ATI is going to include Hardware DRM

When i buy a tool, and a video card is a tool, it is not up to the tool to decide what I will do with it. Or slash the price by 50 % for a tool that may or not work depending if it feels it that day.
PatrickL said:
When i buy a tool, and a video card is a tool, it is not up to the tool to decide what I will do with it. Or slash the price by 50 % for a tool that may or not work depending if it feels it that day.

Uhm, you've got the idea wrong, the content provider decides whether it requires drm decryption.
PatrickL said:
When i buy a tool, and a video card is a tool, it is not up to the tool to decide what I will do with it. Or slash the price by 50 % for a tool that may or not work depending if it feels it that day.

The "tool" in this case (being a video card) is not deciding what you do with the content it is just authenticating (along with the OS) that you can 1.) playback the content that has DRM and 2.) display the content on devices that use DRM. If the tool doesn't have DRM then you will not be able to do either of these things with content and output devices that have DRM encryption/"handshaking".
Yes Dave but according to French laws i have the right to register whatever i want that is being broadcasted in any form and use it for private use. DRM would allow providers to break that right.
Well it's bad only if you steal other people's work without compensation, else you wont notice it. Simple as that.

It's not the DRM itself that has most people's panties in a bunch, it's the additional restrictions that go along with it. Implemented because the companies can do it and will make them more money in the process. That's what DRM is all about afterall, greedy people wanting more money. Has happened in the past and is happening again, just in the digital age this time.
PatrickL said:
Yes Dave but according to French laws i have the right to register whatever i want that is being broadcasted in any form and use it for private use. DRM would allow providers to break that right.

And that is nothing to do with whether it is included in a video card or not.
ANova said:
Well it's bad only if you steal other people's work without compensation, else you wont notice it. Simple as that.

It's not the DRM itself that has most people's panties in a bunch, it's the additional restrictions that go along with it. Implemented because the companies can do it and will make them more money in the process. That's what DRM is all about afterall, greedy people wanting more money. Has happened in the past and is happening again, just in the digital age this time.
And what exactly is wrong with that? You have the right not to purchase the games, movies, music, ... that will make these greedy people rich.

Do what i do, learn to do without. It also works great when your argueing with your spouce. The broadcast flag decision from the commentary i read, was based on a technicality that can be corrected with action from congress. So expect ati/nv to have drm tech in future products.

They will simply assume that you pirated it, and use these made up figures to demand more taxes paid directly to their pockets. Read the discussion link for some quite good talk about the details.

The way they make up their figures is saying that if you install Linux, it means you pirated Windows. If you buy Paint Shop Pro for $50, it means you pirated Photoshop for $500.

The movie and music industry make up their numbers in the same way.
epicstruggle said:
ANova said:
Well it's bad only if you steal other people's work without compensation, else you wont notice it. Simple as that.
And what exactly is wrong with that?

Here is a case of an older DRM tech gone bad. My wife has these work out tapes that she baught. However after the last 4 years we have only watched one movie on our VCR so we moved it to our sons room. She wanted to watch them again but since we have no room in our sons room to work out we have to watch then in the living room. There is no way she is going to unhook the VCR, hook it up, work out, then put everthing back when she is in the mood to work out. We need a better solution. Since we own the tapes and own an ATI All in Wonder card I figured it would be a snap to record them to the PC, then make a DVD to use in the DVD player we have out in the living room. Thus she only pops in a DVD and off she goes (in theory of course as I really doubt how often she would work out but thats another debate and I am tired of sleeping on the couch...hehehe). Sorry not happing thanks to the DMR like tech. I know its not the same thing as DMR but if it makes it much much harder for me to make leagal copies of things I already own then yes its a BAD thing. I understand why they try these things but it ends up hurting the rest of us that want to use the tech for legal reasons.
epicstruggle said:
And what exactly is wrong with that? You have the right not to purchase the games, movies, music, ... that will make these greedy people rich.

Do what i do, learn to do without. It also works great when your argueing with your spouce. The broadcast flag decision from the commentary i read, was based on a technicality that can be corrected with action from congress. So expect ati/nv to have drm tech in future products.


What is wrong with that? Do you work for the RIAA?

Sure they can do anything they want, but they won't be getting my money as long as someone else tells me what I can and can't do with the product I payed for.
As far as I'm concerned those companies who support DRM are the spawn of the devil and deserve their software to be pirated.

Capitalism at it's worst, it's like Marxism but instead of having a single government telling you what to do, you have corporations telling you what to do.

So what's the difference between capitalism and communism? There is none.
DaveBaumann said:
And that is nothing to do with whether it is included in a video card or not.

It has all to do; For DRM to work you need 2 parts. A software using it AND a hardware compliant.
PatrickL said:
DaveBaumann said:
And that is nothing to do with whether it is included in a video card or not.

It has all to do; For DRM to work you need 2 parts. A software using it AND a hardware compliant.

No, the hardware makes it possible for you to play drm content, without the correct card, you'd be left whining about not being able to play xXx3 in hd format.
PatrickL said:
DaveBaumann said:
And that is nothing to do with whether it is included in a video card or not.

It has all to do; For DRM to work you need 2 parts. A software using it AND a hardware compliant.

Its the input and the output that are dictating these things - the graphics card is just an intermediary device and without DRM you just won't be able to watch HD content or output on HDCP displays.
Dave I really disagree. HD content and DRM have nothing to do together. It is just the way some would force them on everyone but it is not the only way and it is not unavoidable.
They do have something to do with each other - they are both being implemtned at the same time. As it stands at the moment you will not be able to playback HD content (unless you enjoy a black video output) nor will you be able to output HD content on an HDCP display device - is that what you want?

If DRM is inclded in the hardware and you will be able to view and output. If how these things are mandated are changed then the DRM on the video cards can just disabled.
chavvdarrr said:
neliz said:
A nice example of this is the Terminator 2 HD WMA version which doesn not play outside of the US, or that region.
Only untill you've proxied yourself to a us proxy server you are able to access the content on the second dvd.
wow, cheater!!! :LOL:

and a thief, you should rot in jail you terrorist suporter :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Druga Runda said:
chavvdarrr said:
neliz said:
A nice example of this is the Terminator 2 HD WMA version which doesn not play outside of the US, or that region.
Only untill you've proxied yourself to a us proxy server you are able to access the content on the second dvd.
wow, cheater!!! :LOL:

and a thief, you should rot in jail you terrorist suporter :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

yeah, I should burn in hell for trying to use a product which I bought and payed tax over...