Battlefield 4

They have never made an MP game as complex as BF, though. Past success is no guarantee of future success, just look at Bioware and Dragon Age.
They have never made an MP game as complex as BF, though. Past success is no guarantee of future success, just look at Bioware and Dragon Age.

At this point, neither has Dice, successfully. I guess you are much more patient with your $100+ purchase than I (incl premium).

If dice ever questions why their franchise can't hit cod numbers, the answer should be staring them in the face but I'm sure denial is strong over there. It'd have to be in order to continue putting out such product.
At this point, neither has Dice, successfully. I guess you are much more patient with your $100+ purchase than I (incl premium).

If dice ever questions why their franchise can't hit cod numbers, the answer should be staring them in the face but I'm sure denial is strong over there. It'd have to be in order to continue putting out such product.
BF3 stabilised quite nicely. BF4 will too.

I see it is a diamond in the rough.
Yeah, Respawn is comprised of the original Infinity Ward people, who know how to make kick ass MP games (that actually work at launch).
Uhh no. Even if BF has had some technical issues at launch at least it ends up being a good game, something that I can't say for CoD, especially on PC...

Not that it's acceptable, but just wait a month or two after launch and all will be fine. That goes for many games.
Yes, but how many free passes are you willing to give them? Quite frankly, it's hard to imagine how they can stumble and fall flat on their face at launch, every time.
Yes, but how many free passes are you willing to give them? Quite frankly, it's hard to imagine how they can stumble and fall flat on their face at launch, every time.
To be fair, every developer can have a publisher/owner who forces a game through QA to hit a certain release date.
Yes, but how many free passes are you willing to give them? Quite frankly, it's hard to imagine how they can stumble and fall flat on their face at launch, every time.
Not sure how many games you play, but it's pretty much every multiplayer game/platform that is sufficiently large that has issues in the first few weeks. Doesn't seem like anyone is immune to the issues, so while it's not really acceptable per se, it's hard to say DICE/EA is any worse than anyone else.
I'd say they are they have a single player game that cannot be completed and several years to fix it.
It's not so much bugs its their attitude to them, where is their sense of pride
I'd say they are they have a single player game that cannot be completed and several years to fix it.
It's not so much bugs its their attitude to them, where is their sense of pride
I agree, they shouldn't have included SP in either BF3 or BF4.
I agree, they shouldn't have included SP in either BF3 or BF4.

Quoted for truth, justice and the american way. I can't fathom their reasoning for it, especially since this abortion is just like the last. Hopefully Titanfall will prove that ditching SP is acceptable for consoles.
Presumably they have statistics on how many people play. Honestly even though I'd say CoD is better polished, I wouldn't classify it's SP as "good" either, but apparently tons of people play it and buy the game just for it, so maybe we're the ones who are wrong...
Had the chance to play some more this weekend. I admit, that the experience was quite improved, but still not ok.

No sound bugs. No connection errors. No crashes during playing. Overall, lots of fun and even some close, intense rounds...great gaming experience!

However, game crashed twice after completing the round, before loading the next map. The lag was ever present and we had to switch the servers a lot due to this.

Maybe an additional 2 week period will help to get this game out of Beta...but who knows!

With respect to the game: vehicles are to strong imo, it takes more than five infantry rockets to take a tank down, even if you hit a copter with a missile, it just gets disabled and not destroyed...maybe they will balance this a bit.

I got already a Recon service star...iirc it takes way less playtime compared to BF3??
I bought BF3 for the single player alone. I've recently ventured into the MP as well though. But I'd never have done that if I'd not bought it for the SP in the first place. I won't be buying BF4 though, 4 hours just isn't enough SP to temp me and I'm only at the tip of the iceberg with BF3 MP so no need to upgrade just now.
I was given bf3 by a b3d member (part of the humble bundle) I wouldnt of bought it because of the bugs, bought the earlier bf's and their predecessor codename eagle.
I bought cod for the single player (and enjoyed it) Ive bought all of the cod's and the expansion pack united offensive (remember when they existed) for their single player
ps: bf2 was the game that made me give up multiplayer (full of idiots)
bf2 was the game that made me give up multiplayer (full of idiots)
You're nuts. BF2 was one of the best multiplayer games ever. If you ran into idiots, just slap some C4 on them and blow them to smithereens. BF2 was the game that taught me about the "Jihad Jeep" and how to be a terrorist in general.
wow i can no longer play BF4 since the sudden 1 GB update.

Bug since BF3 or BFBC2? haha, classic.

Twenty Two 22 pages of DXGI error Battlefield 4.

wow... i cant believe i keep buying Battlefield games :/
i was getting this problem too, a lot during BF3 but suddenly it fixes itself after it got update.

now it happen on BF4 after it got update. I cant even finish the horrible SP campaign :(

no wonder my super old and abandoned blog suddenly got traffic spike this few days