Back with good news! ;-)


Hi everybody!

Finally, the dust has settled after a couple of pretty wild months. I haven't had time to post much lately, but since I'm not exactly one to constantly post in any thread that pops up, I guess nobody really noticed anyhow. :p

Best news is obviously that my longtime girlfriend Susanna and I got married in August and so we've been a bit preoccupied lately. I also had to move twice this year, which meant a lot of downtime without internet access (first time only a few days, second time 6 ... frickin' ... weeks ... argh!). Things have calmed down now though and I'm currently trying to catch up with what I missed the past weeks in the 3D and gaming areas.

Just got my new 360 hooked up to live and am downloading a few demos, awesome console I must say, even though I'm still playing more PC currently (its just too tempting to pick a couple of great old PC games at 15 € instead of only one 360 game at 65 €). Dead Rising is crack though and my wife and I are really enjoying Amped 3 too, despite the radical departure from its predeccessors). I'm hyped about Gothic 3 and PES6 to no end, those two games are probably gonna cause the first serious trouble between me and my wife. ;) This automn is gonna be awesome for gaming!

I m' still trying to make sense of the latest leaks and rumors about G80 and R600, for the first time in years I really haven't got the slightest clue what to expect 3D hardware-wise in the near future. I guess it doesn't really matter, my current X800XL still does its job well enough and a (multi-core) CPU upgrade seems more attractive right now anyhow...

Enough chit-chat, looking forward to resume normal operations, its good to be back.