Battlefield 4

Is that something the game can control? I would rather not have to disable any OS features.

They have branded this as a bad tweak, but maybe it isn't :)

Basically if you are using Processor Power Management in Windows 7 & 8 at any setting under 100% then you are using core parking.
If you don’t want to use core parking:
via Control Panel > Power Options > Pick your Power scheme(s) > Change plan settings > Processor power management > set Minimum processor state to 100% > press Apply and OK buttons.

Just finished redownloading the game last night. Don't know of any servers right now, it's been a couple years at least since I was on BC2.
That's one of the reasons why I prefered playing BF3 on the 360. There weren't many bugs and it just worked. I guess that's one advantage of the console certification process.

Exactly why I got BF4 for the ps3 first. Did the same for BF3 too, bought it on PS3 first, had a flawless launch and later bought it for the PC. Getting ti to run flawlessly on PC was still a 3 day nightmare. Looking at this thread, I am happy I chose the console version first again. Will get BF4 on PC, maybe later next year. Or might just go for the PS4 version, that ain't so different and will offer a smoother MP experience as usual.
Apparently win8 has a better management, which would explain why many found less stuttering when moving from win7.
Battlefield also uses some more efficient DirectX stuff in Win8[.1] which should help CPU overhead. repi recommended Win8 on twitter a while ago for this reason and others.

So far I'm enjoying the game but it is crashing a lot (same with my friends) :( If I get a round or two in between crashes I'm happy. Unfortunately many of the times when the game crashes you'll simply lose an accumulated XP/unlocks for that round, which makes it doubly frustrating. Given that you don't even have particularly decent default weapons this time around, it just makes the initial grind even less bearable. Oh well, almost over the hump now, just hasn't really started the "fun" yet.

I'm sure they'll iron this all out fairly quickly (BF3 was rock solid after a few weeks), but in the mean time it's not ideal.

On a positive side, the "levolution" stuff has actually been much more fun than I anticipated. From the pre-release videos and such I was expecting it to be super-gimmicky scripted nonsense, and while it definitely is scripted, it's actually pretty neat on some levels. Particularly I like the "flood zone" level where streets turn into rivers :) Haven't played all the maps yet, but some of the events are definitely cool.
Btw what is the benefits of exp and unlock?
Do I miss much by playing default?

I just realised that I still use default weapons lol. Jet also have flare since level 1.

I sometimes use jdam on jet but it's so hard to hit anything except campers. So I ended up using default gun and aa missile.

Same with infantry, still on default.

On bfbc2 and bf3 I also mostly play with default.
Lol...because it is so true!

Booo EA, booo DICE...maybe I play this game again at the weekend...but they just need to get their shit together and fix the bugs...don't want to level up and lose everything because of server crashes!

I time, no preorder anymore, I'll wait and watch until all bugs are ironed out (at least the most even BF3 has still some major bugs).
That's hilarious. The sad part is EA has a monopoly on good multiplayer fps. So essentially they can keep fucking up and keep taking people's money.
Booo EA, booo DICE...maybe I play this game again at the weekend...but they just need to get their shit together and fix the bugs...don't want to level up and lose everything because of server crashes!
It's not even server crashes. For some reason when the *client* crashes, you completely lose your experience/rewards from the round. Seems like these things should be synchronized somewhat more frequently...

Haven't noticed a ton of server crashes, but the servers do lag when some of the destruction events occur. Far less of a problem than the client crashes though... hopefully they get resolved soon as it makes the grind/unlocks even less acceptable.

Video is somewhat amusing but he can't complain because he crashed after the map ends so he still gets to keep the rewards for the round ;) :p
I don't get why servers can't do a save state of the client after a disc until the map is over? why not atleast let me reconnect and then pick up with the stats I left off with?
Yeah I was a little surprised that's not how it seems to work myself considering the argument for DICE controlling the dedicated servers in the first place is to ensure fairness with XP, unlocks, leaderboards, etc. Oh well, maybe it's meant to work that way but it's just bugged? Dunno.
I'm waiting a bit longer before getting back into this. Way too buggy and crashy right now to be much fun.
I'm waiting a bit longer before getting back into this. Way too buggy and crashy right now to be much fun.

It seems or me while they fixed the server side crashes, it somehow just allowed more client side crashes and added an impressive amount of lag to the servers.

I don't get how dice can continue to fuck up MP for the same game they have been developing for over a decade. It's outright impressive at this point.
They claim there will be a patch to address most of the common crashes in the next few days so we'll see. I agree that in the mean time it's frustrating and I've just been playing other games.

It's actually a blessing that the issues are so wide-spread... means they will likely get addressed sooner rather than later. Conversely if it was only me crashing I'd have less faith :)
Patch out tomorrow, 10AM UTC/2AM PST November 14 said:
PC Game Update Goes Live Nov 14
We are happy to report that the PC Battlefield 4 game update will go live tomorrow, November 14. The main focus of this update is threefold:

1) Reduce the number of crashes
We believe this update will solve a large portion of the most commonly occuring game crashes, and the improvement in overall stability should make a big difference for many players.

2) Eliminate a network sync bug
If you’ve been experiencing situations in multiplayer where it appears that you are taking damage from enemies through walls, you might have been the victim of a network sync bug. In this game update, we have identified and eliminated one such bug that caused this type of gameplay experience. We are continuing to work on more multiplayer optimizations concerning network performance.

3) Improve Network Smoothing

We have made some improvements to the ”Network Smoothing” functionality that you can find in the OPTIONS>GAMEPLAY menu. The Network Smoothing slider governs a group of settings that aim to produce a tighter multiplayer experience based on your specific packet loss situation.

If you’ve been experimenting with the Network Smoothing slider earlier, it might now yield better results. If you haven’t tried it before, please explore this setting and set it to the lowest value you can without experiencing graphical glitches in the game. By setting it lower, you can get a tighter multiplayer experience, depending on your specific network situation.

More details upcoming
Besides the above mentioned focus areas, this PC game update contains a number of other fixes and tweaks that we will detail once it’s live.

This game update for PC goes live around 10AM UTC/2AM PST November 14. Your Origin Client should acknowledge and automatically download this update for you, as usual. Otherwise, you can right click your game in the client and select ”Check for Update”. There will be a Battlelog maintenance downtime for about an hour as this update goes live. During this time multiplayer on PC will be unavailable.

We will release full patch notes for this game update later, but the three items mentioned above are by far the most important changes in this update. We understand that stability has been rocky for some players, and hope that this update will make the game run smoother and more stable for you. Let us know in the comments below.
They must have mistakenly dotted some t's and crossed some i's in this patch because it, combined with a new server update, made it all worse.
LOL! I honestly don't understand how this is possible. Well, I guess I'll hold out a little longer then.
Well, that is exactly what I mean: how come that PC BF4 did not get review scores like 1/10 with the conclusion: don't buy, the product is broken. I paid 120 Euros for a product that is still broken after two weeks and I scratch my head why we didn't see this reflected in review across the board?

How can we even think about taking 'game journalism' serious?!?