As nutball pointed out, neither your question nor your statement makes much sense.
There is no clear definition of PC. It varies from individiual to individual, from location to location, from culture to culture.
My personal opinion on PC is that PC as a way to protect a group of people from verbal abuse is a good thing. It should not be socially acceptable to call people Nigger, Greaser, Spick, light sucker, towel head, Fag, Chink or whatever.
What I personally don't like is PC as a means to euphemize everything. There seems to be the tendency to soft wash vocabulary which isn't exactly offensive but too much straight in the face. And that, in my opinion, serves no purpose whatsoever.
Why isn't it not PC to call a retarded person retarded? Calling retarded people "mentally challenged" kinda begs the question: by what? Mentally challenged by higher mathematics? By whiping your own ass? By the stream of meaningless buzz words coming from an average MBA? Makes no sense to me.
Why call a blind person "visually challenged"? I fail to see how the word "blind" is offensive. Short people aren't short, no, they are vertically challenged. Uh, sure.
What's next? Will gays become "vaginally challenged" one day?
So, there are different types of political correctness. Some I agree with, others I do not. So I cannot answer the question whether is is a good thing "overall". It all depends. Life isn't binary.