'll cost you one not-for-resale FX-55. A small price to pay to forget the hurt, I think. :)
Zalman arrived tonight and I just got it installed. My study, my proverbial Fortress of Geekitude, is once again nice 'n quiet.
kyleb said:
Be warned that the Nforce3 250 boards could well have issues with your 6800gt if you ever plan to use that card with the your new board. I have an Epox 9NDA3J which I got on the cheap and other than compatablity issues with my 6800gt it has been a great board. No problems at all with my x800xt-pe and runs my 3000+ winchester with a 270mhz fsb at x4HTT for 2.43ghz with stock cooling and about 1.57v.

Oh yeah, as for the Nforce3 250 issue, if you want more infor just search google for: Nforce3 250, 6800 and hitching or pausing and you will find plenty of frustrated people on forums and only some partial solutions.

Interesting as I have been using an ASUS K8N-E S754 with A64 3000+ and 6800GT for 12 months. I didnt have an issue until about 2 weeks ago when every game started having pauses and lag. At first I figured it was BF2 but even a game like GW is showing this symptom.